Styx suddenly smiled and said again: "I'll tell you a secret. I didn't want to tell you, but some people have disappointed me, so I'll tell you.

...However, Daluo Jinxian can always remember the perfection, and will forget it after a while. "

Ming He sighed: "How can there be such an easy opportunity to get a person who is in harmony with the Tao?

Since it is chance, then naturally there can be no force.

You know, prehistoric times are all about balance.

What is balance? If you want to get an opportunity, you must pay.

If you don't pay, then even if this opportunity is yours, it will disappear on an unknown day!

In this case, you have known for a long time that you have the status of a saint with human nature and harmony. Why don't you dedicate yourself to increase your chances of getting opportunities, but instead continue to destroy him?

...You say, you are already immortal beings, why don't you protect the ancient world and let it grow stronger, but instead destroy it and seize the opportunity?

What's more, apart from the eternal road, what else have you seen that is eternal?

The Great Desolate World was opened by the Great God Pangu at the half-step level. As long as the Great Desolate World is completed, eternity can be achieved.

With the eternity of the prehistoric era, the creatures above the prehistoric era will have a day of true eternity.

Instead of pursuing the elusive realm of the great road. "

Ming He had just finished speaking, and the Four Saints also understood clearly. This is the reason why the Venerable protects Honghuang.

The first is: for one's own way; the second is: because the prehistoric era is about balance; the third is: for the prehistoric era to achieve eternity.

In the face of such questioning, the saint could not open his mouth even if he had a hundred reasons.

Of course they can say: I don't care about other people's lives or lives, I just want to be strong. That's absolutely fine.

But is it possible?

Wouldn't it mean that you would be secluded from this primitive world, and would be rejected by heaven and earth, and reviled by all living beings?

After saying this, Ming He put away the relaxed smile just now and turned to stare at the Four Saints: "So, tell me, why do you do this, destroy the ancient world to gain opportunities, is this your confidence?

...The human race won just now. If I don't show up, are you planning to threaten the human race and be unwilling to admit defeat? You want to get benefits no matter what? "

"Honored, venerable..." received the greeting.

"I, we, we are not willing to..." Original.

"We are saints, we are the soul of Pangu, we..." On the contrary, Lao Tzu, who seems to be the most inactive, is actually the most intense.

"Shut up!" Ming He suddenly shouted: "You are no longer the direct descendants of the Great God Pangu. The Great God Pangu has given you enough gifts. Don't use this reason to tarnish the greatness of the Great God Pangu!"

After speaking, the pressure of the Styx surged, suppressing the four saints.

This is a confrontation between the momentum of the two sides. The four saints are in the same boat. They are not grasshoppers who will give up resistance after a few words from Styx.

They resisted desperately before the pressure of the Styx, which was as vast as heaven and earth.

Even... if it weren't for the Styx Hongmeng Cauldron to suppress the world, it would have destroyed the world long ago.

"Puff, puff..."

The four of them were defeated, and they were frightened by their defeat!

The four of them joined forces, but none of them was a match for the Venerable, and even their souls were injured after being forced to do so!

Those watching the excitement on the sidelines were dumbfounded. Why did the Venerable make the saint vomit blood one after another with just a few words? What kind of situation is this?

The saint is immortal and the saint is supreme. Why are these four saints spewing blood like this?

Ming He added: "The most irritating thing is that you are Tongtian? I don't understand your choice. Although you are forced, you don't have the willpower to make a choice, which makes me very disappointed."

After Styx lectured the Four Saints again and vomited blood, he regained his momentum and continued to scold them.

The four saints instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it felt like we were really in trouble. As soon as the Venerable arrived, four of his people were seriously injured.

I was injured again just now, more injuries on top of others.

Finally..., I thought that I and others were going to be punished, but some venerable people accepted it again?

This means that he does not intend to let himself off easily, but intends to settle the scores bit by bit.

"Ahem, shame on you, junior." Tongtian coughed lightly. He was originally a strong person, and he was not afraid of anything, but he was forced to vomit blood by Styx twice, and he was so depressed that he even had to apologize in shame.

After all, there were so many living beings guarding him, and he thought to himself: It's over, the saint's dignity collapsed at this moment.

"Oh, ashamed?" Styx smiled contemptuously, "There is a saying that if you don't kill living creatures, they will die because of you. It is irreversible to be ashamed. If it is not your true intention, I will not spare you, but!"

Ming He said again: "However, your sin cannot be forgiven lightly. Because of your selfishness, you want to threaten me with the Great Desolate. This is what I least want to see..."

