Sure enough, countless water creatures knew that this was a great opportunity.

After all, there is a tradition of leaping over the dragon gate among the dragon race, so there is naturally no resistance to the dragon gate of the human race.

Therefore, this leap over the dragon gate has become an opportunity for the dragons of the human race, and they cherish it very much.

Not long after, twelve carps took the lead. They were the most suitable species for leaping over the dragon gate among all the water creatures, and successfully became the first batch of "twelve human dragons" of the human race.

Xuanyuan conferred them with the power to control the clouds and rain, to be protected by the human race, to enjoy the luck of the human race and to be connected with the luck of the human race, and their obligation was to bring good weather and good harvests to the human race.

...So far!

The great drought of the human race has been solved, and the human race has also officially separated from the three tribes from their previous dependence on them and lived well.

At this point, the luck blessing of the human race on the three tribes has decreased a lot.

However, the face has been torn, which is an expected situation.

Emperor Yan got his wish and took Nuba away, and the human race got his wish to control their own destiny.

Since then, the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan have only left legends to the human race, and the other magics are gone.

The dragon controlled by the human race has become the symbol of the human race. Everyone is like a dragon, which is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The transformation of a fish leaping over the dragon gate has also become an opportunity and character that the human race envies.

Even when describing people, they describe it as wishing you to leap over the dragon gate and transform into a world-famous one!

The descendants of the dragon represent a kind of praise and blessing.

There are many human races who claim to be descendants of the dragon, but: the dragon is not the dragon.

Just like this...

It seems that nothing can hinder the development of the human race. Even the three tribes have been overthrown, let alone the small difficulties of distinction.

The momentum of the prosperity of the human race is becoming more and more unstoppable...

However, a new problem has come, overproduction.

And the continuous creation leads to some things that you have but I don’t have, and I don’t know how to get them if I want them.

At this time, simple barter appeared, but barter was too backward and could not fully carry the capacity of transactions, which seriously hindered the development of the human race.

Perhaps the human race needs something that can become a currency recognized by everyone, so that the human race can continue to prosper.

But what kind of currency, Xuanyuan and other human high-level people are at a loss.

Ask Qingyue.

Qingyue understands that the main body of the Blood Sea Mall will be rolled out in the prehistoric world.

So Qingyue told Xuanyuan about the merit coins in the Blood Sea Mall.

After Xuanyuan understood the merit coins, he timely realized the currency of the human race, and began to promote it throughout the world. For this period of time, the problem of currency transactions in the human race was finally solved.

In addition, Xuanyuan even studied weights and measures in advance and began to promote them throughout the world.

The emergence of currency and weights and measures, seemingly simple two things, but they play an extremely important role for the human race. The responsibility and test of the human race belonging to the third co-lord Xuanyuan has come to an end at this moment.

As long as the currency and weights and measures are completely accepted by the human race, and even irreplaceable, it may be the moment when Xuanyuan will complete his merits.

But this time is still a bit long...

However, in the prehistoric world, the most worthless thing may be time.

Time passed...

Xuanyuan, the third leader of the human race, finally completed his mission.

Since solving the currency and weights and measures of the human race, the human race entered the fast lane.

Countless inventions came into being. In the later period of Xuanyuan's rule, the human race developed greatly in all aspects.

The farming system was implemented on farmland, and grains were sown in time. The pestle and mortar were invented, gardens and nurseries were opened, fruit trees and vegetables were planted, mulberry trees and silkworms were planted, beasts and poultry were raised, and grazing was carried out.

In terms of sewing and weaving, the loom was invented, and textiles were made to make clothes, shoes and hats, tents, felts, robes, furs, canopies, armor, flags, and helmets.

In terms of pottery making, bowls, plates, cauldrons, steamers, plates, bowls, stoves, etc. were made. In terms of smelting, copper was smelted, and copper tripods, knives, coins, gongs, kettles, bronze mirrors, bells, and guns were made.

In terms of architecture, palaces, palaces, courtyards, halls, pavilions, castles, towers, gates, steps, silkworm rooms, temples, and jade palaces were built.

In terms of transportation, boats were made.

In terms of weapons, knives, spears, bows and arrows, crossbows, six banners, flags, four-sided flags, horns, drums, military symbols, cloud ladders, towers, swords, archery, etc. were made.

In terms of daily life, cooked food, porridge, rice, wine, meat, scales, buckets, rules, inkstones, tables, felts, flags, seals, beads, fire lamps, beds, mats, kicking, etc.

If we add the management of the previous officials and the dissolution of the tribes, not to mention the unification of the human race in war, Xuanyuan also made great contributions in the education of people's livelihood.

In the last period of time before the consummation, something happened that embarrassed Xuanyuan.

After inheriting the abdication of Fuxi and Shennong, Xuanyuan could not find a new leader of the human race.

