Chapter 269 269. New Judges

"The unyielding and self-reliant spirit of the human race." Hongjun said.

"The soul of the witch clan is magical." Minghe also said.

These four people combine the characteristics of the witch clan and the human race. They are full of evil spirits, but they have the unyielding soul of the human race. No wonder ghosts and monsters are afraid of them.

"What do you think?" Hongjun asked.

"Well, it is difficult to deduce the natural candidates for judges, but it must be a fixed number." Minghe said.

"Well, these four people can be judges." Hongjun nodded.

Minghe also thought it was suitable, since that was the case.

Minghe said: "I am the Venerable Minghe. All the gods in the underworld were canonized by me. Now you four are destined to be the four judges."

Minghe's words resonated with the underworld, as if they were happy and agreed.

The four finally understood that it was the Venerable, the teacher of the Holy Mother of the Human Race, the creator of the Hell of the Underworld, and the master of the Supreme Benevolent and Peaceful Lady.

"We pay our respects to the Venerable." The four bowed to the Styx respectfully, and felt blessed, as if the moment the Styx recognized them, they had a lot more inheritance.

For example, the old man next to the Styx turned out to be the Taoist Ancestor.

"We pay our respects to the Taoist Ancestor." The four bowed to Hongjun again.

"Good!" Hongjun nodded.

But the Styx said seriously: "Do you four have Taoist names and names?"

"The human race has the Xin clan"

"The human race has the Gengming clan"

"The human race has the Jiaoyu clan"

"The human race has the Chaoyou clan"

The four reported their names one after another, but the Styx sighed, and no one knew what he was sighing about.

But then he said: "In this case, I will give you four names."

"You Xin, I will give you the name Cui Yu, in charge of the Yin Law Department of the Underworld."

"Cui Yu, thank you, Your Excellency."

As the order from the Underworld was issued, Cui Yu's outfit, demeanor and even the charm of Taoism changed. He wore a red robe, held the Book of Life and Death in his left hand and the Soul-Catching Pen in his right hand, and was specifically responsible for the task of adding life to the good and sending the evil to the underworld.

"Geng Ming, I will give you the name Lu Zhidao, in charge of the Inspection Department."

"Lu Zhidao, thank you, Your Excellency."

After saying that, like Cui Yu, Lu Zhidao's eyes were like lightning, he was upright and awe-inspiring.

His duty was to reward the good, promote good deeds, punish the evil, and redress the injustice.

"The original deity of the Xiyu clan named him Zhong Kui, and he is in charge of the Punishment Department."

"Zhong Kui, thank you, Your Excellency."

I saw Zhong Kui wearing a purple robe, with his eyes wide open and his lips tightly closed, looking like he was doing his job impartially.

From then on, all the ghosts who came to report would first be reflected in front of the evil mirror to show good and evil and distinguish between good and bad.

All the bad ghosts who committed evil in their lifetime were dealt with by him. He sentenced them according to the "four no's and four no's" principle of King Yama. The four no's were disloyalty, unfilial piety, unfraternal love, and unfaithfulness;

The four no's were impoliteness, unrighteousness, lack of integrity, and shamelessness. Minor crimes were punished lightly, and serious crimes were punished heavily. Then he was sent to the punishment platform and to the eighteen levels of hell until his sentence was completed. Then he was sent to the wheel hall to be transformed into a cow, a horse, a worm, a dog, etc., and returned to the world of the living.

"The original deity of the Chaoyou clan named him Wei Zheng, and he is in charge of the Reward Department." Minghe said to the last one.

"Wei Zheng, thank you, Your Excellency."

Wei Zheng was also recognized by the underworld because of the canonization. His Taoism, bearing, appearance, and demeanor all changed. Wei Zheng was in charge of the Shanbo, wearing a green robe and smiling.

All the little ghosts who did good deeds in their lifetime were arranged by him, and they were rewarded according to the degree and amount of good deeds they did in their lifetime. In the six paths, they either ascended to heaven and became gods, or were reborn as humans.

The four judges, four names, plus the canonization of the Styx, the underworld is complete.

Pingxin and Hongjun don't understand why the Styx personally gave names?

However, it seems that this is not bad. The leader of the four is Cui Yu Cui Judge.

After that, the four were canonized, and the underworld was finally complete.

After the four left, Pingxin began to merge with the underworld again, or with the heart of the underworld, and officially entered the level of the saint of the Tao.

The underworld is complete, Pingxin has achieved the saint of the Tao, and the vast power of the entire underworld, coupled with the perfection, has expanded again.

The underworld has the Nether Realm and its own ghost cultivators, which are absorbed by the Yellow Spring River from countless worlds and endless chaos.

The purpose is to transform these souls into the souls of the origin of the primordial world.

The Yellow Spring River has such a function.

If the heaven and earth have yin and yang, the yin is the Yellow Spring River, and the yang is the river of destiny of the heaven.