In fact, no matter how excessive your other behavior is, I will treat you as someone who is seeking the truth. After all, you are not the only ones who have destroyed the ancient world. It is unforgivable to use the destruction of ancient times as a bargaining chip! "

"Suppress for endless years, come out when the cause and effect is completed..." Styx decided easily.

Immediately he added: "Of course, the Four God-Killing Swords have been confiscated for the time being. We will wait and see when the cause and effect will be repaid."

After saying that, Styx took action in the shock of the Four Saints. He saw that Tongtian was shot out uncontrollably. Styx waved his hand, and in a place at the edge of the wilderness, a huge mountain range appeared, with sixteen laws condensed. Tongtian wanted to resist the iron chain, but found that he couldn't.

Tongtian didn't expect the Styx to be so cruel. He actually punished and suppressed him, and convicted him, saying that there was a sin and cause and effect. Could it be that he, the Styx, was confused? Saints are not involved in cause and effect.


At the moment when he was locked by the iron chain, Tongtian was shocked to find that there was a blood-red cause and effect in his soul, and even a link to his soul that he entrusted to the way of heaven. What kind of means is this?

The saint was artificially given cause and effect and was suppressed.


Tongtian's unwilling roar came, but it was too late.

"Everyone, do it!" Laozi, Yuanshi, and Jieyin were stunned and fought.


The eyes of the Styx were closed: "Fixed!"

The three saints: "......?"

The three saints found that they, who were immortal and indestructible, and who entrusted their souls and the way of heaven, were fixed and blocked from the great power of heaven and earth.

This? Incomprehensible!

The projection appeared, and the dumbfounded sentient beings looked at a huge picture, as if it was right in front of them.

Tongtian Saint was locked by four iron chains, and the four iron chains appeared scarlet.

Minghe said to Tongtian: "These four iron chains are your karma. When you pay off, you will be released..."

He also said to Tongtian: "Don't worry, you really have no skills to earn merit, but your disciples can pay off your teacher. Wait!"

"Boom!" A chaotic lightning struck Tongtian's head after Minghe finished speaking, and Tongtian trembled.

"Oh, I forgot to say that this is the baptism of Chaos Thunder once every hundred years, which can also reduce your sins. If your disciples can't pay off the karma, you will be punished by thunder tribulation as repayment.

In that case, you will still come out, but it will take a little longer!"



Everyone was shocked. How could the saint become an ant and be manipulated at will?

The three saints who were fixed felt that they were finished. Tongtian was the least evil, but he was so serious. Wouldn't they be more miserable?

I still wanted to resist, but a look froze me. What kind of magical power is this? Is the saint so weak?

Or is the Venerable too strong.

Everything is empty. I imagined that I could fight even if I couldn't beat the Styx. I thought too much. It's not like that. It's a situation where I can't struggle at all.


The Styx started to make fun of Laozi again.

"You are hypocritical and shameless, even if sometimes it is not hypocrisy, but it is true..., but it doesn't matter!"

He said again: "Like Tongtian, the punishment for you is not because you killed many lives, nor is it your hypocrisy, but because you touched the bottom line of this deity. Whoever dares to use the destruction of the prehistoric world as a bargaining chip will be punished, and this punishment is agreed by heaven and earth, and it is the will of all living beings!"

"Boom boom"

The eyes of the Styx closed, and Laozi seemed to be detonated in an instant. His body was shattered inch by inch, leaving only the trembling soul.

If it weren't for the immortality of the Heavenly Dao, he might have died with that glance just now.

"Swoosh, swoosh..."

Instantly, the power of heaven and earth made up for Laozi's body and condensed a new body for Laozi.

However, Laozi found that the cause and effect with the Heavenly Dao was even greater. What was the reason for struggling before, and what was the reason for condensing luck and plundering?

It was just to make progress, so as to get rid of the control of the Heavenly Dao.

But the glance of the Styx was in vain.

Even the cultivation level dropped from the sixth level of the Saint to the third level of the initial Saint.

In other words, the Hongmeng Eyes of the Styx just now not only damaged his body, making it completely difficult for him to get rid of the control of the Heavenly Dao, but also permanently weakened their cultivation.

"Laozi, the power of your Tai Chi diagram is harmful to the harmony of heaven. I have confiscated it. Let's see how you perform in the future."


The Styx waved his hand, and Laozi, the Saint, was also hung on the iron chain!

"Boom, boom!"

