I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 264 Chapter 0259: Journey into the Wilderness, the Devil of the Yangtze River [Please subscr

The ranks of the Bosozoku are very flamboyant.

They had no intention of covering their tracks.

March towards the destination with great momentum.

Along the way, he attracted the attention of countless ghouls and alien species.

Any monster that dared to pounce on the convoy would either be torn to pieces by the excited Bosozokus who rushed to open fire, or would be left behind by the rumblingly advancing convoy.

Rosen rode the "Jailbreaker" among the convoy.

After several hours of trekking, he was basically familiar with this heavy-duty motorcycle with excellent performance.

Not talking about firepower, just talking about mobility, the "Jailbreaker" perfectly meets Rosen's requirements for ground vehicles.

Therefore, he planned to ask Yuan Yewen to buy the car directly afterward.

"Relax in the open space ahead!"

A notice to stop and take a rest came from the car's intercom.

They had driven more than 200 kilometers in the morning.

It should currently be in the north of Hangcheng Liantong District.

It's less than a hundred kilometers away.

But the destination of this trip is Jiangcheng, and everyone will not change their route to the Liantong District.

The survivors living around Shenhai City can often hear news about the Liantong District.

It makes many people yearn for it.

Among them was Rosen.

He had long heard that the style of the Liantong District was very different from that of the Golden Sunshine District.

Military control is adopted there, and the discipline within the jurisdiction must be stricter.

Compared with the consortium model in the Golden Ears neighborhood, any decision-making made by the military government is implemented more efficiently.

In addition, they also implemented a free market system and attracted large business groups to settle in with extremely low trade taxes.

This move is essentially to compete with Golden Sunshine.

Because of the open and prosperous outer circle of Golden Sunshine Street, it was once recognized as a paradise for most traveling merchants in the surrounding area.

Various rumors led Rosen to imagine a powerful settlement.

He was very curious about the development of the Joint United District.

What's more, it's the base camp of Golden Ear.

Shaking his head slightly, he got rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind and followed the stream to stop the car in an open space ahead.

Their current location was a small township before the war.

Most of the houses here are relatively well preserved.

Withered and yellow bones can be seen on the street, as well as traces of being beaten in the early years.

In the early days of the Great Destruction, towns and villages like this that had not been directly hit by nuclear bombs became key areas for people to snatch supplies.

Not only are the radiation values ​​generally low in rural areas.

The overflow of alien species and corpses was also later than in the city.

However, the total amount of resources reserved in rural areas is far less than that in cities.

When the survivors swept away the supplies of all nearby towns and villages like locusts, they had no choice but to attack the city again.

There are many abandoned towns and villages that no one cares about.

There aren't many monsters wandering around here either.

This is a history of evolution after the Great Destruction.

The area Yuan Yewen chose to rest was the open space on the edge of the town.

With the dilapidated small building in the town at its back, the sentry post can be easily deployed.

Facing the open and vast wilderness, any attack from this direction will have no escape.

The locomotives were parked on the outside, and the heavy-duty crawler trucks and RVs carrying supplies were parked in the middle.

Around such a circle, piles of bonfires were lit.

Some bosozokus took out folding fortification shields and set up an arc-shaped defense circle.

At the same time, a reconnaissance drone is released, which can cover an area within a radius of five kilometers.

Don't look at how vigorous they are when riding their bikes.

In fact, everyone has extremely rich experience in wasteland survival.

When the motorcycle roars, they are the knights on this devastated land.

And when the locomotive stops, they still have to brace themselves to deal with possible dangers.

Rosen parked the motorcycle next to Yuan Yewen.

Then he entered the RV with him.

He is the protagonist of this trip to Jiangcheng.

There are two 8×8 heavy-duty RVs accompanying us, with luxurious interior decoration and all kinds of furniture.

They will rest here for about 2 hours.

After starting again, we will run until dark.

The weather in November is a bit chilly, especially when riding.

Fortunately, the combat uniforms worn by everyone have good thermal insulation properties. In addition, they generally have received D-level or E-level genetic enhancement, and they have strong bodies.

But even so, after trekking for four or five hours, the cold still made everyone shrink.

Rosen and Yuan Yewen entered the RV together, took off their windshield goggles, and sat on the soft sofa with its own massage and heating at the other's greeting.

The two maids changed into loose robes.

Xiao Fei, who was wearing a ponytail, glanced at Rosen with some flinch.

