127. Are You a Heretic? (2)

The sudden appearance of Yuman.

However, the kings participating in the meeting showed no particular emotion at Yuman’s appearance, and Alon quickly grasped the situation.

‘……It seems it was already decided that Yuman would come.’

Thinking about it, it wasn’t that strange.

After all, this matter involved the entire United Kingdom, and the Holy Kingdom was part of it.

So, while Alon was looking at Yuman.

“What does that mean?”

King Stalian V broke the silence.

He seemed to not understand Yuman’s words.

Then Yuman naturally approached Alon’s side.

“It means exactly what it says. Do not ask why he is chasing after the foreign god.”

“So why shouldn’t we ask?”

King Stalian V made a slightly uncomfortable expression.

Alon also wondered inwardly, but Yuman answered calmly.

“I cannot tell you the reason.”

“What did you say?”

“The only thing certain is that he is now contributing to the peace of the world.”

At Yuman’s affirmation, the kings who had been silent until a moment ago all let out small exclamations.

Fundamentally, the Holy Kingdom had always maintained neutrality externally, regardless of its internal affairs.

In other words, it was very unusual for them to take someone’s side in this manner.

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The kings all looked at Yuman with curious expressions.

“So, are you saying we should trust the words of the Saint and stop questioning the Marquis?”

Stallion V still frowned.

Once Yuman had spoken, it might have been wise to let it go without further argument.

Although the Saint’s status was not higher than that of a king, opposing the Holy Kingdom would be akin to creating a very tiresome situation for oneself.

But despite knowing this, Stallion openly expressed his dissatisfaction.

He had a valid reason to show such emotions.

Yuman only told them not to ask about Alon, without providing any reasonable explanation that could help them understand the situation.

Then Yuman stared at Stallion V for a moment and curled his lips.

“…So, are you saying that the King of Ashtalon does not trust the will of our Holy Kingdom at all?”

“…What? No, wait, I didn’t mean it like that-“

“It sounds like that to me.”

Stallion V was flustered by Yuman’s words.

He had indeed expressed dissatisfaction with the Saint, but now it seemed as if he had expressed dissatisfaction with the entire Holy Kingdom in an instant.

“Wait, that’s too much of a leap-“

Stallion V hastily tried to explain.


“A leap? I am not only a Saint but also a spokesperson for the Holy Kingdom. Expressing such dissatisfaction with my words… isn’t that contrary to the will of the Holy Kingdom that sent me?”

Yuman erased the faint smile he had been wearing and spoke coldly.


Stallion was left speechless.

Though Yuman had put it softly, his words essentially meant-

‘You don’t trust us??? You heretic???’

And so.

“Hmm, hmm-hmm- that wasn’t my intention.”

Stallion V quickly retracted his words.

While it was important to be cautious of offending the saint, it was an entirely different matter to incur the wrath of the Holy Kingdom as a whole, especially as a nation belonging to the United Kingdom.

Moreover, the damage suffered from this incident was overwhelmingly severe compared to other kingdoms, making the support of the clergy and the Holy Kingdom crucial for Ashtalon. Thus, they could not afford to offend the Holy Kingdom.

“…I’m sorry, I apologize.”

Stallion V apologized, but Yuman calmly shook his head.

“No, the apology is not to me. It should be directed to Brother Alon.”

Huh? Me?

No, I’m fine.

Alon, who had not fully grasped the situation unfolding before him, quietly denied it.

Whether Yuman knew Alon’s true feelings or not, he remained composed.

“Brother Alon was merely contributing to the world, yet he was suspected, wasn’t he?”

“No, it wasn’t suspicion, just a few unclear points-“

But Stallion V soon closed his lips.

Although the saint had said nothing, the expression on his face made his thoughts clear.

You heretic, aren’t you?? Stallion V saw the condemning look.

“Marquis, I’m sorry.”

In the end, he bowed his head once more.

“…It’s fine.”

Alon awkwardly, but to others seemingly calmly, accepted Stallion V’s apology.

And then.


Feeling a strange emotion as he saw Yuman’s small wink, as if to say, “Trust only me.”

‘…I’m grateful, but.’

Isn’t it a bit too much? Alon thought as the early evening approached outside the window.

The meeting finally ended late in the evening.

“Are you feeling better?”

“I’m fine.”

“By the way, that’s impressive. When did you form a connection with the Saint?”


Alon fell silent at Siyan’s curious question.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to answer, but because he himself didn’t know when he had formed such a bond with Yuman.

“Well, if you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t ask. Also, after today, I won’t be calling you anymore, so go and rest. You don’t seem to be in good condition.”

“Thank you for your concern.”

“Well then, see you next time.”

With a light greeting, Critenia Siyan left.

As Alon watched her back.

“Master! What happened?”

“It was nothing serious.”

“Really? That’s a relief!”

He patted Seolang’s head as she approached with a bright smile.

“Well, are you going back now, Master?”

“Probably. I need to rest.”


Seolang made an openly disappointed face.

