"In the eyes of your old man, A Tao's marriage is a bargaining chip that can be used for business." Zhao Lanhua sat opposite her tall and straight, with a bit of dissatisfaction in her cold tone.

"Look at what my in-laws said. No matter what, A Tao has stayed in our Ji family for fifteen years! Although I am not A Tao's biological grandmother, I naturally care about her. It's just that I raised her and she It's all reasonable to support me!" Xie said her purpose with a smile, "By the way, where is A Tao?"

Zhao Lanhua stared quietly at the smiling Xie Shi, at this moment she understood what the so-called shamelessness really meant.

The moment Ji Zhao walked into the main room, Mrs. Xie suddenly changed her expression, and rushed to Ji Zhao's face in aggrieved manner, crying loudly, "A Tao, it's grandma who's sorry for you! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...""

Xie originally wanted to hug Ji Zhao's arm to stage a scene where grandparents hug each other and cry!

In the end, Ji Zhao avoided her approaching calmly, and pierced her with a blank face, "If you have nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, why don't you just tell me what your purpose is?"

"I..." Mrs. Xie didn't expect Ji Zhao to be so direct. She had prepared a lot of lines, but they were useless.

"A Tao, grandma knows that you must still hate me, but I can't help it! Now your Uncle Pan is sick again, and what's more, that brat Ji Huai is causing trouble outside and owes a lot of gambling debts Those debt collectors even chased after my house... Do you remember your cousin Ji Huai? When you were young, didn’t he always bring you chicken legs to eat? Ah Tao, you can’t be ungrateful!”

"How much?" Ji Zhao frowned and interrupted her displeasedly.


"Ji Huai, how much gambling debt do you owe?" Ji Zhao narrowed his eyes vigilantly and asked in a deep voice.

"Five...five hundred taels..." Xie silently gestured with a hand, and swallowed nervously, "A Tao, do you really have a way?"

"No," Ji Zhao shook his head frankly, "I can't do anything, you'd better hire someone else."

"A Tao, grandma heard that you are doing well in the county, don't you still cooperate with that restaurant?" Mrs. Xie rushed forward and asked anxiously, "Mama knows Five hundred taels of silver is a bit much, but think about it carefully! How kind was your cousin Ji Huai to you before!"

Ji Zhao sneered, and before turning around to leave the main room, he did not forget to wink at Zhao Lanhua.

"A Tao, where are you going? Grandma hasn't finished talking yet!"

"Hey... A Tao, wait for me!"

Mrs. Xie thought that the reason why Ji Zhao left was to go back to the house to get money for her!

As a result, she waited left and right, and even waited for more than half an hour, but Ji Zhao didn't come back;

"The person who is kind to A Tao is Mr. Ji who has died of illness, not you," Zhao Lanhua said in a cold tone, "Besides, the water poured out by the married daughter, our Shen family will not welcome Auntie in the future Already!"

"Are you trying to drive me away?" Mrs. Xie was so angry that she patted the table angrily and growled, "What a good girl is our A Tao? When your Ji's family came to ask for marriage, I Originally, I was unwilling, but you said that you would take good care of A Tao and help our family! Why did you change your words now?"

"Walk slowly." Zhao Lanhua left this sentence with a graceful smile, and then left.

Mrs. Xie didn't expect that she didn't even succeed in asking for a bowl of rice, so she puffed her cheeks angrily and stomped her feet angrily.

But at this time, a strong aroma wafted from the Ye family's kitchen, which was mouth-watering.

Xie swallowed hopelessly, and then walked into the kitchen.

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