This guy who showed no mercy left a deep impression on her.

Then he squatted down next to Yuan Yewen and stroked his cold and numb legs.

Another waitress took out some ingredients and cans from the refrigerator in the RV.

When Rosen saw the vegetables in the nitrogen-sealed packaging, he immediately understood that they must be produced by Bahuangjie.

"I'm in a good mood today."

"Those are the fresh vegetables I spent a lot of money on!"

"It's been almost twenty years, and I've almost forgotten what they taste like!"

Yuan Yewen stretched his legs, enjoying Xiao Fei's massage and patting Rosen on the shoulder.

There was a hint of showing off in his words.

After reaching a certain level of status in the wasteland, the comparison of force becomes secondary.

Showing off material comfort is the main thing.

Rosen opened his mouth and showed an awkward but impolite smile.

He had already achieved vegetable freedom in the Bahuang Realm.

Compared to the flavor of beast meat, the vegetables are actually nothing surprising at all.

The waitress washed and chopped the vegetables and poured them into the pot.

Then I added water and about two taels of rice, and finally opened three cans of canned meat and added them in.

In a daze, I cooked a pot of greasy canned porridge with assorted vegetables.

When the pot of porridge was brought to the table, even Yuan Yewen couldn't help but feel his throat slide.

Rosen took a look inside the pot. The pot didn't look very good, and could even be described as a dark dish, but the aroma emanating from it was just fine.

Although its cooking method is not very formal, the ingredients used are all serious ingredients.

"Let's eat."

The two waitresses served each of them a large bowl of porridge.

Then he stood nearby and stared at the thin layer remaining at the bottom of the pot.

Rosen and Yuan Yewen held ladles in their hands and ate the porridge from the bowls.

After eating more than half of it, Yuan Yewen turned to look at the two girls.

"You can divide the rest."

As if they had been rewarded, the two waitresses picked up the porridge pot and walked out of the car.

Seeing this scene, Rosen was thoughtful.

As two people, it would be no problem to eat enough at ordinary times, and the nutritional mixture would be sufficient.

But wanting to eat well is indeed a luxury.

Appetite cannot take precedence over survival.

But after the basic needs for survival are satisfied, its allure can almost be compared with lust.

No wonder the gourmet hotel Golden Ear and he partnered with became an instant hit once it was launched.

His supply chain, coupled with Golden Ear’s connections and strength, made the idea of ​​a gourmet hotel a reality.

But at this moment, Rosen thought of something deeper.

Perhaps food itself is also a high-quality bargaining chip that can be used to win people's hearts...

Two hours later.

After having lunch and taking a hot bath, Rosen woke up from a nap.

He rejected Yuan Yewen's kindness to let Xiao Fei accompany him, and simply wanted to have a peaceful sleep.

When the signal to set off was issued, everyone immediately packed up.

It only took less than a quarter of an hour to change from stationed state to mobile state.

Riding on the "Prison Breaker" motorcycle, Rosen continued to follow the large army.

Time flies by.

The next day, in the evening.

The dusty knights stopped in front of the ruins of the Yangtze River Bridge.

The destination is on the other side ahead.

There were no setbacks along the way. After all, such a force was enough to deter those malicious guys active in the wild.

The route we took here specifically avoided large cities.

The possibility of encountering high-level alien species is almost zero.

This journey has been smooth.

It also made Rosen feel relaxed. He didn't want to encounter Wuwu's battle.

The Changlong River Bridge in front of us was destroyed in the war.

They must go further upstream along the Yangtze River.

There is a ferry arranged by the Jiangcheng settlement.

Enough to carry everyone at once.

Everyone stopped by the river and looked at the vastness on the river.

This is the middle section of the Yangtze River, with clear water and no heavy pollution.

Because its flow is not small, although it is not turbulent, the river surface is very vast.

It is nearly four kilometers at its widest point.

Rosen didn't understand why he stopped here.

After staying there for half an hour, the surrounding light became obviously dim.

Yuan Yewen, who was beside him, raised his gloved arm.

"Look, that's the devil from the Yangtze River..."

His tone was profound, and he stared straight at the river in the distance.

This is true for all the fellow bosozokus.

Their demeanor was almost pious.


Not long after, the sound of surging water came from the river.

A group of waves bloomed in the middle of the river.

The splashing water was at least thirty meters high.

