At this time, Tongtian felt that cooperating with the saints was not in line with his Taoist heart, but he was also greedy for opportunities. In addition, he had already boarded the ship of the saints. If he thought about it, it would be impossible even if he was a saint.

Now that we can no longer get off the boat, we can only walk on.

Although the saints were communicating with each other, it was full of gunpowder.

Then I heard Nuwa say to Bai Zhan: "Fellow Bai Zhan, my master once said that you can never wake up someone who pretends to be asleep. You have to give all the advice you need. You have to choose your own path, and you will always understand." of a day.”

"Hmph!" Bai Zhan snorted coldly at the Four Saints after hearing what Nuwa said.

As Nuwa said, if you can't wake up those who pretend to be asleep, who is right and who is wrong will eventually become clear one day.

The nine-story altar of the human race.

"The way of heaven is supreme, and the saints are supreme. Since I took over as the co-leader of the human race, I, the Shennong family, have not dared to be careless in the slightest. I feel that I will not be able to make a greater contribution to the human race, so I abdicate the position of co-master and Xuanyuan."

"Heaven will learn from it, and the saints will learn from it!"

"The way of heaven is above. Xuanyuan of the human race swears here to treat all races equally and to work tirelessly for the rise of our human race. In order to learn from the way of heaven, if anyone violates it, he will be punished by heaven and earth!"


After the two people completed their oath, a golden seal came from the air. It was the Human Emperor's Seal. It suppressed the luck of the human race and had the ability to canonize the co-lord. The human race's abdication required the witness of the Human Emperor's Seal and the blessing of luck!

And this time!

I saw a huge condensation of merit in the sky. Similarly, 70% flew into Shennong, and 30% was absorbed by Dongwanggong who had been assisting Shennong!


Shennong's aura began to grow, and in the late Daluo period, he reached the quasi-sage perfection, and the sky cracked. Shennong's soul merged with the way of heaven, thus becoming immortal!

On the other side, after being empowered by the three successful virtues, Prince Dong instantly chopped off the third corpse and officially entered the late stage of Quasi-Saint from the mid-stage of Quasi-Saint.

And due to his previous strength, coupled with his foundation and accumulation, Dongwanggong's realm is close to the peak of quasi-sage existence, and his cultivation does not need to be stable to be perfect.

In addition, there are all kinds of miracles that I won’t go into detail one by one.

Just when Shennong's merits were fulfilled, he paid homage to the Holy Mother Nuwa, several saints, and his teacher Dong Wanggong. Although Dongwang shied away in every possible way, he was called by fellow Taoists.

After all kinds of things.

Shennong taught the human race to support Xuanyuan, and then told Xuanyuan Yifan that he hoped Xuanyuan would lead the human race to continue to rise, and wait for the day when Xuanyuan's merits and deeds are complete, and they will meet again in the Fire Cloud Cave!

In the end, Shennong glanced at the tribesmen with nostalgia, raised the wooden poles in his hands, bent down and bowed to the kneeling humans, and praised: "Be diligent and brave, stand up for morality, the human race will never be destroyed, and will continue to strive for self-improvement!"

After saying that, barefoot and holding a staff, he turned around and walked towards Emperor Chu!

The human race instantly cried loudly, and the dragon of will and destiny hovered for nine days before dissipating!

Later, the ancient history of the human race recorded: Shen Nong became enlightened, the human race cried bitterly, and hundreds of millions of patriarchs could not kneel down. The contribution and holy glory of the co-owner Shen Nong will never be forgotten by the human race!

Always remember the teachings of the Master, be diligent and courageous, establish a moral character, and the human race will never be destroyed and strive for self-improvement! We all respect Shennong as: Shennong, the Earth Emperor!

After a hundred years, the human race finally got over the sadness of the departure of Co-Master Shennong. From then on, the human race entered the era of the third co-lord Xuanyuan!

It has been nearly a thousand years since Xuanyuan succeeded to the throne.

There is no good news, but there is constant bad news. There are constant reports of tribes who refuse to listen to the announcement and blatantly ignore his position as co-leader.

Xuanyuan knew that because he had just succeeded to the throne of co-master, he had not yet made a big contribution to the human race, so the people did not support him. Although Xuanyuan was angry, he could tolerate it.

In addition, they were also a little disdainful, and they did not notice this blow.

However, things slowly changed later, and Xuanyuan found out helplessly that it was not that he lacked prestige, but that some people were deliberately causing trouble.

The special envoy he sent was killed, and he said arrogantly: How can Xuanyuan He De be the co-leader of the human race? They will not recognize it.

This is not because of prestige, but because some people deliberately want to cause war among the human race.

As expected...

Xuanyuan, who was not yet ready, kept hearing worse news. The entire human race seemed to be bewitched. With constant battles and killings, the human race was instantly in chaos.

In the meeting hall.