However, Xuanyuan quickly understood his own feelings after Qingyue's guidance.

He left behind many "establishment" statements.

Even after Xuanyuan had been in office for a million years and had completed his merits, he still had not found a virtuous person to inherit his position as the co-leader.

Helplessly, Xuanyuan searched among his descendants. After a period of screening and testing, he found his grandson Zhuanxu, surnamed Ji, and named Gaoyang.

So far...

The co-leader who originally belonged to abdication, the co-leader of the human race with the condensation of destiny, ended since Xuanyuan's merits were completed.

Later Zhuanxu, Diku, Yao, Shun, and Yu were actually descendants of Xuanyuan.

Only the three emperors, Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan, the emperors of heaven, earth, and man of the human race, were born because of destiny and existed to cut through thorns for the human race.


This day!

"God is above, now Xuanyuan of the human race has completed his merits, and he abdicates the throne of the human race's co-leader to Zhuanxu..."

"God is above, Zhuanxu swears to inherit the will of his ancestors and carry on the future for our human race..."


On the nine-story altar of the human race, Xuanyuan announced to heaven and earth that his merits were complete.

It's just that there were four fewer saints among the witnesses at this time, but many major forces and powerful people in the prehistoric world came to watch the ceremony.

Perhaps without the shock of the four saints, they were much more relaxed. The human race's co-leader proved the truth, and they came to give face and make good connections.

In short, for many reasons, there were four fewer saints, but many more future "enemies" of the human race.


The merits from heaven, Xuanyuan, like Fuxi and Shennong before, were perfect quasi-saints, and immortal and immortal, relying on the primordial spirit and the way of heaven.


Like Qingyue, he gained merits for assisting Xuanyuan and directly broke through to the late stage of quasi-saints.

The seal of the emperor of the human race flew over, and the abdication was considered complete.

"Zhuanxu, don't let me down. Lead the human race to grow stronger. Remember to be dedicated to the public and selfless..."

Zhuanxu knelt down and said, "I will not let you down."

"Thank you for your guidance and assistance over the years. I can't achieve what I have today without your guidance. I, the human race, also want to thank you and the blood sea." Xuanyuan said to Qingyue again.

Qingyue also shirked, saying that it was okay to call you a fellow Taoist. It was also her chance to teach the co-lord.

Xuanyuan didn't care after hearing this, and the previous two co-lords did the same.

However, Xuanyuan looked at the pharmacist beside Zhuanxu and was a little worried. The three emperors all had someone to assist them.

But after Zhuanxu, there was no strong man to assist him, and I didn't know whether it was good or bad.

I just hope that the four saints can't give much assistance, but don't let the human race down.

Xuanyuan was not impressed by the disciples of the Four Saints. After all, he had experienced the scene of the Four Saints being suppressed.

However, not so much time had passed. The human race was very forgetful and had long forgotten the so-called Four Saints. Even those who had seen them before were automatically blocked due to the long time. Only those above Daluo could remember them.

But the masters above Daluo all followed him this time. I hope the disciples of the Four Saints have no other ideas.

Xuanyuan looked at the human race with nostalgia, and left with his wife and a group of subordinates who followed him to fight.

After that...

Xuanyuan was called the Human Emperor by the human race.

The Heavenly Emperor Fuxi, the Earthly Emperor Shennong, and the Human Emperor Xuanyuan, the three emperors of the human race were officially complete.

The human race entered the era of the Five Emperors ruling the world.

After the previous destruction, the disciples of the Four Saints began to enter the eyes of the world again.

The one who assisted the Five Emperors Zhuanxu was the pharmacist of the Western Jieyin Sect. The pharmacist said that he was under great pressure.

As for Xuanyuan's concerns, they were unnecessary. With the previous trip of Minghe to Prison Saint Island, they knew that their future target was Chaos, not the human race.

Besides, in the prehistoric world, they did not dare to act rashly.

The Four Saints were suppressed before, and the previous territory was taken away by the three tribes.

If it were not for the pressure of the Four Saints, they might have been exterminated, so Xuanyuan was worried too much.

They would only honestly assist the leader of the human race, and dare not have other ideas.


On the other hand...

Minghe was waiting for the time to come in the sea of ​​blood.

After all, Minghe knew very well that the time of the Five Emperors' rule would pass quickly, and the passing of the Five Emperors would be the beginning of the formation of the Three Realms.

Minghe was already on full alert, waiting for the great changes in the world to be completed, and the prehistoric world to open up a new era.

The Three Emperors were complete, and the Five Emperors began to rule the world.

In general, the period of the Five Emperors of the human race was a period of slow rise. The First Emperor Fuxi temporarily relieved the food crisis for the human race, and there were Fuxi Bagua and other things, which was an open era.

The second emperor, Shennong, completely solved the food problem for the human race, used his own character to establish the human race, and then sorted out the medicine classics, etc., to solve the test of disease and disaster for the human race.

