Chapter 247 247. Big Change

Fire Cloud Cave!

Taibai Jinxing came to visit Fire Cloud Cave, which made Fuxi confused.

When Fuxi learned about Taibai Jinxing's idea, he smiled. So this is the situation.

Let him ask Nuwa to preside over the wedding for the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, and even want to witness the earth marriage.

The marriage of heaven, earth and man cannot be witnessed just by wanting to. It requires opportunity.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother did have such an idea, but they were not sure whether it would succeed.

But with Fuxi's help and Nuwa as the witness, the Jade Emperor felt that he had hope to witness the earth marriage.

Fuxi had no objection to this.

As the saying goes, one should not interfere in other people's affairs if he is not in the position. If it was before, Fuxi would refuse, but it was related to the Heavenly Court, and he was still the first queen of the human race. He felt that this was an opportunity for the human race and the Heavenly Court to get closer, so Fuxi agreed.

After that, he went to Wahuangtian.

Nuwa was very happy about Fuxi's arrival. Although the cause and effect between them had been cut off because of Fuxi's reincarnation, and they were no longer the so-called brother and sister period, she was very happy to see Fuxi.

When Fuxi told her the reason, Nuwa thought it was feasible.

Nuwa knew that the Three Pure Ones in the West were getting more and more presumptuous.

This was a good opportunity. The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were the boys of the Taoist Ancestor. I don't believe that the saints dared to cause trouble. If they caused trouble, it would be better. Maybe the Taoist Ancestor would not be satisfied and take action.

With this thought, Nuwa agreed and agreed to personally witness the marriage of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

Not long after!

The news that the Jade Emperor, the Lord of Heaven, and the Queen Mother were happily married spread, and the Jade Emperor sent out invitations for this.

All the powerful people with status and face were invited by him.

But? People like Kunpeng, Lei Ze, and Qingdi chose not to participate and did not agree to come to watch the ceremony.

This made the Jade Emperor very unhappy and felt that they looked down on him.

The Jade Emperor didn't know that, because of the saints' wanton suppression, they dared not come out and hang around at will, so it was better for them to stay in seclusion.

If the saints were asked to find a reason again, they didn't know what kind of disaster they would experience.

Only some people who were neither high nor low saw the Heavenly Palace in an instant, and suddenly woke up to find that the Heavenly Palace existed. This was a good safe haven.

They were very uncomfortable being suppressed by the saints recently, and they were in danger all day long. Now that they saw the Heavenly Palace, they felt that maybe this was a good place to go.

Laozi of Shouyang Mountain, Yuanshi of Kunlun Mountain, Tongtian of Jin'ao Island, Zhunti and Jieyin of Lingshan, they all received invitations.

They were very unhappy about the sudden move of the Jade Emperor Haotian.

Seeing that the prehistoric world was under their control, Haotian's move would make many people have unrealistic fantasies.

They also understood that this was Haotian's calculation.

But they didn't dare to completely turn against Haotian and suppress Haotian, after all, there was still the Taoist ancestor?

Although he has made great progress recently due to luck and plunder, no one knows how strong Daozu is. No one dares to test his strength because they have never seen the depth of Daozu.

Western Lingshan!

Jieyin and Zhunti received the invitation, and they were annoyed. Fortunately, the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Court is in the East, which has little impact on them.

It is said that after Haotian announced the wedding, many creatures in the East who were previously suppressed by the Three Pure Ones went to the Heavenly Court, intending to surrender to Haotian.

The territory of the two is in the West, which has little impact.

"What do you think, junior brother?" Jieyin asked?

Zhunti thought for a while and said: "Let Yaoshi, Maitreya and others go, let them be respectful, no matter what, Haotian is the junior brother of senior brother."

"Well!" After thinking about Zhunti's words, Jieyin nodded.

There is no fool who can achieve the existence of a saint!

No matter how they commit suicide, they will not let their disciples take action. Even the disciples under the Four Saints were taught more strictly by them, and even their previous arrogance was much less.

This is to prepare for failure. Even if they fail, the disciples will not be involved in "cause and effect".

This is to guard against the Styx and Daozu.

For such existence, they know very well that they will not suppress their disciples, especially those without cause and effect.

As for these saints, they are all immortal and indestructible, so they can be suppressed. As long as they can get the opportunity to merge with the Tao, they are all crazy.