The soul origin of the primordial creatures, especially the acquired creatures, are all born from the river of destiny of the heaven.

Then the Yellow Spring River is to collect the origin of the endless world and transform it into the origin of the primordial world.

This is the perfect world cycle, which the small world does not have.


The three realms are shaking!

"I am the Supreme Benevolence and Peaceful Lady of the Reincarnation World. The Three Realms are formed. My body is the heart of the underworld. I am the underworld. The underworld is me. I am immortal when the underworld is immortal. I am the Supreme Benevolence and Dedication. I am the fruit of the wheel. I am the saint of the underworld!"


The entire Three Realms turned purple. No matter where they were, the saints bowed and the saints knelt.

The monsters and the ancestor dragons who were still fighting were also like this. The fierce battle could not be fought, so they knelt down first.

"This? Lady Pingxin has become a saint of the Tao?"

"The Supreme Benevolence and the Supreme Benevolence, Lady Pingxin of the Reincarnation World."

The five saints who were suppressed on the Prison Saint Island were stunned.

Pingxin has become a saint of the Tao, and he was suppressed like a prisoner?

Is it uncomfortable?

More than that, it is the despair and sadness.

"Pingxin, has Queen Pingxin become a saint?" Yuanshi Tianzun said dumbfounded.

It's just that every one of the other Four Saints who answered him must have the same idea as him.

During the battle, Zulong, Yaozu and others were suddenly forced to kneel down by force and coercion.

Suddenly I feel a little lonely. Why bother? Someone has become a saint. How can I, an ant like myself, be so proud?

The blow was too great. When the pressure in the sky dissipated, Zulong ignored the demon clan and left...

The demon clan didn't stop him, so why did he stop him? Should he continue to fight?

What's the point of fighting?

In an instant, after Pingxin became a saint of harmony, all the strong people in the ancient world fell silent except for the weak ones who didn't know why, especially the immortal world.

The idea of ​​showing off one's skills was shattered, and he was still badly injured.

Such is the case with Zulong.

After returning to the Dragon Clan's base camp, I felt lonely.

Prime Minister Gui couldn't stand it, but he said: "There will always be those who have great luck, but those who have a strong Taoist heart will definitely live up to the fate."

These words revived the morale of the Dragon Clan.

Think about it again, in the Zixiao Palace, Dao Zun and Dao Ancestor said before that a calm mind will definitely lead to a saint of harmony with the Dao. If this is the case, why can't you look away?

It's just from the invisible to the tangible, not to mention that there are three saints of Hedao. Empress Pingxin has the glory of the moment because of her great contribution to the reincarnation of the underworld.

Then why can't I do it?

Zulong was saved by Prime Minister Turtle's words.

Of course, the top leaders of the Dragon Clan, including Zu Long, just couldn't look away for a while. They had a firm heart. Since ancient times, even Prime Minister Turtle would wake up after being lost for a while.

Such a situation is simply because the Three Realms have taken shape. They have seen unlimited hope and are about to show off their talents.

It can be said that the saint Ping Xin He Dao accomplished his feat very cleverly, just when the Three Realms were taking shape and the leaders of the major forces were ambitious.

Normally, this wouldn't be the case.

Zu Long said: "Prime Minister Turtle is right. People with great luck have existed since ancient times. But if the Taoist heart is firm, Heaven will definitely live up to it. What's more, we are not even saints, let alone the saints who are in harmony with the Tao..., and the three realms are formed, and it is correct." This is an opportunity for our dragon clan to rise again, I have to cheer up..."

Ancestral Dragon is the soul of the Dragon Clan. With him, the Dragon Clan's soul is immortal, so with some encouragement and persuasion, the Dragon Clan came back after a brief absence.

And the human race...

In the same situation, the coercion of heaven and earth was too strong, which not only caused them to kneel down, but also indirectly destroyed their Taoist hearts.

Maybe this is also a test, fate is unpredictable,

Who can tell clearly that this is not a planned test for living beings.

Perhaps the way of heaven uses this opportunity to test the Taoist heart of living beings, make you kneel down, make you reluctantly surrender, and make you feel lost...

If you don’t give in, you get through it, if you are not afraid of anything, then your heart will be more perfect.

However, the situation of the human race was much better. After the human race was confused for a moment, Shen Nong woke up the human race with four words: "Human, Ding, Sheng, Tian."

The training had no effect on Shen Nong. The senior leaders of the human race believed that this was because His Majesty Shen Nong's Taoism was too strong, so it had no impact.

But Fuxi didn't think so. He was affected, but Shennong didn't feel anything at all.

Is it because he has the memory of the Demon King in his previous life?

Because Hepingxin, a figure of the same era, has fought countless times, so his peers have become Hedao saints, and he is almost lost?

Fuxi thought about it, but couldn't figure out why Shennong had no influence at all, so he thought that the reason why he was lost was because he had memories of previous lives.