The last Xuanyuan, first unified the human race, and then reformed the human race to get rid of the dependence of the three tribes, and completely solved the great troubles of the human race.

It can be said that the merits and deeds of the three people have made the human race enter the prosperous era from the wilderness.

The next five emperors could only repair the perfect human race.

During Zhuanxu's reign, he unified the human race's beliefs. Even if his teacher was a Western pharmacist, it still could not prevent the human race from worshipping the sea of ​​blood.

Zhuanxu perfected the Nine Provinces, established a ruling institution, determined marriage, and studied the difference between men and women, and the order of the old and the young.

In response to the prevalence of witchcraft, he ordered the folks to ban witchcraft; reformed the Jia calendar, set the four seasons and the twenty-four solar terms, and later generations promoted him as the "Lizong".

Zhuanxu was in power for only half the time of the three emperors before him, four Yuanhui, but during his reign, the prosperity of the human race became more prosperous.

Continuing the policies and reforms of the three emperors, the human race walked out of the conquest of Emperor Xuanyuan, and entered the era of self-cultivation during Zhuanxu's reign.

After that, Zhuanxu's merits were complete, and he passed the position of co-lord to Emperor Ku.

And Yaoshi also used the merits of his assistant to kill a corpse and achieved the cultivation of the early stage of quasi-sage.

In addition, Zhuanxu's merits were not as great as those of the three emperors. When he completed his merits, he was only at the level of the middle stage of quasi-sage.

It was far behind the three emperors.

After Emperor Ku succeeded to the throne, he was assisted by Jin Ning under Nuwa.

Emperor Ku, Gao Xin clan, named Jun, was born in Gao Xin, the great-grandson of Huangdi.

During his reign, he was the emperor of Mu De and Bo was the capital.

Emperor Ku was observant, followed the will of the people, cared about the people, used both benevolence and power, improved himself, and won the trust of the people of the world.

It can be seen that Emperor Ku was also an emperor who was benevolent and loyal to the people.

He later established the solar terms, improved the quality of life of the people, and was deeply loved by the people.

Emperor Ku also reigned for four Yuanhui, and then he completed his merits and passed the throne to Emperor Yao, the third of the Five Emperors of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race.

Yao, whose surname was Yiqi, inherited the will of Shennong and Xuanyuan during his reign, and was particularly outstanding in establishing his integrity.

He established four seasons to form a year and awarded farming seasons to the people.

He determined the spring equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice.

Yao set up a drum for advice so that the people of the world could speak freely; he set up a tree for slander so that the people of the world could attack his faults.

In addition, what people praised most about Yao was that he did not pass on the throne to his son but to a virtuous person, and abdicated to Shun, and did not regard the throne of the Son of Heaven as his own.

He had long believed that his son Danzhu was fierce and stubborn and could not be used, so he discussed with others and asked them to recommend candidates.

Someone recommended Shun, saying that this person was very filial, handled family relationships very well, and could influence his family members to make them change from evil to good.

Yao decided to investigate first before making a decision.

Yao married his two daughters, Ehuang and Nvying, to Shun to investigate his virtues from his two daughters to see if he could manage the household well.

Shun and Ehuang and Nvying lived by the Weishui River and acted according to etiquette. Both women were very fond of Shun and abided by the rules of women.

Yao also sent Shun to promote moral education. Shun taught his subjects to guide their behavior with the "Four Classics", namely father's righteousness, mother's kindness, brother's friendship, brother's respect, and son's filial piety. The subjects were happy to listen to his teachings and generally acted in accordance with the "Four Classics".

Yao also asked Shun to manage all officials and handle government affairs. All officials obeyed Shun's command, and all things were prosperous, without any waste, and they seemed particularly well-organized and not disordered.

Yao also asked Shun to be responsible for receiving the princes who came to pay homage to the four gates of the Mingtang.

Shun got along well with the princes and made them all harmonious and friendly.

The princes and guests from afar all respected him.

Finally, Yao asked Shun to go to the forest at the foot of the mountain alone to experience the test of nature.

Shun was able to walk on the road without losing his way in the storm, showing a strong ability to survive.

After a long time of various investigations, Yao felt that Shun was mature and reliable in both speaking and doing things, and could achieve achievements, so he decided to abdicate the throne to Shun.

Yao's merits were complete.

"The people are sad, as if they have lost their parents for three years, and the four directions do not hold music to think of Yao", and people's nostalgia for him is deep.

However, during the reign of Emperor Yao, Jiejiao achieved certain development, and the one who assisted Emperor Yao was Duobao Taoist, a disciple of Jiejiao.

Before the two emperors, Nuwa had no sect and no doctrine to spread, while the medicine master of the Western religion did not dare to spread the doctrine at will. (End of this chapter)

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