I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 294 Chapter 0289: Revenge Plan, the leaders of the four financial groups reunite [Please sub

Rosen drove away in a crawler truck carrying nine hundred prismatic crystals.

The shapes of these prisms are nearly identical.

Small ones are about the size of a melon.

The large size can catch up with a big watermelon.

However, among so many crystals, basketball-sized prismatic crystals have the largest number, which can be regarded as the middle range.

After taking the ferry across the river, Rosen continued on for dozens of kilometers.

Snow-covered roads are very difficult to navigate without a Pathfinder in front of you.

From time to time, you will encounter ravines and slopes buried in snow.

Even with the ability of a crawler truck to pass, it is often forced to stop.

After finally finding a covered ruin, Rosen immediately drove the truck into it.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual around him, he began to receive the goods.

Directly put the truck and the crystal into the [Consciousness Space].

Then put on K-0 power armor.

The ion propulsion engine and the auxiliary scroll engine are activated simultaneously.

He just rose into the sky and headed towards the direction of the camp.

With the current road conditions, if we really drove back, we would have to drive for at least twenty hours.

It's much more convenient to fly back.

K-0's flying ability is not bad, but it is inferior to birds in terms of top speed and load capacity.

Above the dark clouds, Rosen controlled the machine to fly, sometimes rising and sometimes falling.

Controlling powered armor flight is much more enjoyable than piloting an aircraft.

This is a humanoid mecha after all, and the sense of control between the two is completely different.

Compared to the boring experience of riding a bird, Rosen actually prefers to fly K-0 by himself.

And K-0 also needs to be more flexible.

Occasionally, if you encounter large groups of flying alien species, you can detect them in advance and avoid them.

If it's a lone alien species, just kill it with an electromagnetic sniper cannon.

Mass bombs with several times the speed of sound carry out linear bombardment, coupled with airborne locking, the flying aliens cannot dodge at all.

It's basically the result of a hit upon launch.

He was flying leisurely like this, actually enjoying the journey of being empty.

Being able to have a hearty flight in the wasteland world is probably a small blessing.

In Jiangcheng, the violent oil tanker group is located in the core area.

Hong Xueyan summoned Yuan Yewen again in the evening despite his busy schedule.

The turmoil here has basically subsided, and Yuan Yewen still has to return to the Iron Tomb Camp.

That is the branch camp of the Explosive Oil Regiment closest to the Shenhai area.

"Boss, do you have any other orders?"

Yuan Yewen held a cigar in his mouth and sat carelessly at the round table.

There are no outsiders here, and his relationship with Hong Xueyan is not just an ordinary superior and subordinate.

Hong Xueyan stood in front of a round table with his hands behind his back, facing a translucent wide monitor.

She raised her hand and waved lightly, and the display suddenly lit up.

The whole picture is divided into two halves.

On the right is a global map, and on the left is a map of the Pan-Asia region from Central China to East China.

The edge also covers a portion of the sea.

"Twelve members and representatives of twenty-seven forces have reached a consensus."

"We decided to launch a counterattack against Eden together!"

Hong Xueyan said in a dry tone.

Such a tone is rare, and Yuan Yewen knows that it means the boss is angry.

"Form an expeditionary force?"

"Or send people to destroy the infrastructure of Eden?"

Yuan Yewen put the cigar in his mouth on the edge of the table and couldn't help but ask.

This is a big deal.

This time Eden came to show off to everyone, but no one with any blood would be able to swallow this breath.

Hearing his words, Hong Xueyan sneered.

"The cost of setting up an expeditionary force is too high."

"Sending troops to attack is not a wise choice."

"We have already discussed that we will draw B-class reinforced elites from their respective settlements to form a team of 12 people."

"This team will be equipped with Baidi air and space fighters, carrying portable nuclear bombs, plasma bombs and annihilation field generators."

"Aimed to destroy valuable core equipment in Eden, such as defense systems, etc."

"This is the first phase of the plan."

Hong Xueyan paused, turned around and glanced at Yuan Yewen. Seeing that he was listening intently, he added.

"In the second phase, we will launch 120 ballistic missiles fully loaded with nuclear warheads, and at the same time assemble a group of aircraft with long-range bomb delivery capabilities to bomb the Garden of Eden."

"We don't even rule out the possibility of using the 'Celestial Meteor'."

