The man's name is Zhao Shuang. When he was working on a construction site in his early years, an accident caused his legs to be amputated, and he could only sit in a wheelchair.

In order to watch this miracle of life farewell magic feast, he asked his family to bring him here. After learning that wheelchairs were not allowed to enter, he directly entered the venue with crutches and the support of his family, because he was a fan of Xia Liang's magic!

At this moment, after seeing his idol, the excitement was really indescribable!

"God Xia, I am really lucky and excited. I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to appear here in this life." Zhao Shuang said excitedly.

"Haha, so this is the appearance of a miracle!" Xia Liang stepped forward and shook hands with Zhao Shuang and smiled.

"Can my legs really recover to the condition of a normal person?" Zhao asked expectantly.

"Of course, I am a miracle maker. If I can't let you walk like an ordinary person, then my magic is a failure." After that, Xia Liang took a red cloth and covered Zhao Shuang's legs.

At this moment, everyone in the venue understood that Xia Liang was going to perform magic. They all stared at Xia Liang's hands with wide eyes.

Xia Liang put his hands on Zhao Shuang's crippled legs and shook slightly.

Then, Zhao Shuang felt a very special feeling in his legs, as if there were thousands of ants on his legs.

However, he still held back and did not move.

After a while, Xia Liang lifted the red cloth and saw that Zhao Shuang's legs had grown out.

Next, Xia Liang performed various magic tricks in succession to turn all ten people into normal people.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the staff announced that the magic feast was officially over, and Xia Liang's traces disappeared.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, as time entered the second day, the system's prompt sound came into Xia Liang's ears.

[Ding—Congratulations to the workers, this month's work is settled

This month's working days: 90 days.

The system begins to issue rewards: basic salary 320,000.

This month's salary of 50,000 yuan has been deposited into the system bank and can be withdrawn at any time. Bonus: 10,000.

Work points: 800 have been issued.

The host's RMB balance is: 1,007,664.98 yuan.

Work point balance: 3,680】

The system generously gave two months of rest this time.

Seeing that the work value returned to the 3,000 mark, Xia Liang nodded with satisfaction.

2,000 work points were deducted, and 4 bottles of gene potion appeared in his hand.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and Xia Liang is also preparing to go home. By the way, he will bring the gene potion to his parents, and the remaining two bottles, one for Lu Qi's father and one for Tong Dongnuan.

On January 27, there are only two days left before the Chinese New Year. As Lu Qi's mother's family, naturally he will not go back with Xia Liang for the Chinese New Year.

Only Xia Liang and Shi Qiang went back. They didn't get up until the afternoon. That is, Xia Liang has a special plane. If it were someone else, he would probably not be able to go back.

This time, nothing happened. The plane landed smoothly and returned home in the evening.

The long-awaited parents froze their smiles when they saw Xia Liang coming back alone.

Finally, Xia Liang promised that Qingxue would come after the New Year, and the two returned to normal.

After a simple meal, Xia Liang went back to his room to sleep.

The next morning, Xia Liang was awakened by a knock on the door. He went out with some doubts and found his parents packing up.

Xia Liang looked confused.

"Mom, where are you going?"

"Going back to my hometown for the New Year."

Lv Juan answered without raising her head.

"Pack your clothes quickly, and we'll leave soon."

Looking at his mother hurriedly packing, Xia Liang was confused, but he still took out his suitcase.

Half an hour later, the three of them set off on the road back to their hometown.

Xia Liang's hometown is relatively remote, in a place called Xiajia Village on the edge of Shencheng.

It takes about 5 hours to drive there.

On the way, Xia Liang finally couldn't help but be curious.

"Mom, we haven't been home since grandpa and grandma passed away. Why do you want to go back home for the New Year this year?"

When Xia Liang asked, before Lv Juan could speak, Xia's father answered.

"Your uncle said that we haven't gotten together for many years. This New Year, he said that we will go back to keep in touch."


Xia Liang didn't react much, but Lv Juan looked disdainful.

"Keep in touch? I think he just wants to show off. None of us went home for the New Year, and he can't hold it back anymore."


After Lv Juan finished speaking, the car became silent. Xia Liang and Xia Weiguo didn't refute it. Thinking about it, when Xia Liang's grandfather was still alive, it was like this every year.

At 6 pm, the car slowly drove into Xiajia Village. Xia Liang just got off the car and picked up his luggage when a voice came.

"Hey? Isn't that the kid from Xia Weiguo? I remember his name is Xia Liang, right? I haven't been back for a long time! Xia Liang! How much do you earn a month now? How much money have you saved this year? Do you have a girlfriend? Why don't you bring her back? Have you bought a house? Have you bought a car? How much is your year-end bonus? You are so old, and you are not in a hurry. Be careful not to be single for the rest of your life!"

Good guy!

As soon as he unloaded his luggage, Xia Liang found that his youngest mother Zhang Yi was talking to him like crazy, and his head was buzzing for a while.

He wanted to say something, but finally sighed.

"Youngest mother, you talk to my mother, I'll move the things in first."

Xia Liang walked in with her luggage and shut the door behind Zhang Yi who seemed to be concerned but was actually sarcastic and chattering.

"Oh, today's young people are so troublesome! Xia Liang thinks that my Xia family can't count on it. This child should have bought a house and found a partner long ago! My nephew is as old as him and has been married long ago. ! Although my nephew has not gone to college, his children can play soy sauce! ”

Zhang Yi sighed repeatedly, hating him for not arguing, as if Xia Liang was hanging out outside, and returning home would be the shame of the Xia family, just like the old Xia family was a sinner.

According to her, Xia Liang should graduate at the age of 22 and work in one of the world's top 500 companies, with an annual salary of RMB 1 yuan at 23, buy a house of 200 square meters at 24, find a beautiful girlfriend at 25, get married in Europe at 26, bring back a child at 27, preferably twins, 28 You should be promoted to vice president, you should buy a villa and a sports car when you are 29, you should buy a villa and a sports car when you are 30~~

If you fail to complete any of the above processes, you will be looked down upon.

But Lu Juan, who was slowly getting off the car behind, was happy. If it was hard for her to say anything before, now her son can be said to be the best among people. She didn't take this kind of ridicule to heart at all, and was even a little complacent. .

This is how people are, the less they have, the more they care about what others say.

I heard Zhang Yi saying sarcastically that Xia Liang had no car, no house, no savings, and no girlfriend.

Lu Juan would think of her villa, the car and fish pond that Xia Liang bought for Xia Weiguo, the supermarket storefront that she bought for herself, and the deposit of more than 700 yuan.

Lu Juan still has an unreal feeling every time she thinks about her son's savings.

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