
Taibai Jinxing left in disgrace...

Duobao Taoist achieved his goal and selected a group of people with good roots and personally accepted them as his disciples.

An opportunity for the Heavenly Court to grow stronger was once again aborted.

After Taibai Jinxing returned to the Heavenly Court and reported the truth, the Jade Emperor couldn't help it. He thought: You bullied and suppressed me before, and then you were suppressed. I thought life was better, but the six major forces of Zulong started bullying me again.

I finally came to the dream world, and you are bullying me again. I can't stand it...

The Jade Emperor was furious and planned to go to Zixiao Palace to complain. Fortunately, he was stopped by the Queen Mother and Taibai Jinxing. They said to the Jade Emperor: Have you forgotten the time when the Venerable complained?

After saying this, the Jade Emperor was shocked and gave up the act of complaining instantly. He was really hurt by the previous behavior of the Styx.

But it was depressing. If you can't beat me, it's not called complaining?

I can only go into seclusion. After all, I am too weak.

In addition...

The Jade Emperor always felt that the merits he had accumulated were complete, but for some reason, he just couldn't take that step and achieve the status of a saint.

Haotian had this feeling a long time ago, but he didn't know where the problem was.

But Haotian was not in a hurry. He believed in his feelings. As long as he took his time, he would achieve the status of a saint one day.

Haotian, who was helpless, cut off his origin once and went to the dream world to establish a sect, so as to continue to accumulate merits.

Looking at Haotian who was unwilling to leave, the Queen Mother, or Yao Chi, couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother, when can you achieve the Tao! Yao Chi can't bear it anymore." Yao Chi silently said.

For so many years, since the senior brother cut off his origin and went to the prehistoric world to establish a sect, all things have been put on Yao Chi, a woman.

This made Yao Chi continue to progress and grow, and made a woman like her become domineering and have all kinds of calculations.

It can be said that Yao Chi herself felt that she was about to become the "Queen Mother".

But this Queen Mother was not the real Yao Chi.

Fortunately, she gave birth to seven daughters. With daughters, there was hope. If it were not for the birth of her daughters, Yao Chi would really not be able to bear it.

She was just a virgin, born to take care of the master. Although she lived a long life, she was not an ambitious person after all, and she did not have the heart to dominate. She just wanted to accompany her senior brother in peace.

However, since becoming the mistress of the heavenly court, everything has changed, and she has never been happy.

Yao Chi wanted, wanted, wanted her senior brother to prove the truth quickly.

And at this time!

"Queen Mother, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a beautiful girl with a graceful figure, ethereal eyes, and a sense of purity appeared in front of the Queen Mother.

"Yao Ji, why are you here?" The Queen Mother hurriedly calmed down and looked at Yao Ji.

"I came here when I was fine. Where is my brother?" Yao Ji asked.

The Queen Mother smiled lovingly and said, "Your brother has gone into seclusion to practice. Are you okay?"

"Ah, in seclusion again?" Yao Ji was annoyed.

But the annoyance came and went quickly. Yao Ji said, "Sister-in-law, not long ago, my elder brother told me a lot about the lower world. Sister-in-law, you can tell me about it too."

Yao Ji shook the Queen Mother's hand coquettishly.

The Queen Mother was disheartened and in a very bad mood. How could she have time to tell Yao Ji a story?

So she said perfunctorily, "Didn't you see the things in the lower world through the Haotian Mirror? Sister-in-law has something else to do. Be good, go and use the Haotian Mirror to see for yourself."

Yao Ji saw that her sister-in-law might really have something to do, so she didn't want to continue to pester her. She could only leave in a huff and go to observe the human world in the lower world through the Haotian Mirror.

But this time was different. A magical light was not discovered by anyone, but it touched Yao Ji's heart.

Yao Ji suddenly had a bold idea. Her brother was in seclusion and no one cared about her. Why didn't she go down to the mortal world to see it herself?

"My brother will need a long time to retreat, so I just don't want him to find out." Yao Ji's thoughts became stronger and stronger.

"My cultivation as a Taiyi Jinxian is stronger than many people. As long as I am careful, no one can harm me. My brother threatened me before. I don't believe that I can still be in danger if I don't cause trouble?" Yao Ji encouraged herself.

"Well, I'll just go and take a look and come back. It's boring anyway."

With this idea, Yao Ji deceived the heavenly generals and soldiers guarding the heavenly court, and Yao Ji came down to the world...


Honghuang, Fantasy World!

Yao Ji was very happy, and finally came to the 'lower world', the real fantasy world.

