For example, a round pan placed on the stove at this moment;

When Shen Erlang saw the design drawing of this pot for the first time, he was quite puzzled.

It wasn't until Ji Zhao used this pot to make delicious pancakes that Shen Erlang was convinced!

Sure enough, if you want to make delicious food with different tastes and styles, you have to use pots and utensils with different shapes!

After Ji Zhao cleaned his hands, he began to make pot stickers.

If you want to make fragrant and crispy pot stickers, you have higher requirements for the outer skin and fillings;

Ji Zhao, who had prepared all the corresponding ingredients, was about to adjust the stuffing. Out of the corner of her eye, she happened to catch a glimpse of Sophora japonica on the drying rack not far away. She decided to make a different Sophora japonica fried dumpling.

When adjusting the stuffing, add a spoonful of Sophora japonica flower into it, which can not only neutralize the greasy taste of the meat stuffing, but also give the stuffing a more elegant fragrance.

When the skins and fillings are ready, Ji Zhao starts making pot stickers;

First of all, put the stuffing in the middle of the outer skin, then apply a little water on the uppermost part, fold it in half, pinch the middle tightly, and open on both sides.

Add oil to the round pan, keep the fire low, and place the pot stickers in an orderly manner. When the bottom turns golden brown, add an appropriate amount of water and fry on medium heat for a quarter of an hour. After a while, The aroma is overflowing.

Before the pot stickers are out of the pot, sprinkle white sesame seeds evenly.

After a while, the whole kitchen was filled with an attractive aroma with a faint fragrance.

"A Tao, what delicious food are you making?" Second Aunt Shen walked into the kitchen impatiently, and asked with a smile, "I smelled that aroma just before I woke up! It smells so good!"

"Second sister-in-law, I made pot stickers." Ji Zhao replied with a smile, "the porridge I cooked in the morning is still in the pot over there!"

Pot stickers plus porridge equals a happy breakfast!

Not surprisingly, the pot stickers made by Ji Zhao were once again swept away by the Shen family!

Shen Dashan belched several times before he reluctantly put down his chopsticks!

"See how promising you are?" After returning to the main room of the old couple, Zhao Lanhua frowned and complained, "Everyone knows that Ah Tao's cooking is delicious, but you don't have to show such support just now, right?"

"Orchid, you didn't eat it?" Shen Dashan suddenly grinned at her, and the fierce man acted like a baby, "Huh? You really don't remember?"

"There are pagoda flowers in that pot sticker!" Shen Dashan said anxiously, "Do you still remember when we two met for the first time, you and your mother-in-law prepared pagoda flower rice together!"

That's why Shen Dashan, who has never been greedy, ate more Sophora japonica pot stickers!

"Oh, I remembered. Aunt Shen nodded with a smile, "I still remember that dark green shirt you wore on your body!" "

"Lanhua, you still remember?" Shen Dashan asked cheerfully, who was overjoyed.

"How many years has this been going on?"

Zhao Lanhua waved her hand casually, and went to the kitchen without looking back.

Staring at her back, Shen Dashan felt a little lost.

Until many years later, he found the robe he used to wear in Zhao Lanhua's closet, and he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear!

At this time, in the kitchen.

Ji Zhao is cleaning up the mess!

"A Tao, do you need my help?" Zhao Lanhua pushed the door all her life and asked with a smile!

"Mother, there is really nothing here that needs your help, why don't you go back to the main room and rest?"

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