After all, they have always thought that they are the rulers of the prehistoric world, but when they heard that there are three saints who merge with the Tao above their heads, how could they not be crazy.

Therefore, their disciples are the way out for themselves. If they do not get the opportunity and are suppressed because of their own presumption, then the disciples can still inherit their Taoism.

Xuandu, the Twelve Golden Immortals, Duobao, etc., are all strictly watched by the saints. During the period when the saints suppressed the prehistoric world, the second-generation disciples practiced in seclusion and kept a low profile.


The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, who were waiting in full force, forgot their displeasure at the absence of the mighty, and began to wait in full force for the "rudeness of the saint".

As a result, they guessed wrong. All the saints came, and they were all very respectful, which made the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother's accumulated strength exhausted.

The wedding was so smooth that even Nuwa didn't expect it.

It seemed that the mighty and saints in the prehistoric world had selectively forgotten that Haotian was getting married. A wedding that was supposed to be "bloody" went extremely smoothly.

The marriage of the earth was finally witnessed by Haotian and Queen Mother, and it was so magical that it seemed that the heaven and earth had helped.

Sure enough!

The perfection of the three marriages of heaven, earth and man completely changed the prehistoric world.

When all three marriages were certified.


The whole world was shaking. No matter what kind of creatures there were, they were all shocked.

Indescribable changes.

The previously huge world was more distinct from the areas with thin spiritual energy and areas with rich spiritual energy because of the further perfection of the world.

Even the previous isolation was an obstacle like the innate formation, but now it is the division of dimensional space and time.

The areas with thin spiritual energy and areas with rich spiritual energy were completely separated.

It just hasn't reached the level where the areas with rich spiritual energy rise and the areas with thin spiritual energy fall.

However, although it hasn't reached such a level, it is still shocking enough.

The immortal mountain Taoist temple with endless rich spiritual energy and the deep mountains and swamps with rich spiritual energy began to slowly gather together.

It's hard to describe how they gathered together, after all, some places are very far apart.

But it was through the isolation of the divided dimensional space that the areas with rich spiritual energy and the areas with thin spiritual energy were completely separated.

The human race suddenly discovered that the tribes that were previously separated from each other became their neighbors overnight?

And the areas that were previously separated disappeared inexplicably, and no one knew where they went?

The entire so-called prehistoric world was divided into two huge worlds.

One world is a world with rich spiritual energy. This is almost the essence of all prehistoric worlds. Due to the huge pulling force, these places with rich spiritual energy began to slowly approach each other.

It seems that after completely merging into a complete world, it will be the day of success.

The other world is composed of thirteen pieces of land, nine of which are almost entirely occupied by the human race, and there are also many monsters and other creatures.

There are also four huge areas. Although there are only four areas here, they are almost as large as the previous nine areas.

There are mostly monsters here, and there are also many casual cultivators with good cultivation, as well as humans. It has become a complete area where all races coexist.

These changes are only some great masters who have only roughly understood the situation through the exploration of their divine consciousness.

Its specific changes need to be slowly deduced and explored.

But no matter what, the sudden change of the prehistoric world has completely shocked countless creatures, and they don’t understand why there is such a change.

"The world has changed! The world has changed!"

Only some quasi-saints or saints murmured in shock.

What a great power of heaven and earth, even saints seem insignificant here. The entire prehistoric world is almost clearly divided into two big worlds, no, three big worlds.

And the underworld.

If you stand in the chaos and look at the prehistoric world through the prehistoric fetal membrane, you will find that Mount Buzhou has completely become the pillar that supports the world.

The world with rich spiritual energy is slowly gathering around Mount Buzhou, as if waiting for the change of heaven and earth to be complete, and completely forming a world with Mount Buzhou as the center and endless places with rich spiritual energy on the four sides.

The same is true for the thirteen lands where the human race is the majority. The center is Mount Buzhou. Slowly, the thirteen pieces of land began to gather. It seems that after a long time of gathering, it is the moment when the thirteen pieces of land will achieve a perfect moment.

Not only that, the same was true of the four seas in the prehistoric world.

The four seas were also divided in a planned way. The East China Sea and the South China Sea, which were rich in spiritual energy, almost all gathered around the world with rich spiritual energy. In this world with rich spiritual energy, the quasi-saints and saints felt that this was the world of gods, or the world of immortals.

