Chapter 261 261. Styx’s plan

Taiyi said again: "...This creature's wisdom is not very high. The entire essence is condensed into a Bingjin copper vein. He is like an innate spiritual treasure, and also like a Binggold copper vein. He is also a living being. This junior is really the first." See you once!”

After thinking about it, Taiyi continued: "In addition, there is a creature like a star. At first, I thought it was a star that fell here, but later I found out that it was actually a creature. The intelligence is not very high, but the power of the body is surprising. …

Also, for some reason recently, the giant beasts in the endless dark sea used to have only instincts and no wisdom, but now it is different. There are many giant beasts that are born with wisdom. They also come in all kinds. The same physical body is ridiculously strong..."


In the end, Taichi said: "Fortunately, they are all new to wisdom. Although they have strong roots and feet, they do not have the skills to practice and lack wisdom. These juniors can handle it.

The Venerable had previously ordered that strange creatures should not be killed, so the juniors imprisoned them. "

Styx was stunned when he heard this, it was completely beyond his expectation.

It seems that great changes have taken place since ancient times. Not only will the Three Realms be formed, but also magical creatures will be catalyzed in magical places such as the Endless Sea.

If it is extended...

After the great changes in the prehistoric times, will there be endless small worlds and spaces outside the prehistoric times? Wouldn't it be true that those spaces and small worlds will also change due to the changes in the prehistoric times?

This would be fun, Styx thought.

"Yes, you have done a good job. I will go with you to see these magical creatures later. By the way, I will continue to do this if I find anything in the future. In addition..."

Styx paused and said with a smile: "Perhaps you have made rapid progress in your practice recently because you did not kill these magical creatures and gave them shelter.

Not to mention the magic of these creatures with root legs, the root legs alone are accompanied by powerful luck. Therefore, you not only enlightened the islands and gained luck, but you protected these magical creatures and also made rapid progress in your cultivation. reason. "

When the two of them heard this, they were inexplicably happy. It turned out that there was such a side.

It seems that those magical creatures are very important!

As for asylum?

The two of them blushed for a while. If Styx hadn't said not to kill such magical creatures, they would have killed them long ago.

In any case, this kind of magical creature is full of treasures. Let’s just say that the island creature is a natural spiritual treasure and acrylic gold and copper veins.

Not to mention the star-like creature, which is also a spiritual treasure and full of spiritual materials.

"We, please obey His Majesty's will." The two of them felt that they had a bright future, so they answered happily.

Moreover, I have an idea that I don’t know whether to express or not...

But Styx noticed it and asked, "Are you worried?"

"No, no, no." Di Jun shook his head quickly. But he said: "Your Majesty, this was discovered accidentally when we captured the islands. Come to think of it, if we had deliberately searched for it, there might have been more. You see..."

Di Jun asked cautiously: "Look, should we go out and look for them when we have nothing to do? Even if we don't shelter them, we should also record their whereabouts. Maybe you, venerable, can use them that day?"

Styx smiled, this was a good idea. He was very busy. Since so many magical creatures and things were born, he might as well let the two of them go find them.

Maybe through exploration, I can understand the trajectory from now on?

Very good decision.

Of course, Zhong Minghe also understood one thing, that is: it is possible in the prehistoric times that another round of great changes in life will begin, just like the beginning when Luo Hu and Hongjun were born.

At this moment, a new path of evolution begins to give birth to new creatures. This is the coming of a great era!

So Styx said: "Very good, you have a good idea. Don't kill them. If you are in danger, capture them and protect them. If they are not in danger, record them and leave them alone. In addition, there are very magical ones, um...

Catch him too, after all, he needs to be protected. "

"Huh?" Di Jun and Tai Yi were stunned.

As expected, the two of them knew what was going on, and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, you are absolutely right, they are extremely rare and need to be protected. You are giving them a favor.

Otherwise, these magical creatures will be in danger all day long! "

"Well, I think so too, so you can just do whatever you want." Ming He said with a gentle smile.

He, Ming He, is not a person who blushes because of his shamelessness or even violates his Taoist conscience.

Not to mention the level of Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal at this moment, he is not afraid of anything at this moment, he is even more free and unrestrained.

Therefore, Taiyi, Dijun, and Jia Minghe, after a perfect calculation...