“Master! Do you want to go to the colony with me!?”

“…Let’s go to the colony next time. I have to visit there anyway.”

“Ugh- That’s disappointing- But it can’t be helped.”

Seolang nodded, still looking disappointed.

Seeing her like that, Alon couldn’t help but smile inwardly like a father and patted her head even more vigorously.



Before he knew it, Yuman had started talking.

“Are you feeling alright?”

“I’m still not in great shape, but I think I can recover with some rest.”

“That’s a relief.”

“But, are you alright?”

“What do you mean?”

Yuman responded brightly.

Alon thought for a moment and then said briefly, “Didn’t you protect me?”

“Ah- don’t worry about it. I was just doing what needed to be done.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is.”

At the firm answer, a small sense of crisis arose within Alon.

It was good to receive help from him, but he suspected it was due to some kind of misunderstanding.

‘I don’t know what kind of misunderstanding it is, but…’

As Alon made a slightly peculiar expression, Yuman soon said, “Ah, do you often converse with Cardinal Utia recently?”

“If you mean letters, we exchange them.”


Worry soon spread across Yuman’s face.

“Brother, as I keep telling you, it’s not good to get close to Cardinal Utia.”

“…Is that so?”

“Yes. Trust me.”

Yuman’s lips were firmly closed.

Alon’s expression became even more peculiar.

Thinking back, Yuman had been warning him to be cautious of Utia for a long time.


“Just in case, I wonder if there might have been some misunderstanding.”


He pointed it out just in case, but Yuman rather spoke with a look as if he had left a child by the water’s edge.

“Remember my words, brother, Utia is someone you need to be very careful with. You never know what he’s hiding. Remember my words.”

Yuman repeatedly emphasized, as if he was genuinely worried.

Instinctively, Alon realized that no matter what he said, this conversation would go in circles.

“…Yes, well… I’ll do that.”

“That’s a relief.”

In the end, he nodded reluctantly.

Only then did Yuman smile faintly and turn away.

Alon, who was staring blankly at the spot where he had disappeared.

“…He might be surprisingly smart.”


He tilted his head slightly at Seolang’s sudden remark.

The next day, after hearing a lot of incomprehensible words.

Alon left Tern and headed to the Marquis’ house.


At that time.

In the slums of Raxas.

After being dragged by Radan once, the discriminator Alexion, who was trying to live his life more interestingly than before, when he used to waste his days, faced an unexpected disaster.

That disaster was none other than.

“Ra, Radan… sir?”

“Hey- how have you been?”

It was the pirate king of Raxas, the one who had turned his life upside down.

With a very bright smile.

“Yes, yes, I’ve been well… But, what brings you here…?”

Alexion, who naturally bent his waist and nodded his head, asked.

His waist, which did not bend to anyone, naturally showed this attitude as he had seen what happened to those who defied Radan when he was dragged by him before.

Radan, who seemed to like his appearance, nodded and asked.

“So, are you still doing illegal things these days?”

“What!? No, no way! It’s been a long time since I stopped doing such things-!”

Alexion, who pretended to be unfair, protested.

In fact, while he was in the slums, he had stopped doing illegal things.

The reason was, of course, because of Radan’s words.

“Don’t do illegal things anymore, live a good life-“

From Radan’s point of view, it was just something he said while tapping his head a few times, but Alexion, who had already been traumatized by the situation itself, really acted as he was told.

Recently, he started a legitimate business.

Alexion, who had a natural talent for business, was making a lot of money even without doing illegal things.


“Yes, yes- I’m only involved in legitimate business.”

Alexion, nodding repeatedly to prove his sincerity, with eyes gleaming.

“Then, you, go to your brother’s territory.”


An unbelievable sound, no, an order was given.

“Didn’t you hear?”

“Ah- yes, no, I heard, but… that… if you mean brother- the Marquis of Palatio… his territory?”

Alexion, asking again, wondering if he had misheard.

“Yes, you heard correctly.”

“Why should I… go there?”

“You said you’re good at business, right?”

“Yes… I am, but.”

“Go there and do some business, and what was it-“

Radan, scratching his head for a moment, added.

“Make some specialties, attract some people to the territory. Do things like that.”



“…Why me?”

He looked even more puzzled.


“Don’t want to?”

Radan’s question followed soon after.


“If you don’t want to, just say.”


“Just say it, that’s all.”

“I will go.”

Alexion had no choice but to comply.

“Yes, yes, good thinking.”

Radan, leisurely patting his shoulder, left with a satisfied look.



After a brief moment.

Alexion, who had been observing his surroundings,

“You’re tormenting me again!!!”


He slammed the desk and shouted.


Immediately, Radan opened the door and entered.


“Did you call me?”

Radan asked.

“Ah. No.”

Alexion naturally brought his hands together in front of him and shook his head several times,

“? Well, alright. Let’s do well?”

“Yes, yes…….”

Radan shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave.

Alexion closed his eyes tightly-

Then looked around again.


He quietly sighed inwardly.

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