When the time comes, it will be reported on the spot by reporters and then on the news. Xia Liang can imagine that Chinese medicine will once again be known to more people in the Dragon Kingdom because of him. Thinking about it, he feels happy.

The old house of the Chen family.

At this moment, it was getting dark and Chen Boan was ready to sleep.

During this period, in order to verify the Chinese medicinal materials in Xia Liang's popular science book "Compendium of Materia Medica of the Dragon Kingdom", he lost a lot of weight and his hair became a lot whiter.

But he was very happy because he could finally witness the birth of this famous book on traditional Chinese medicine in his lifetime!

So far, he has never dared to imagine. Sure enough, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!

If all the young Chinese medicine practitioners of this generation were as good as that Xia Langzhong, then he would have no regrets even if he died.

It's a pity that even a family of Chinese medicine like their Chen family doesn't have many mature young people, let alone other Chinese medicine families in the Dragon Kingdom!

The talents of the younger generation of Chinese medicine practitioners are really rare.

"It would be great if I could collect Xia Langzhong's manuscript of "Compendium of Materia Medica of the Dragon Kingdom"!"

Chen Bo'an sighed, shook his head with a wry smile, and went straight to bed to sleep.

However, just when he lay down and was about to fall asleep, there was a knock on the door. This was the old residence of the Chen family. Anyone who could knock on the door at this point must be a member of the Chen family.

But, can’t you see that the lights in your room are all healed?

That unfilial son is so short-sighted that he won't let this old man have a good rest. Even if it’s a big deal, can’t we wait until tomorrow?

"Who's out there?"

Chen Boan squinted his sleepy eyes and shouted impatiently.

"Grandpa, it's me, Qingchi!"

Outside the door, a clear and excited voice came.

"Oh, Qingchi, let's talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do. I'm a little tired."

Chen Bo'an said impatiently, this boy is the only child of his third son's family, but he doesn't study well on weekdays, and he doesn't like the field of Chinese medicine. He only goes to entertainment venues all day long.

So Chen Bo'an doesn't like him very much. If Chen Qingyun comes to him for something important at this time, Chen Bo'an might get up again.

After all, Chen Qingyun has shown great talent and potential in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. He has also learned five or six points in his medical skills and has excellent medical ethics. Therefore, Chen Qingyun is favored by Mr. Chen Boan.


Chen Qingchi sighed in disappointment and had to leave angrily. He knew that his status in Chen Boan's heart was not very high, and the other party even disliked him.

Going to grandpa at this point would definitely require a scolding, but he was so anxious to share this good thing with Chen Boan that he forgot about this incident.

The next morning, as soon as Chen Qingchi got up and washed up, and was about to go out to find Chen Boan, his father intercepted him.

"Qingchi, I heard that you went up to see your grandpa last night?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"You are really sensible. Don't you know how important you are to the old man? Why can't you tell me if you have anything to do? Are you going to make the old man unhappy?"

"Okay, I get it now."

"Hmph! You know what the heck, I don't care how you behave outside, but you should stay calm in the Chen family and don't go to the old man if you have nothing to do. Otherwise, I will ground you!"

After saying that, Chen Qingchi's father went to work angrily.

The Chen family is a family business. Basically, everyone in the Chen family, as long as they have some real ability, will hold important positions in the family business.

Chen Qingchi's father is no exception. Although he can't compete for the position of the head of the family, he doesn't want to be outdone by those brothers and sisters.

After seeing his father leave, Chen Qingchi secretly clenched his fists

"Hmph! What's so great about it, you all don't like me, right? Okay! Very good, I, Chen Qingchi, will definitely make a career in the future and let you take control of me! By the way, that Xia Langzhong's medical skills are very powerful , if I can become his teacher, within a few years, my level of Chinese medicine will be able to defeat the whole family!"

Thinking of this, Chen Qingchi suddenly became excited, and then he couldn't wait to drive towards the Chen family's old house. Chen Qingchi's family did not have a house in the Chen family's old house. They would only be called there when there was something important in the family. of.

However, they cannot stay overnight in the old house because there is no place for them to sleep there.

More than an hour later, Chen Qingchi arrived at the Chen family's old house, and then ran non-stop to the living room. As soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw Chen Bo'an, Chen Linjie, Chen Qingyun and others having breakfast.

Although the breakfast on the table is just a simple nutritious meal, and the food he usually eats is more expensive and better than these, but being able to sit on that table represents his status and status in the Chen family.

Chen Qingchi gave him a sour look.


Chen Boan looked up at Chen Qingchi and said calmly.

"What happened to you last night that made you come here in such a hurry to see me?"

Chen Linjie also blamed him.

"Qingchi, uncle is not telling you that you need to change your irritable temper."

"Your grandpa is getting older and his health is not as good as before. In addition, he is quite busy during this period. If you have something to do, just tell him during the day and don't disturb his rest at night."

Chen Qingchi's face suddenly turned red, but he still nodded obediently.

"I understand, uncle."

Seeing Chen Qingchi acting so well-behaved, Chen Boan's expression softened and he said in a calm tone.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

Chen Qingchi immediately became excited and ran to the front road.

"Grandpa, I have something good to show you!"

Chen Boan was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Haha, you kid, okay, then show me."

Chen Qingchi nodded quickly, opened the photo album on his mobile phone, found the photo taken yesterday, and handed it to Chen Bo'an.

Chen Bo'an put on his glasses and casually took the phone from Chen Qingchi. As soon as he glanced at it, his eyes widened. He grabbed the phone with both hands and his expression became excited.

He looked at a photo for a full minute, and continued to zoom in and out of the photo with his hands. After a while, he turned it over again.

One after another, Chen Boan seemed to be possessed. He even forgot about his half-eaten breakfast and was immersed in the photo album.

Chen Linjie, Chen Qingyun and others next to him didn't take it seriously at first.

However, when I saw Chen Boan staring at the phone without blinking, flipping back and forth, he still didn't put down the phone for ten minutes.

Now, even they were curious about what the hell this boy Chen Qingchi was doing to make the old man so obsessed!

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