Yao Ji saw a lot along the way. She was kind-hearted. She would be happy for the joy of living beings, sad for some fighting, and would help the poor and the suffering along the way, which made her feel very meaningful.

Especially in the places where the human race gathered, the lifestyle and various things of the human race made Yao Ji like it very much.

Even though the human race was weak and needed to eat, and she would starve to death if she didn't eat, she felt it was amazing. She planned to continue to look at the human race and then return to the heaven. After all, she ran away secretly, and she was afraid that her brother, the Jade Emperor, would come out of retreat and find that she was missing.

However, fate is always unpredictable.

Yao Ji, who was passing by Taoshan that day, suddenly found a group of people gathering together, as if something had happened.

Yao Ji was very curious, and after slowly approaching, she heard the discussion of the crowd.

"Oh, what a sin, Yang Tianyou has a miserable life!" said a woman.

"Yes, he was favored by the witch, but he refused to obey. This is good, the witch has no patience, and he was killed by the witch after all."

"Yeah, what a pity. What a nice guy."


Everyone felt regretful, and Yao Ji saw a handsome man lying on the ground through the gap in the crowd.

When she saw this man, Yao Ji's heart suddenly beat a few times, as if there was a magical pull that made her heart waver.

After looking at the people around me, I found that the kind-hearted old man next to me was very special. How should I put it, a magical temperament.

"Old man, what's wrong with this man?" Yao Ji asked the old man holding the cane.

The old man turned his face and looked at Yao Ji. Yao Ji suddenly felt that she had been seen through. It was an indescribable feeling, profound and eternal and vast.

"Old man Mingke, may I ask what the girl's name is?" This old man's name is 'Mingke', which is a very magical name.

"Old man, junior Yunhua, passed by this place and noticed that everyone was talking, so I came to take a look. Why is there no one to save this person? Junior feels that he is not dead yet?" Yao Ji did not dare to say her name was Yao Ji, so she named herself. Yunhua.

"Haha, it turns out to be Miss Yunhua." The old man laughed and said, "Miss Yunhua, this Yang Tianyou has been attracted by Sun Qimei, the Taoshan succubus not far away, but the demon has a different path, and Yang Tianyou will fight to death. If you don’t obey, the banshee grandson will The seventh sister became so angry that she drained Yang Tianyou's vitality, leaving only a weak vitality hanging on. I'm afraid he is not far from death. He is a sinner. There is nothing wrong with beings and mortals falling in love, but it doesn't matter if they are immortals falling in love. These People can’t see through it.”

My father-in-law Mingke seems to have a lot of ideas.

After hearing this, Yao Ji asked: "Since he's not dead yet, why didn't anyone save him?"

"Hey, the girl doesn't know something. She has been sucked out of her vitality by the banshee. It's not that easy to save her, unless the immortal takes action and saves him with a breath of immortal energy. But immortals are so easy to find. I have never met an immortal in my life. "My father-in-law Mingke said.

"Old man, do you have any idea?" Yao Ji asked.

The old man Mingke proudly stroked his beard and said: "Girl, to be honest, I do have some tricks to save Yang Tianyou, but immortality is hard to find."

"Old man, I have it, I have it!" Yao Ji said hurriedly, eager to save people.

"Ah" my father-in-law Mingke was shocked, "Girl, you, you..."

"Haha..." Yao Ji smiled suddenly to cover up her panic and said: "My father-in-law misunderstood, I am not an immortal, I mean, I happen to have a breath of immortal energy, which can save him."

Yao Ji thought to herself, how could an old man know this? All he had to do was lie to him.

Sure enough, the father-in-law was convinced and said: "So that's what it is! I mean, I have never seen an immortal at such an old age. How can you, a little girl, see an immortal? That's weird."

After saying that, Yao Ji breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, her father-in-law didn't understand anything.

But there is a doubt: Why can this old man save people with his immortal energy? Why can't I do it myself? Is it too low-level? Brother didn't tell me? Forget it. Yao Ji dispersed her confusion.

"In this way, can we save people?" Yao Ji asked.

"Haha, as long as you have immortal energy, you can save me. I am not bragging about this. Girl, come with me." The old man Mingke finished.

He walked in with Yao Ji, and while squeezing in, he said: "Let's leave, let's leave, Yang Tianyou can still be saved, this girl can help him, everyone can leave..."

Ming Ke waved away the crowd watching the fun.

My father-in-law Mingke, maybe he is a respected old man here, everyone listened to his words and left obediently.