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

The four of them laughed heartily!


The saint and the second-generation disciples who were crying under the saint were dumbfounded. Why are you laughing?

"Ahem, what happened to your explanation?" Styx's face turned pale and he asked the Four Saints and their disciples?

"Your Majesty, we have made it clear that from now on Xuandu will be the deputy leader of our human religion." I said.

"Your Majesty, Duobao will be the deputy leader of the Jie Cult from now on, and can carry out the leader's instructions on behalf of the younger generation." Tongtian said.

"The same is true for us. From now on, the pharmacist will be the deputy leader of the Western Sect and can develop the sect on behalf of the younger generation.

Junior Brother Zhunti went into Mount Sumeru to meditate and did not care about prehistoric matters. "Jie Yin said.

"The teachings are controlled by Guangchengzi and assisted by Randen." Yuanshi Tianzun also said.

"Good, very good." Minghe nodded.

Minghe then began to talk about the merit issue that several saints were most concerned about. After all, if they were punished, they needed the efforts of their disciples to repay it. But are the efforts of the disciples only to assist the common leader of the human race in the future?

It seems that this merit is the fortune of the disciples and is useless to themselves and others.

"How to repay your karma is actually very simple. If it goes as expected, after the great changes in heaven and earth are complete, the three realms will be completely formed, and then..."

"If Honghuang wants to grow stronger, I am afraid that in addition to its own evolution, it needs to devour endless chaos. What you disciples have to do is to go to the chaos in the future and open up the area of ​​Honghuang for Honghuang. After that... open up the land of chaos and enter Honghuang to expand Honghuang. This is the way for you disciples to earn merit. Of course, how much you earn depends on your efforts."

Minghe said it roughly, and the saint was shocked.

Let's not talk about anything else. If I knew this earlier, I would not have turned against the Venerable. There will be plenty of places for me to gallop in the chaos in the future. Why didn't I know it before?

Moreover, he was still eyeing the prehistoric land, while the Venerable had already set his sights on the land of chaos. What a big gap!

"But..." Minghe said again: "But the prehistoric land is the most important. The development of the land of chaos is also to complete the prehistoric land. Therefore, the merits earned by your disciples are also to strengthen the prehistoric land. This is your way of repaying."

After Minghe finished speaking, he saw the four people in deep thought and asked: "Are there any doubts?"

After speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Venerable, without our support and protection, I am afraid that our disciples will be suppressed and even killed. How can the human race, dragon race, phoenix race, unicorn race, and a group of powerful people let us disciples go easily?"

Yuanshi Tianzun asked the concerns of all the saints.

"You don't have to worry about this. When the land of chaos is opened up, the prehistoric creatures cannot fight among themselves. I may lead the team at that time. You don't have to worry about it. As for..."

Minghe smiled: "As for the prehistoric creatures' fight in the prehistoric world, I won't care. Life and death are determined by fate. There is no smooth sailing in the pursuit of the Tao, and there is no absolute safety."

After Minghe finished speaking, they were silent.

But Minghe thought: The four saints biting each other meant that they had broken up, and their alliance collapsed, and even their struggle in the future would be more intense than others.

In this way, it seems that the three religions will avoid attacking Jiejiao in the future!

But what will happen next, I don't know.

And the four saints...

After Minghe said this, they had a bottom line in their hearts.

After all, they didn't die, they were just suppressed. This is the biggest deterrent. Who dares to kill their disciples wantonly and wait for their revenge in the future?

Under this premise, although he and others were suppressed, the deterrent power was still there. I think few people dared to go against their own sect everywhere.

And Jieyin thought about it.

He has the fewest disciples, but is good at preaching and educating living beings. It seems that in comparison, his Western Church is stronger than the other three pure ones.

Therefore, Jie Yin said: "Venerable, my Western Church agrees."

"The Human Church also agrees!"

"The Chan Church agrees!"

"The Jie Church agrees!"

"Since you all agree, let's do it... In addition, I will ignore your corpse-chopping master." Minghe said easily.

As a result, the four saints were shocked after he finished speaking.

So the Venerable did not forget, and still remembered that he had a corpse-chopping?

"Thank you, Venerable!" The four saints breathed a sigh of relief.

Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian and Jie Yin all cut off two corpses. Some cut them before becoming a saint, and some cut them after becoming a saint.