And in Wahuangtian and Baihu Mountain.

Nuwa and Bai Zhan looked solemn, and bowed down to worship under the pressure. Fortunately, they did not kneel down like other creatures.

But it's not easy to feel like a saint. Although they are the strongest among the saints, they are still saints.

They also understand that it is really not up to the Master to decide whether Hedao Saint will be a saint.

Master has personally said that being a Hedao Saint is the choice of heaven and earth, and cannot be achieved by a single piece of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

They know a little more because of Styx's teachings.

Styx told them, great dedication and great opportunity.

They understand the importance of making great sacrifices and sacrificing oneself to reincarnation, but great luck is hard to come by.

Great dedication, they believe that as long as they make discoveries, they can do what Pingxin did, although it is a trick.

But big opportunities are what matter most.

After all, a spirit of great dedication is useless without great opportunities.

In the final analysis, there is still no such good fortune.

"Heaven, earth, and the underworld... what kind of creation do the three Hedao saints need? Hey!" Bai Zhan kept talking about heaven, earth, and underworld, but he had no clue.

It's been a long time...

He then said: "Maybe this road is not accessible."

He added: "Maybe it's useless to insist."

Then he said: "Maybe I need to find a new way out."

At this thought, Bai Zhan pondered for a while.

The same was true in Heaven. After he knelt down and was shocked by the pressure of the sound of the Jade Emperor killing Haotian, he felt more. No one even felt more than him.

As for the saint’s disciples.

They were a little desperate, the teacher hadn't come out yet, and the result...

What should I do if the Hedao Saint is useless even after he comes out?


Ping Xin became a saint of He Dao. After once overwhelming the world, he not only spread the power and supremacy, but also baptized the Dao heart of all living beings.

Even when the Hedao Saint was born, the entire three realms changed. It seemed that heaven and earth had evolved another step. The origin and even spiritual energy seemed to be more abundant, and heaven and earth seemed to be more perfect.


Hongjun left after entering Hedao Saint Pingxin, but Minghe stayed.

"Hingxin, the three realms are formed, and it is difficult for immortals and mortals to overcome them, especially the underworld. I plan to establish a field here to connect the three realms of immortals, mortals and underworld. What do you think?" Ming He asked.

Ever since the Three Realms were formed, Styx felt that the Chaos Bell, Tai Chi Diagram and Pangu Flag began to stir.

After some perception, Minghe discovered that these three innate treasures were actually items that guarded the ancient times.

Therefore, Styx came up with the idea of ​​establishing a dojo in the Three Realms.

"Master is free to act casually, so Pingxin doesn't dare to have any opinions," Pingxin said.

Apart from Ping Xin's cultivation becoming stronger, almost nothing else has changed. His respect for Styx has always been the same, and he seems to be unmoved by external things.

After entering Hedao Saint, Shino Heixin explored Hongjun and Minghe. He found that he was no match for Daozu, but he could clearly feel the gap.

But for his master, there is still no trace to follow, which means that the gap is immeasurable, so even if he becomes a saint of Hedao, Pingxin still respects Styx very much.

What's more, Pingxin knows very well that his achievements are all because of this master.

Even if the strength exceeds, they will still be respectful.

"Well, in that case, I'm going to the underworld to have a look, so you don't need to worry about me." Ming He planned to go to the underworld and find a few suitable candidates to guard the dojo for him.

"Yes!" Pingxin said, and returned to the dojo after Styx left.

And the River Styx...

He needs to find some ghost cultivators to guard the dojo for him, which can also be regarded as his own front.

After the Great Transformation of the Three Realms took shape, it was very different from what Styx had expected before. If the dojo was in the underworld, it would be better to find a few ghost cultivators and soul cultivators.

After all, the immortals are isolated from the mortal world, and the underworld is also isolated from the two realms, even though Styx has the ability to designate creatures from other worlds to enter any realm at will.

But it is still not as good as the creatures in this world.

Just like the River Styx can designate the creatures in the sea of ​​blood to guard the underworld, but the laws of the underworld are not suitable for the cultivation of the creatures in the sea of ​​blood.

In this way, it is impossible for Styx to not care about the training of his subordinates and force them to guard the underworld.

Therefore, Styx will arrange a dojo according to the Chaos Clock. The dojo connects the underworld and the blood sea, and connects half of the underworld. It is the law of the underworld, the same as the underworld.

But what connects the blood sea is the law of the blood sea, which is the same as the blood sea.

To act in the underworld, you naturally need some creatures suitable for the underworld, and you need underworld creatures to complete the mission.

Therefore, it is essential to find a few creatures from the underworld to sit in the dojo.

The underworld is very large, its area is similar to that of the mortal world and the fairy world.

There are many ghost cultivators, soul cultivators, etc. in the entire underworld, and even creatures similar to the undead.

Styx took a moment to survey the entire underworld.

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