Yao Ji and her father-in-law Ming Ke worked together to help the unconscious Yang Tianyou into Yang Tianyou's home.

Yao Ji felt her heart beating faster, especially when she was supporting Yang Tianyou, she felt an inexplicable pulling force.

Come to the house.

"Girl, where is your immortal energy?" asked the old man Mingke.

"Here, wait for me, old man." Yao Ji made a gesture and grabbed it in her pocket. Anyway, to fool the old man, she could take out the immortal energy from anywhere. Yao Ji thought that this old man didn't understand.



Suddenly the father-in-law Mingke shouted.

"What, what's wrong, old man?" Yao Ji panicked and thought: Could someone see through her?

“Girl, there’s a thread on your head!

Hey, what a sin, I don’t know who is blind and plotting against you. ...As for it, you will always come anyway. It is destined to be this way. How ignorant! "My father-in-law Mingke said eloquently.

After saying that, he waved his hand over Yao Ji's head. Yao Ji didn't feel anything at all and thought her father-in-law was out of his mind.

However, somewhere in the west, a group of people was suddenly shocked. How come their plan was interrupted? This is not right. Who is so bold?

He was following the general trend, how dare he!

On the other side…

"Old man, what are you talking about?" Yao Ji asked.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I'm just a person who doesn't know the so-called. It's okay. It's okay. Use your fairy energy." My father-in-law Mingke said.

"Oh." Yao Ji was innocent and innocent and didn't ask any more questions.

She fooled her father-in-law Mingke and took out the fairy energy, which actually came from her.

However, when she looked at Yang Tianyou...

This inexplicable feeling, why has it changed again?

There was an inexplicable pull just now, why is it gone now?

It seemed that his father-in-law scratched his head, and he seemed to have returned to his true nature. Looking at the unconscious Yang Tianyou, he seemed to lose an inexplicable feeling, which was really strange.

And next, Yao Ji looked at her father-in-law Mingke with admiration. The old man really didn't lie.

Yang Tianyou, who had been drained of his vitality, changed under the medical treatment of his father-in-law. His vitality returned. Although he was still very weak, it was obvious that he was no longer seriously injured.

Yao Ji was curious, her breath was so powerful? Why don't you know?

"Ahem!" My father-in-law Mingke stood up, his face pale, "I'm old, I'm old after all. I used to save ten people like this, but now all of them are tired, Miss Yunhua Ah, please continue to look after Yang Tianyou, I need to go back and take a rest."

"Hey, I'm getting old."

In Yao Jimeng's circle, the father-in-law Mingke left. He seemed to be walking very fast and looked very tired.

Yao Ji was left with a confused look on her face.

After a while...

"I, I, stay to take care of him, but, but... forget it, just take care of him for a while, and then leave when he gets better." Yao Ji stammered.

In this way, Yang Tianyou was rescued, and Yunhua, also known as Yao Ji, obediently started to take care of Yang Tianyou as her father-in-law Mingke said.

Two days later, Yang Tianyou woke up and saw Yao Ji who looked like a fairy. Yang Tianyou rubbed his eyes and didn't understand what was wrong?

Wasn't he harmed by the banshee Sun Qimei? Why didn't you die?

There is also a fairy who is as beautiful as a flower. Who is this fairy?

Why do I feel so excited?

The same is true for Yao Ji. It is the first time she is so close to a man. Although she is a mortal, why does the previous feeling come back?

One day, two days, three days... half a month later...

The feelings seemed to have been planted. The two of them seemed to be aware of it, but they were both shy and neither of them revealed it.

My father-in-law Mingke came here several times. Every time he saw that Yang Tianyou was recovering well, he said that Miss Yunhua had taken good care of him. If he continued, he would be fully recovered within a few months.

Yao Ji still has a small sense of accomplishment, and after being in contact with Yang Tianyou for a long time, she found that... it's pretty good!

Half a year has passed since this back and forth, and the two have become deeply in love. Yao Ji, who slowly realized that she was in danger, was at a loss.

On one side is his own identity, on the other side is Yang Tianyou who has deep love.

Yao Ji, who was no longer being plotted, did not blindly fall into passionate love, but became a little more rational.

Because Yang Tianyou was saved by Mingke, Yao Ji also had a good impression of Mingke, so the two of them visited Mingke several times to thank him for saving his life.

On this day, Yao Ji once again sent fruit to Ming Ke.

Mingke frowned, as if he found out that Yao Ji had something on his mind. As for who Mingke was, it was naturally Minghe, the number one person in the world. (End of chapter)

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