Chapter 82 82. Establishing the cycle of reincarnation

Minghe pointed his finger, and another acquired spiritual treasure flew over. Next to the Golden Rooster Mountain, a place like a village was formed. Then three avenue inscriptions appeared at the entrance of the village: Wild Ghost Village.

This Wild Ghost Village is a place for souls who have passed through the Evil Dog Ridge and the Golden Rooster Mountain and have incomplete limbs to rest. After all, the incomplete limbs of the soul must be completed in this Wild Ghost Village, so a village is needed here.

After finishing the Wild Ghost Village, Minghe followed the idea in his memory and waved his hand. An acquired spiritual treasure in the shape of a palace instantly grew larger. It was the Hall of Bewitching Souls.

There is a spring in the Hall of Bewitching Souls, and the spring contains the Soul-Bewitching Water refined by Minghe. All ghosts who come here must drink the Soul-Bewitching Water, because the underworld is ahead, and they must drink it to become confused before being judged.

After Minghe built the Hall of Bewilderment, he did not build other buildings, because the next building was the underworld. To build the underworld, the most important thing was to have the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen. But Minghe did not have these two spiritual treasures, so he simply built a small reincarnation. If there was no judgment, there would be no judgment. He would find it later!

So after Minghe built these things, he waved his hand, and the twelfth-grade reincarnation purple lotus appeared behind the Hall of Bewilderment.

Minghe moved, and stepped onto the twelfth-grade reincarnation purple lotus. Then, his mind moved, and as his magic power surged, he looked up at the sky and said, "The Great Dao is above. Today, there is the Blood Sea and the Styx. Seeing that there is constant killing in the prehistoric world, the souls have no place to stay, and there is no way to reincarnate again, so the reincarnation is specially established to help the souls of the prehistoric world reincarnate and eliminate the cause and effect of the prehistoric world."

As Minghe's voice fell, in an instant, the entire prehistoric world was slightly startled. A huge and mysterious eye suddenly appeared above the blood sea, looking at Minghe through the endless blood sea water, and then a mysterious voice was transmitted into Minghe's mind.


After this "accurate", the endless aura of the Great Dao poured directly into Minghe.

This time, the merits of the Great Dao were so great that it took Minghe about three hours to absorb the merits before it was completed.

After Minghe realized his own merits, he couldn't help but smile. It turned out that the merits needed for his remaining silver flowers and lead flowers were enough.

Feeling his own merits, Minghe wanted to retreat and start a breakthrough now, but looking at the now slightly formed small reincarnation underworld, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. With a wave of his hand, dozens of clones appeared in the underworld and began to serve as public officials of the small reincarnation underworld.

After sitting down, Minghe's heart moved again. As his magic power surged, the law of space began to fluctuate around him. It was Minghe who opened up a new space channel in this small reincarnation underworld, so that the spiritual energy could flow from the big formation into the small reincarnation space. After all, in the future, the more creatures there are in the small reincarnation space, the more spiritual energy will be consumed. How can we replenish more?

Finally, after doing all these, Minghe moved and flew into the Blood God Palace.

After entering the Blood God Palace, Minghe moved his fingers slightly, and endless spiritual energy condensed into liquid, making the entire Blood God Palace seem to be shrouded in a thick fog.

After doing this, Minghe began to operate the Nine Changes of Blood Killing, and endless spiritual energy began to quickly enter Minghe's body.

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