"Co-Master, your kindness cannot influence them. Since the end of the Earth Emperor period, there have been many ambitious people who harbor evil intentions. After the two Co-Masters, the Emperor and the Earth Emperor, solved the crisis of food and disease, they began to have more than enough to satisfy their desires. , I urge the co-leader to make a decision and take action against those who harbor evil intentions."

"Please give the order, co-leader!"

"Please give the order, co-leader!"

The top leaders of the human race were also angry. Since the co-lord Xuanyuan succeeded to the throne, the human race has undergone a sudden change. Killings have continued, blood flowed, and the competition and conflicts between tribes have intensified.

"Hey!" Xuanyuan sighed.

Although he understood that this was his test and wanted to kill these evildoers, he kept in mind the words of his second brother Shennong.

Be more kind to your tribe, and your second brother Shen Nong told you that your biggest enemies are none other than the bewitched people in the West. They are your biggest opponents.

Xuanyuan kept Shennong's advice in mind, so he kept preparing.

But now, before the West has started to rebel, other parts of the human race have begun to rebel.

Xuanyuan sadly discovered that his responsibility was heavy.

If we want to completely integrate the human race, we must abolish the existence of this tribe, continue and reform the official management established by Fuxi, and divide the world into nine states of human race.

The existence of tribes has become the biggest problem of the human race. The combination of such a small team has hindered the development of the human race.

"Everyone, the existence of the tribe is the biggest problem before us. If we want to completely integrate the human race, we can only abolish the existence of the tribe first and arrange for officials elected by the tribe to govern according to the form of dividing the regions..."

Xuanyuan had already considered this new form, but he was not the co-leader before and was unable to do it.

Now that the high-level officials have spoken out, they don't hide it either. At least these high-level people of the human race each have their own tribes. If they want to integrate the tribes in the world, then these high-level officials will be the first to be treated.


After Xuanyuan finished speaking, the top leaders of the human race were silent for a while. They understood that this was the key, but they couldn't give up when it was their turn.

Xuanyuan has never deliberately served as emperor and courtiers. Nearly half of the top leaders of the human race are senior leaders left by Shennong, and the other half are his close subordinates.

However, something happened that made him ashamed.

When he finished speaking and disbanded the tribe, he thought that his subordinates would support them, but they were very silent. Instead, a group of senior officials left behind by Shennong took over first, and they continued one after another...

"Co-Master, you are right. The existence of tribes is the source of today's human race's conquests. The existence of tribes has naturally divided the human race into countless mountains. If we want to integrate the human race, the existence of tribes is no longer feasible. We must Decompose, my subordinates are willing!”

"Co-master, my subordinates are willing!"

"Co-master, my subordinates represent the xx tribe and are willing to obey the co-master's orders!"


A group of senior officials appointed by Shen Nong must have been in contact with Shen Nong for a long time. They were 'infected' by Shen Nong's selflessness and brilliance, so they said they were willing to disband their tribes and merge them into the future division of the human race for the sake of the future of the human race. middle.

Xuanyuan's subordinates felt a little ashamed for a moment, because it was themselves and others who were holding back.

"Co-master, my subordinates are willing." Gengchen, who was one of the twelve small tribes that previously defended the Bear Tribe, was the first to agree.



The entire human race hierarchy all agreed.

Xuanyuan took the first step to reform the human race.

"Haha..." Xuanyuan laughed heartily.

"Okay, okay, okay." Say three good words in a row.

Xuanyuan said again: "Everyone, I have never worried about the rebellion of the young people of the human race. I understood my responsibility after taking over the position of co-leader. It is the will of Emperor Shennong that I inherit the position of co-leader. There are saints and The Holy Mother and others testify that my position as co-lord is not something that some young people will admit without admitting it. Therefore, I have never worried about their rebellion. What I am always worried about is your thoughts. As the top leaders of the human race, as long as you are willing to do something for We, the human race, are willing to contribute. Is there anything we can’t do?

But you are very good, very good, you did not disappoint me, in the face of choices, you are willing to give up, this is what I want to see most..."

After the co-leader Xuanyuan succeeded to the throne of the human race, the first decree began to be rolled out.

First of all, Xuanyuan disbanded the Youxiong tribe, allowing the top management and the human race to see his selflessness.

After that, a series of human plans began to spread...

To divide the territory into a field, eight families are one well, three wells are one neighbor, three neighbors are one peng, three friends are one li, four li are one town, ten cities are the capital, ten capitals are one division, and ten divisions are the state. The land of the human race is divided into nine states;

There are official positions, left and right eunuchs to supervise all nations, and a total of 120 official positions are set up for management: three public officials, three young masters, four assistants, four historians, six prime ministers, and nine virtues.

The "six strict prohibitions" are put forward for officials at all levels. "Heavy" means excessive, that is, "strict prohibitions on sound, heavy taboos on sex, heavy taboos on clothing, heavy taboos on incense, heavy taboos on taste, and heavy taboos on indoors." Officials are required to live a simple life. Be vegetarian and oppose extravagance.