Hearing this, Yuan Yewen's originally crossed legs were folded up unconsciously.

He hesitated and said: "Doing this...isn't the cost a bit high?"

Seeing that Hong Xueyan didn't scold him, he continued to add.

"We can definitely treat others the same way they are treated."

"Putting the super-grade virus code-named 'Mr. Black Death' from the Jiangcheng Biopharmaceutical Research Institute is enough to cause high-intensity mutations in the entire east coast of alien species, and infinitely amplify the desire for hunting!"

Yuan Yewen's suggestion made Hong Xueyan laugh.

This smile is intriguing, like seeing a child talking on paper.

However, Hong Xueyan didn't laugh at anything.

She and Yuan Yewen have been old acquaintances for many years, and they are both teachers, friends and benefactors.

The superiors and subordinates within the gang are the last level of relationship between the two of them.

Hong Xueyan took out a test tube from the small storage box on his waist.

There was almost 10 ml of dark green liquid inside.

"Unknown liquid."

"The culprit behind this alien wave outbreak."

"The alien species affected in the surrounding area are far more than those who came to besiege Jiangcheng."

After speaking, she took out a dark red crystal the size of a date.

"New energy crystal."

"The test results are not available yet."

"The light transmittance is close to that of B-type gemstones."

"The shell has a Mohs hardness of 6, which is similar to quartz glass."

"After prying open the shell, there was a thick and smelly red liquid inside."

"This liquid is corrosive to organic matter such as flesh and blood."

"It evaporates quickly when exposed to air."

"It is not corrosive when it evaporates, but it has potential effects on living organisms."

"Currently, in vivo experiments are being conducted on prisoners, mice, apes, ghouls, etc."

"After several hours of observation, all test carriers have changed."

"After humans inhale the volatile gases of the red liquid, their physical fitness will increase slightly, their body temperature will rise slightly, and their eyes will become bloodshot."

"The same goes for mice and apes, and they will become even more manic."

"The mutation of the ghoul is the most obvious. The shoulder blades on the back are extended, and the prototype of wings gradually appears."

"There is a mysterious substance in the red liquid that has a proliferative effect comparable to cancer cells."

"By the way, researchers sequenced and compared this substance with unknown spores collected around Shenhai some time ago, and found that the biological correlation between the two is as high as over 95%."

"Although a 1% difference in biology is like an abyss, it can also prove that the two have the same source."

"Follow-up traceability work is very difficult, and the laboratory can only try its best to analyze it."

"You were on the other side to provide support last night, so you don't know how difficult those alien species and corpses are."

"Their strength is more than 40% higher than before."

"Even the most ordinary ghoul can withstand small-caliber pistol bullets."

Hong Xueyan told some quite exciting news.

If it weren't for this hidden secret, Jiang Cheng wouldn't have fought so hard.

Yuan Yewen was silent.

It took him half a minute to recover.

"Boss, what do you need me to do?"

He had already realized it and asked no more questions.

He knew that the boss must have some instructions when he summoned him.

"Go to this coordinate and restart the missile matrix."

"Don't worry, I will notify you by satellite phone when it's time to take action."

"Preparations need to be cautious, and formal action will probably not be taken until spring."

Hong Xueyan said seriously.

Immediately, he raised his wrist and used the terminal to send the coordinates and two strings of 56-digit keys to Yuan Yewen.

The latter took a look and nodded solemnly.

"Huh, Garden of Eden?"

"Just a bunch of religious lunatics gathered together."

Golden Sunshine Block, in the conference room in the administrative building.

The four major financial groups gathered together after a long absence.

This was the first meeting in nearly four months.

They no longer use the original square table, but each has a round table scattered in four directions.

This arrangement also represents the separation of the four major consortiums.

Among them, Luo Feng and Li Weida sat in the opposite corner farthest apart.

Hong Yuanting's location is slightly closer to Li Weida, while Yu Jing is closer to Luo Feng.

Four people, two small, obscure groups.

All the above situations made the atmosphere in the conference room loose and awkward.

The current speaker is Luo Feng.

He was still wearing a smart suit and held a delicate cigarette in his hand.

He scolded Fang Qiu in the misty smoke.

Luo Feng's words made Li Weida sneer.

"Haha, some people should not be too arrogant."

“The Garden of Eden has the best of technology on the east coast of America.”