Most of the essence of the East China Sea and the South China Sea, including a dark endless sea, and even some fairy islands that were previously covered by the dark sea, also appeared. These islands were previously covered by darkness, so they could not be seen, but now they are pulled out of the endless dark sea by huge attraction, and are gathering towards the fairy world defined by the quasi-saints and saints.

In addition, some seas and islands in the dark sea before are slowly gathering towards the thirteen pieces of land, the mortal world defined by masters.

This is the division of the two worlds, and only the underworld is the most stable, with almost no changes.

This is the huge change that occurred after the three marriages of heaven, earth and man were completed.

This change is magical, very magical, after all, such a big change in heaven and earth, even saints are dumbfounded.

But you can also say that it is not magical. After all, this change is not man-made. Even the creatures of the whole prehistoric world only felt a shock. Apart from that, they still did what they should do. There was no damage or suffering to the creatures.

Endless prehistoric creatures were surprised and didn't understand what happened?

Daozu didn't say it, the Venerable didn't say it, and even the Saint Master didn't tell them. Just after the wedding of Haotian and Yaochi ended, there was a change.

This exceeded their expectations?


The shocked people, even a few envied the merits of Haotian and Yaochi, and left in a hurry after the wedding.

It was not until a period of time that this change slowly slowed down. The areas of the fairy world were still slowly approaching, and so were the thirteen areas of the mortal world.

The changes during this period seemed to make the creatures accustomed to it.

There were even bold creatures who saw the space separating the immortals and mortals, and some boldly passed through it directly. After passing through, they found that this barrier could not be broken through by anyone except those above Daluo, even if they were Taiyi Jinxian.

And after breaking through, it became even more magical. A powerful master conducted an experiment. He passed through the barrier in the fairyland in the east of the primitive world. After he passed through, he appeared in the mortal area that originally belonged to the north of the primitive world.

That is to say, if the prehistoric world had not undergone such a change, this great power would have traveled from the east to the northern region as if traveling through space.

Moreover, they discovered that this barrier was still slowly strengthening. Now Daluo could still pass through it, but perhaps only Quasi-Sages could pass through it after it was completely consolidated.

This change shocked many creatures. Doesn't it mean that the prehistoric world will be divided into two places, the immortal world and the mortal world, and the masters of the immortal world need to have extremely high cultivation to go to the mortal world.

As for the mortal world wanting to go to the immortal world, it is almost impossible, unless you have the cultivation of a quasi-sage.

With the division of immortals and mortals, almost all places with rich spiritual energy have become the immortal world, and all places with thin spiritual energy have become the mortal world.

This shows that it is almost impossible for the mortal world to break through the barrier to the immortal world?

This change shocked many masters. They were used to freedom, but suddenly found that they would be imprisoned in one world in the future. Unless you have a high cultivation and become a quasi-sage, you can only be trapped in one place.

But after that, they felt relieved after a period of exploration.

At some point, the fairy world had a territory that they had not known about before. It seemed that the fairy world itself had evolved. There were also many fairy islands in the seas around the fairy world, which they had not known about before.

This shows that the fairy world is changing and getting bigger, which makes them feel relieved. Changes are good, and changes mean opportunities.

Moreover, the spiritual energy!

How could they not feel the outrageous spiritual energy? Although the immortals and mortals are separated, the spiritual energy is more abundant. They know best what the abundant spiritual energy means.

This shows that they only had the achievements of Taiyi before, and maybe they can further reach the level of Daluo because of the abundant spiritual energy.

This is a qualitative improvement. With such a change, how can they not be happy.

Moreover, a bold cultivator, an unintentional exploration, completely detonated the magic of the new world.

It turned out that with the passage of time, the innate spiritual treasures almost became a swan song, and no innate spiritual treasures have been born for a long time.

However, a master at the Taiyi level, when exploring the new fairy world, actually saw the innate spiritual treasures guarded by the innate formation.

This shows that the world has changed drastically. The number of innate spiritual treasures that existed before has exceeded the limit. There are no longer less than 150,000 spiritual treasures in the entire prehistoric world, but more.

This makes many masters very excited, innate spiritual treasures!

It has returned to the legendary ancient times and the magic of the ancient times, and treasure hunting can be done.

After that, it was even more eye-opening. Not only spiritual treasures, but also many disappeared spiritual materials and spiritual veins appeared. Some people even found a Taoist temple that is no less than the thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed places.

The entire newly emerged fairyland area has become a place of contention for many casual cultivators.

Later, the saints also participated, and after finding that there was no danger, they began to explore.

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