The saints who cut off corpses are all quasi-saints, which is also their confidence.

We must always give them some hope. If there is no hope, how can they try their best?

Minghe pointed out the corpse-chopping to give them hope.

In this way, they will work harder to contribute.


When they finally make up for the cause and effect and return, they will find that things are different. The times have changed, and that's all they are after.

"Since that's the case, you should repent here. I will send you and other disciples to the wild world." Minghe said at last.

Before, I gave all my spiritual treasures to Xuandu for protection, and Tongtian and the others also gave powerful spiritual treasures to the disciples for protection.

After explaining everything, Minghe left with the saint's disciples and let them make their own plans.

Although it was another tearful farewell, Minghe was ruthless and took everything away with a wave of his sleeves.


On the other side...

After sending the saint's disciples back to the wild world, Minghe investigated the current situation of the human race.

After the previous war, the human race completely eliminated the evil god camp in the west, and the traitors of the human race, Cangsheng and other subordinates, all received the punishment they deserved.

Under the leadership of Xuanyuan, the human race began to build the west devastated by war.

Xuanyuan proposed to treat everyone equally and without prejudice. For the unification of the human race, as long as the West complied with his reforms and dispersed the tribes, it would be protected by the human race.

Of course, there were still those who were unwilling, but Xuanyuan was so powerful that he swept away all the unwilling ones. Under the sweep, the entire West was completely controlled by Xuanyuan.

After that, he began to arrange officials to govern the West. In addition, he also waited for Chiyou in the south to surrender, hoping that Chiyou would do what he said, otherwise he would not hesitate to personally attack him.

After Xuanyuan and Qingyue studied the twelve junior brothers who died in the battle before, they found that the twelve junior brothers were not completely dead.

But like the reincarnation of some ancient great powers, the previous death was also a kind of tempering.

Especially Qingyue, I know that the daughter of Shennong, the co-leader, is such an existence.

Her memory was awakened by a drop of holy water from the Styx, and she must be receiving guidance from other clones at this moment.

But Qingyue couldn't go to the Styx to give holy water to awaken her twelve disciples.

The master and apprentice began to think of a way, and the result..., they really thought of it.

The way is to canonize the guardian of the human race, or the ability of the human race's "manifestation of the holy position", just like the previous canonization of Zhuangzi and others.

The master and apprentice planned to completely unify the human race, gather all the luck and will of the human race, and canonize the twelve junior brothers as the guardian zodiac of the human race.

It is good to use the luck and will of the human race to awaken the memory of the twelve junior brothers.

For this idea, Xuanyuan cares more about the south. Without the unification of the south, the human race cannot be considered completely unified.

Only when everything is unified can one achieve the position of perfect common master and prove the truth after the completion of merit.

For the human race...

The Styx just observed it briefly and didn't care. It was just the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race, although it was related to the perfection of the great changes in heaven and earth.

But the Styx asked himself, with his previous actions of punishing the saints, few dared to be presumptuous at this moment.

It would take at least some time to get out of the previous fear of presumption.

After all, even if the Styx explained many times that it was only punishing the saints and didn't care about anything else?

However, the prehistoric creatures had never experienced such a shock. Even if the Styx said that it didn't care, they didn't dare to act rashly in a short time, because it was too terrible.

So the Styx didn't care about the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. It was enough to look at the progress occasionally, and let the rest be free.

Even with the teachings of the Five Emperors, the Styx did not deprive the saints of their rights.

The Styx can be said to be fair. The saints are saints, and they are punished. Their disciples cannot be punished if they don't harm the heaven and earth.

What's more, this is the previous decision of Hongjun, and it is not easy to change it at will.

Not to mention that the Blood Sea Sect is already too powerful, which is actually a suppression of other creatures.

The Styx has been looking for a way to protect the prehistoric world without hindering the path of the living beings to seek the Tao.

To achieve this, the most important thing is fairness.

The second point is to guide the living beings and ignore the Styx's frequent seclusion.

This is why the assistants of the Five Emperors are still the disciples of the Four Saints, and the Styx ignores it.

After all, only after the prehistoric beings recognize it, can they obtain the cause and effect of humanity, and then the three causes and effects of heaven, earth and man are added to themselves, and they can obtain the fruit of Pangu Tao.

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