"Before the war, the east coast was a densely populated area of ​​the Covenant Community."

"Industry and commerce are very developed, and many internationally renowned cities are on the east coast."

"So Eden must have had a lot of advanced pre-war armaments and technology at its disposal."

"Besides, I believe everyone has received the news."

"The research laboratory in Jiangcheng conducted tests on the green mist that caused the alien wave the day before yesterday and confirmed that it is related to the unknown spores that the Double Z forces once released."

"Compared to the green mist, the unknown spores are more like a semi-finished product that cannot be awakened."

"Just like some poisons, they are harmless until the configuration is completed, and it may be only one step away from being harmful."

Li Weida is a soldier and is more cautious than Luo Feng.

Facing this rebuttal, Luo Feng frowned and subconsciously wanted to slam the table.

But he still held back as soon as he opened his palm.

He took out half of the cigarette from his mouth and pressed it out hard on the table.

"That's why we must eradicate them!"

"The sky is high in the Garden of Eden and the emperor is far away, we can ignore it for the time being."

"If Jiang Cheng and other forces plan to retaliate, then we can just fool them."

"For the Golden Sunshine District, the focus is not on the Garden of Eden, but on the Double Z forces entrenched underground in Shenhai."

"Those nasty rats hiding in the gutters are the real danger!"

At this time, Yu Jing, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"We all realized that war was coming."

"But this winter may be our last moment of rest."

"A team of food merchants from the north told me that the northern base city has calculated abnormal climate in the next few years."

"Ice ages are likely to arrive within a few years."

"If you want to solve the hidden dangers, you have to do it as soon as possible."

"I have ordered Trust-Mart Food Company to reduce the total trading volume of nutritional mixes."

"At the same time, we will increase investment in the construction of underground farming and ecosystems."

"If you want food security, then you must pass this in-house purchase plan."

"Because production requires costs."

As Yu Jing spoke, she pushed a contract onto the large translucent screen in the middle of the conference room.

The general idea is to transfer part of Trust-Mart's nutritional mixture to domestic sales and reserve it in the form of skewing neighborhood financial funds.

As she said, production requires costs.

While Luo Feng and Li Weida were about to compete, she proposed that this plan would have a better chance of passing.

Otherwise, Luo Feng would probably coerce her and completely monopolize the food supply.

The reason why Yu Jing chose to get close to Luo Feng was mainly because of the compromise she made for the protection of force.

Compared with the rigid Li Weida, Luo Feng is more in line with Yu Jing's interests in terms of external strategy and acting style.

But Luo Feng was too domineering.

Therefore, she chose to take this opportunity to complete her request.

The internal purchase contract is not enough to guarantee the future, but it will allow her to obtain a sum of funds in the short term.

With this additional capital, she can enable Trust-Mart to complete its transformation and prepare for the Ice Age.



After a brief pause, three passes sounded.

Luo Feng and Li Weida looked at each other again, and the smell of gunpowder rose again.

At this time, Hong Yuanting stood up again.

"Gene enhancement potions can improve physical fitness and increase cold resistance."

"I recommend that the security forces be reorganized and trained within the next three months."

"And compulsorily inject E-class gene-enhancing medicine to make it catch up with the combat power of the two major legions on the block."

“Of course, the procurement is also funded by the neighborhood treasury.”

"The previous wind season attracted a large number of mercenaries and adventurers due to mobilization orders and incentives."

"On average, all taxes have increased by 40%. This money should not be kept secret."

He also proposed a plan.

Hong Yuanting and Yu Jing seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding.

They all chose to jump out at this time.

It can not only promote his own demands, but also slightly extinguish the flames of Luo and Li.

"Pass it"

The silence lasted longer this time, but it got through.

After two short episodes, Luo Feng and Li Weida also calmed down.

They actually started gathering strength a few months ago.

The power hidden under the surface of the sea is many times greater than what is visible on the surface.

Therefore, there is no need for any fancy bill to stimulate production.

"We must continue our crusade against the Double Z forces."

"The time point is set in one to two months in the future."

"Code name: Spring Thunder."

Li Weida looked around. He used to have military planning powers.

At this time Luo Feng raised his chin and added.

"Not only that."

"We should ask Jiangcheng and all the forces affected by the Eden incident to take action against the Double Z forces."

"So in the next step, communication with Jiang Cheng is crucial!"

...(End of chapter)

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