The effect is no less than a bomb exploding in the river.

What jumped up in the center of the waves was a body as black as ink and covered in hard scales.

There was no doubt that it was an aquatic alien species that Rosen had never seen before.

Judging from the size of the exposed half of its body, this monster is at least seventy or eighty meters long.

Even if it were placed in a pre-war monster special-shooting movie, it would still have a place.

"see it?"

"That's the Yangtze River Devil."

"Its original form was an eel and a crocodile."

“It hasn’t stopped growing since the Big Break.”

"It is truly the devil in this river area."

Yuan Yewen's eyes flashed with enthusiasm.

Giant monsters of this size are indeed rare.

And it seems to have existed for a long time, and I'm afraid it has almost become a legend in the area.

The water ripples, and its straight trajectory floats into the distance.

"With this guy here, do we still dare to take the ferry?"

Rosen asked curiously.

Yuan Yewen smiled at this first, and then explained.

"Jiangcheng has developed sonar specifically designed to disperse it."

"And based on this, we controlled the right of way across the river."

“There is a fee to ride on their ferry.”

"Except, of course, for participating organizations."

"The Athletic Conference is a rare exchange event for settlements in various places."

"As the host of this event, Jiangcheng can take a 3% commission from the total prize pool of the event, which is enough for them to make a lot of money."

Yuan Yewen's words made Rosen look stunned.

In this world, many things have already achieved self-consistency.

After seeing the "Changlong River Devil", everyone set off again, up the river, and soon arrived at the agreed ferry point.

A very simple port has been built on the river bank here.

There was a large flat-panel ferry boat parked on the river a hundred meters away from the shore.

Seeing the bosozoku arriving, the ferry boat slowly docked.

A steel plate for vehicle passage is lowered from the stern of the ship, and a thick cable is fixed to the shore pile.

Rosen followed the others and entered the ship one after another.

Yuan Yewen got off the motorcycle early and started chatting with the bowman wearing a straw hat and a life vest, holding a cigarette in his mouth.

Rosen didn't get out of the car, he just put down the pedals and sat astride the car seat, looking at the river view outside the boat.

This withered land has actually given birth to new hope.

The tenacious fire of human civilization continues.

It's just that there's still an opportunity missing.

An overlord of the wasteland who can unite all forces.

If there really is such a person, one day.

The world may not be able to regain its clarity.

After feeling emotional for a moment, Rosen withdrew his gaze.

He didn't feel much pressure on this trip to Jiangcheng.

In martial arts, he has officially entered the stage of strong bones.

After superimposing the effect of the E-level gene enhancement potion, his body is comparable to that of a monster.

Of course, even if Rosen was thinking about it with his toes, he would know that there must be something fishy about those contestants.

Using only injection grade and non-mechanical modification as indicators is too rigid.

There are countless ways to strengthen the body in the wasteland.

Rosen plans to take one move after another.

Today, his ultimate lifting strength with one arm is close to 3 tons.

It can even compete with the mechanical force of the Z2 exoskeleton.

It is 4 to 5 times more powerful than a normal E-level enhancer.

Coupled with martial arts skills, such as various strength techniques, Rosen can double the instantaneous strength again.

This is his hidden advantage.

When everyone has a trump card, the competition is about whose trump card is bigger.

Rosen knows this.

When everyone is on board, the cable is retracted and the steel plate is pulled up.

The screeching sound of the engine rattles the eardrums.

The entire ferry boat headed towards the other side.

The expulsion sonar was turned on, which made Rosen feel upset and depressed.

Sound waves of unknown frequency are at work.

Fortunately, this uncomfortable feeling did not last long.

In about twenty minutes, the ferry boat arrived on the other side.

This is Jiangcheng's territory.

It's a city in name, but actually it's a large settlement.

A portion of the shore was also included in the dominion.

Two kilometers away is the high wall erected by Jiangcheng.

The outer wilderness is also dotted with defensive towers.

The surface of those guard towers is covered with mottled alloy steel plates as reinforcement.

When you get closer, you can clearly see the bullet holes on it, as well as the corrosive blood stains left by various mutant monsters.

The dark barrel of the gun protruded from the shooting hole in the tower.

On the way to the gate on one side.

There are also signs warning of mines in the fields on both sides.

The mines laid there are mainly to deal with the amphibious alien species that come ashore.

There will be a wave of alien species in Jiangcheng almost every year from March to May!

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