I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 59 The vegetable thief in the giant cocoon


Under the majestic cloud tops, there are several giant cocoons wrapped with vines hanging from the huge green trees in the sky. They are either upside down, vertical or horizontal, with different postures. The angle can be seen clearly when looking up from below. I could see the human heads protruding from the giant green cocoons.

These people are also miserable. Their whole bodies are bound by green vines, leaving only their heads outside to breathe, but their mouths are severely strangled by a vine, which is deeply embedded in the cheek flesh, so that the tender flesh on the face around the vine is There were traces of purple on all of them, which made them all start to roll their eyes.

But these people still have a strong desire to survive. They can't speak when their teeth are choked, but they can still scream while drooling.

Bai Qianchun came over and looked at Leng Xiao who was already standing under the giant tree in the sky. There was a bit of curiosity in her shining eyes. She raised her eyes and looked towards Leng Xiao and asked, " Who did it?”

Obviously, it was impossible for Leng Xiao, a fire power user, to use giant vines to entangle people like this.

Leng Xiao turned around when he heard the sound, his cold eyebrows slightly frowned, and then he shook his head and said, "I don't know, they were already up there when I came."


Ye Yang looked up at the giant tree and rubbed his hands in excitement, "No matter who did it, it's a good thing. These are the food thieves who sneaked into our Jupiter planet, hahaha, we can call them It's in my hands, let's see how I can help Brother Ye Qiang get the knife back."

His eyes were rolling, looking left and right as he picked at the big green cocoons, as if he was trying to decide which one to strike first. The one with the surprisingly big head, or the one with the head that resembled his father's small head?

Perhaps his gaze was so penetrating that the people in the cocoon didn't even dare to make a sound.

Ye Yang clicked his tongue twice, feeling bored. Just when he was about to point out a random chicken to scare the monkeys, he heard several high-pitched voices coming from the distance in the jungle.

Judging from the noise caused by the rustling, there were quite a few people walking and talking, which sounded quite lively.

The three people at the scene subconsciously shut up and listened to their conversation.

"Where are those food thieves?"

"Lao Qin, hurry up and show me the way. This green vine is too thick and looks exactly the same. I can't even find the way."

"What are you talking about? I just went out to pick tomatoes and almost couldn't find my way back to the stone house. This is the first time I've gotten lost in front of my house, hahaha."

"Hey, you went to pick tomatoes in the dark. How do they taste?"

"Jue, don't tell me. They are more delicious than the small tomatoes we usually grow. Not to mention they are big. They are also very juicy. When I took a bite, the juice burst out and splashed all over my face. It was eaten raw like this. I couldn't even raise my head from eating. If my stomach could hold more, I could eat the whole thing in one go."

"Oh, that tomato is so big. You can't finish it even if you eat it for three meals a day. It's almost summer now. If you leave it for two days, it will probably go bad."

"Hey, what a sweet worry. I used to worry about not having enough to eat, but now I worry about eating too little and spoiling the food."

A group of old men and women who had become younger overnight suddenly began to sigh, and then all of them were filled with emotion.

"I didn't expect that the star master this time would be so powerful, and the incidental attributes of the awakening would be huge. That kid Mi Zhen just checked it through the planet observer. This time the star master triggered a series of vitality resurgences that were said to be global resurgences, but they were indeed global resurgences. The seeds that have been dormant for thousands of years at the two poles have been awakened, and now even the most remote sides of the planet are in harvest season."

"I think this qualification is better than that of Star Master Zhenxiu back then. The resurrection of Jupiter caused by Star Master Zhenxiu did not radiate to the two most remote locations at the poles, nor did it awaken the seeds that had been dormant for thousands of years."

"Who says it's not the case? If this star master is good, it will be good for our Muyuan Star, but if he is like that piece of shit like Wang Ze, the destructive power must be even greater."

Under the giant tree, Leng Xiao and Ye Yang carefully looked at their sister Chun.

Bai Qianchun glanced at the two of them keenly and smiled at them. Ye Yang immediately touched his nose and smiled dryly, "Sister Chun, aren't you angry?"

Bai Qianchun glared at him with an annoyed smile, "Am I that angry? They are just objectively analyzing their expectations. As for what I am like, they will naturally know it in the future."

"Oh." Ye Yang smiled and nodded casually, but he kept complaining in his heart.

Sister Chun is really good at joking. She is not very angry and who can be more angry? I think he just secretly shouted "Big Devil" behind his back and got caught. Sister Chun deducted three days of meat from him. Three days in a row. He ate wild vegetables every day, and his face turned green and he lost weight.

As a result, Sister Chun even said with a smile when she saw it, the weight loss effect is good!

Damn, he's losing weight. He's in good shape, so he doesn't need to lose weight!

But speaking of it, Sister Chun was quite tolerant to him, she just didn't let him eat meat. She treated that boy like Lao Bawei Liangchen as a devil. Not only did she ban his meat, but she also let him watch them eat meat. , every meal is not missed.

Hahaha. Thinking about that boy's twisted handsome face, Ye Yang couldn't be happier. Who told him that he was the least likely to deal with Lao Ba?

Although their conversation was not loud, people with a keen eye could still detect it, such as Ye Qin who was leading the way.

At this time, Ye Qin was full of annoyance about why he didn't make a few marks when he came out to call for people after tying him up. Now that he was fine, he looked at the surrounding trees and the huge vines seemed to have grown in a circle, and the tops were covered with green leaves. Oh my God, Tongtong is like a car hood, even an SS-level wood-type superpower like him is confused.

But because of his image over the years, he didn't say anything. He just hit the ground with a wooden stick and groped for direction.

When he heard the sound, his ears immediately stood up, a flash of light flashed in his bright eyes, and then he followed the direction of the sound and led the group of people behind him in that direction.

Behind him were a group of old men and women holding sickles and hoes, but they seemed to be out for sightseeing. They continued to walk leisurely behind him without realizing it, and their mouths never stopped.

"Speaking of which, it is a good thing that we have a bumper harvest of crops in the fields outside, but there is also a bumper harvest of wild fruits and vegetables in other places. Now the world is overflowing with plants on Muyuan Planet. If we can't harvest in time, those vegetables, fruits, etc. They all rotted in the vegetable field. My heart aches when I think of this. These are good things. You can earn a lot of star coins by selling them."

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