Laozi shuddered, his hair was disheveled, and he looked very embarrassed.

After all, his body was destroyed once more than Tongtian, and he had more sins and causes, probably because his four iron chains were scarlet than Tongtian's, which meant that he had more sins and causes.

In addition, a chaotic divine thunder awakened Laozi's consciousness.

"No, no, Venerable, I repent, I was wrong!"


Laozi's begging for mercy may be the first time he realized that the immortality of saints is false.

He woke up because he lost his biggest support.

Anyway, all living beings were dumbfounded. Saints were beaten and ravaged at will. They were enlightened and felt deep fear at the same time.

For the first time, I understood that no matter how suicidal you are, you should not destroy the prehistoric world at will, and do not harm the origin of the prehistoric world, otherwise this would be the end.

The Venerable also said that this is his bottom line and cannot be violated.

As for what is the Venerable's bottom line?

The Venerable said it very clearly: it was the promise the Venerable made to himself, it was the Venerable's Tao, and it was the Venerable's protection of the prehistoric world.

If you still don't understand these three things, you are not worthy of being a Taoist.

The remaining Yuanshi Tianzun and Jieyin looked depressed.

Finally understood that the heavier the punishment, the last one to be ranked. Seeing the punishment of the two people in front, it seems that the two of them are even more miserable.

Minghe waved his hand and unsealed the two people, and finally he could speak.

"Venerable, whether you believe it or not, my eldest brother, my third brother and I were all bewitched by the people in the West." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

"You?" Jieyin was stunned. It turned out to be this sentence. He betrayed himself right away. Could it be that he, Yuanshi, also saw the murderous intent in the eyes of the Venerable.

The Venerable would not really kill the two of them, Jieyin thought?

After a while of thinking: No, I am immortal, and life and death need the decision of heaven, the Venerable will not kill me easily.

Moreover, every saint has a huge cause and effect. According to the Venerable's protection of the prehistoric world, he will not kill me, and killing myself is not conducive to the evolution of the prehistoric world.

Jie Yin felt a little disappointed when he thought about it. The prehistoric world that he wanted to use as a bargaining chip turned out to be his biggest life-saving talisman.

If his death had no effect on the prehistoric world, I am afraid he would have died?

Thinking of this, Jie Yin seemed to be deflated.

"Venerable, it was the junior who bewitched me, and even many things were arranged by the junior.

However, let the Venerable understand that it was the original sound transmission junior, saying that the Heavenly Court has not discovered it now, so he joined the junior to arrange the human race." Jie Yin said.

It seems that he has given up on himself.

"Your Excellency, I didn't say that.

I just said that this opportunity to achieve the Dao is not in the Heavenly Palace, but Jie Yin contacted us to lay out the human race. Of course, we didn't really want to harm the human race, but just wanted to get the opportunity to achieve the Dao." Yuanshi retorted.

The two people's fight made Minghe speechless. They are indeed the two most useless.

Also, there are times when I have made mistakes.

I used to think that Yuanshi's mistake was caused by Laozi.

But Tongtian is the same. Tongtian is a little stronger, but Yuanshi is still the same.

As for Jie Yin, need to say more.

These two people made Minghe angry the most, and this is the reason why he stayed until the end.

Also, these two people shamelessly plundered the spiritual treasures of the prehistoric creatures, which is too much.

Even using the prehistoric as a bargaining chip as a threat was also planned by the two.

Therefore, after hearing what Yuanshi said, Minghe sneered: "Get the opportunity? What kind of opportunity do you want? The opportunity to do evil, to play with all living beings like ants?

And the stakes are the safety of the prehistoric world?"

"This, this...?" Yuanshi was ashamed when asked, and even became angry and ashamed, and even madly ignored it: "Minghe, what right do you have to judge us?

We are saints, why can't we have the rights of saints?

What's wrong with us seeking the Tao?

Humph, why is the saint of Hedao Houtu, just because she turned into reincarnation?

We are the earliest saints, I am not willing!"

Under extreme arrogance, Yuanshi exploded when asked by Minghe.

And Minghe: "You are right, just because Houtu turned into reincarnation.

...In addition, I tell you that the saint of Hedao is not determined by me and Hongjun, but by heaven and earth, so if you can't become a saint of Hedao, you can only blame yourself, not others."

"No?" Yuanshi shook his head violently, he didn't believe it.

He felt that the Hedao Saint was arranged by his teacher and Minghe.

"You are lying to me, it's impossible." Yuanshi said again. (End of this chapter)

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