It is proposed to govern the country with virtue, "cultivate virtue to inspire the army", apply "virtue" to the world, cultivate virtue together, be benevolent and do it, cultivate virtue and establish righteousness, especially the establishment of "ministers of nine virtues" to educate the people in nine conducts, that is, they are responsible for Judges, serving as prison officers, sentenced those who committed serious crimes to death, and those who committed serious crimes were sentenced to beheading, etc...

Various plans and layouts were negotiated between Xuanyuan and the top leaders of the human race. In addition, Qingyue also gave guidance based on the suggestions of a group of Styx clones in the true spirit space.


Easy to formulate, difficult to promote!

Not to mention the detailed plan, as soon as the reform tribe was announced, more tribes were completely dissatisfied. Coupled with the bewitchment of thoughtful people, the entire human race suddenly became a mess.

Xuanyuan had already expected it and had made preparations before, just to calm down the war.

According to Qingyue's guidance, he and Feng Hou, a senior human race official, jointly compiled a military manual.

The disbanded ethnic groups were young and strong and were formed into an army. Xuanyuan taught them the art of war, taught them how to strengthen their bodies and practice cultivation, and based on his research, he developed chariots, weapons and weapons.

Coupled with the practice of the formation method, an army can be formed in ten thousand years.

When the human tribes revolted one after another and refused to accept the orders of the common leader, Xuanyuan's army was about to go on an expedition.

In heaven, the Jade Emperor Haotian was disgusted with the oppression of the saints and had previous connections with Emperor Fuxi, so he secretly sent people to assist Xuanyuan and gave Xuanyuan a Nine-Dragon Emperor's Chariot, a dragon-drawn chariot.

At the same time, Qingyue took over the Xuanyuan Sword that had been prepared in the hands of Ming He, and had the ability to gather momentum and luck blessing.

The Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, Qilin Clan, etc. also came to help Xuanyuan in his crusade against Buchen.

Therefore, it seemed that Xuanyuan was pacifying and conquering the human race, but people who were inclined to Xuehai and Xuehai's subordinates all helped Xuanyuan and increased his combat power.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to form an army in just ten thousand years.

Since Xuanyuan decided to reform the human race and formulated a series of plans, major forces began to come and go, and came to the new human race to help.

However, while Xuanyuan was accepting help, others were not idle either.

Although the puppets of the Four Saints of the West, the common people, did not openly resist Xuanyuan, they also began to prepare.

Just wait for Xuanyuan to punish the disloyal, and then call for all the tribes that are dissatisfied with Xuanyuan's reforms to fight against Xuanyuan.

The sound of cars and the whistling wind!

After the order to disband the tribes and accept the reform was rejected by many tribes, Xuanyuan took the imperial chariot and started to go to war with the Xuanyuan Sword of the Emperor.

It was also at this moment that the Western Common People Tribe announced to the human race that the common leader Xuanyuan was not worthy of leading the human race, and all oppressed tribes could come to join and jointly resist Xuanyuan's cruel suppression.

In this way, two obviously hostile forces appeared.

But they seemed to have forgotten one place, which was the Jiuli Tribe in the South.

Chi You admired Xuanyuan's decision very much. He understood that the existence of tribes was the biggest source of conflicts among the human race.

Each tribe had its own clan rules and each tribe had its own selfishness. With so many tribes combined, it would be strange if the human race did not have conflicts.

So he admired Xuanyuan's reform very much. After reading Xuanyuan's reform order in detail, he had to say that even if he lived for endless years, he would ask himself if he could not sort out such a detailed order.

He had already half submitted to Xuanyuan as the common leader.

It all depends on how the army Xuanyuan prepared for thousands of years is?

If it is not bad, at most, after Xuanyuan pacifies some rebellious tribes, he will go to join them.

Chi You is waiting for Xuanyuan's conquest.

"Wow! Wow! Wow..."

The army set out, its prestige suppressed the mountains, and its sweeping momentum was unstoppable.

The small tribes did not submit openly, which was the ambition and unwillingness of the beneficiaries of the tribe.

But when the army arrived, they could not be unwilling. They still wanted to rely on the fact that they were all human beings and Xuanyuan was the common leader. They understood that Xuanyuan would not be willing to do anything to them, but they regretted it instantly.

The army represents iron and blood, and Xuanyuan's ten thousand years of military training is not for show.

Either surrender to reform and wait for officials to govern, or disappear completely.

After nearly a hundred stubborn tribes disappeared, except for the diehards, all the other places where the army went surrendered, accepted reform, accepted management, disbanded tribes and divided the territory.

It took 100,000 years, and the eastern and northern regions of the entire human race's nine states were completely pacified.

After the pacification, Xuanyuan's prestige increased greatly, and the human race honored him as the emperor: Xuanyuan Huangdi. (End of this chapter)

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