009. Revenge (3)

To explain the swordsmanship, we must return to the past.

That is, to the past before the regression.

-Listen, my friend.

The Crown Prince in the prison spent most of his days meditating.

And when he finished meditating, he would torment me, saying he needed to test his enlightenment.

That day was one of those days.

-There is no aesthetics in your sword.


-The current imperial swordsmanship lacks aesthetics. Or should I say, it has lost it? Whatever it is, this swordsmanship is just an empty shell.

The Crown Prince, after meditating, would come and speak of such nonsense.

I answered.

– If you’re going to talk nonsense again, go away. I’m sleepy.

– No. There’s no one else who can understand this story but you.

– Oh, really.

– Anyway, listen.

The prince was unusually excited that day.

Should I say he looked like a five-year-old boy explaining with sparkling eyes?

But the story he told was unusually interesting.

– Imperial swordsmanship is barbaric. No, all swordsmanship derived from Imperial swordsmanship is barbaric.

– That’s an insult to your ancestors who founded the swordsmanship.

– No! It’s a compliment! This swordsmanship was born to be barbaric!

The prince explained the origin of ‘human swordsmanship.’

– You see, my ancestor, the first emperor, took up the sword to liberate humans who were slaves to other races. Your ancestor walked that path with him.

– Why are you bringing up that story now?

– Keep listening. So, in the process of creating swordsmanship, the ancestor designated the opponent as ‘other races.’ Do you understand so far?

– …Yes, roughly.

– It’s an extension of that story. If you keep that in mind and delve into Imperial swordsmanship, you can see what each sword technique is for. For example, the Storm Technique, one of the representative techniques of Imperial swordsmanship, was created to deal with harpies. It’s designed to touch the flow of the wind, just like its name, Storm!

– …What about the others?

– The Demon Technique was created to deal with the night races. The Thunder Technique was made to chase the footsteps of elves, and the Puppet Technique was made to deal with the sturdiness of dwarves. Each has its purpose.

After saying that, the prince burst into a hearty laugh.

– Now! Look at the current situation. Are we fighting other races?

– No. There are even races we are friendly with.

– Exactly! The times no longer require power to oppose other races. So what about the meanings engraved in the sword techniques? What happens to their significance?

“Is it no longer necessary?”

“That’s right!”

The prince, having reached a conclusion, continued speaking.

“We no longer need swords to struggle against other races! But the imperial swordsmanship, and all human swordsmanship derived from it, has been halted under the will of the first emperor. It remains a barbaric form of combat! So, what remains of swordsmanship that has lost its purpose and its opponent?”

“I wouldn’t know.”

“Nothing remains! Therefore, there is no aesthetics!”

All swordsmanship has lost its way.

The first and last Grand Master of humanity.

It was halted at the time when the first emperor of Orteaire defined the sword against other races.

Realizing this, the prince set a new goal.

“Therefore, we must define a new aesthetics. A new purpose fitting for a new era is needed for the sword.”

“Hmm, yes. Do your best.”

“Hmm? You’ll be doing it with me.”


“Why would I waste my breath explaining to someone who isn’t needed?”

“Weren’t you just excited to talk about it?”

“If you heard it, you share the responsibility.”

“You son of a b*tch?”

“Oh! It seems your manner of speaking needs another duel! Come at me!”

I wanted to avoid it somehow.

Training alone was hard enough, and besides, I didn’t even know if I could leave the prison, so why waste my energy on unnecessary things?

Moreover, it was still the time when my sister visited me.

There was no reason to do it.

But that prince was relentless.

He would beat me up if necessary to include me in the discourse and hear my opinion.

Perhaps the biggest reason for my twisted personality is that man.

Anyway, thus we began to define something called the “Sword Intent.”

It was a tedious task of overhauling all existing sword techniques.

All I did was entertain the prince’s nonsense, give my opinion, or help test the modified sword techniques… Anyway, I helped, so let’s say it was us.

The result came exactly in the tenth year.

– Haha! Yes! This is it!

Enlightenment shone brightly.

The new Sword Intent was “swordsmanship that counters swordsmanship.”

Because the current era was one where swords clashed against swords.

The result was the “New Imperial Swordsmanship.”

That was the reason.

Why I could so easily break the prince’s sword.


I struck the prince’s jaw with an upward swing.

The prince glared and prepared the Thunder Strike.

He intended to strike quickly.

I gripped my sword in reverse.

– Come! The Thunder Strike to chase the elf’s footsteps! But we no longer fight elves! So what should the Thunder Strike chase now?

– Let’s call it the path of the sword.

– Good! The Thunder Strike was about identifying the path the elf walked in the forest! We can correct it to ‘chasing the path of the sword’!

A sword that follows the path of the opponent’s blade.

In other words, the sword of pursuit.

What is needed is understanding, and speed.

– Hmm… Following the path of the sword, huh.

– Then how about observing the changes in the opponent’s muscles? The human body shows signs before it moves, doesn’t it?

– That’s not enough! Yes! We must also follow the flow of mana.

– …Isn’t that too difficult?

– Then is the sword easy, not difficult?

– Sigh, so you’re saying one must be a master to use it properly.

– Those with good eyes can use it even as experts. You could use it soon enough, so why the fuss?

I sensed the prince’s sword, body, and mana.

I read the path of the prince’s sword connected to my body.

It doesn’t end there.

Swordsmanship is about ‘imposing will.’


I imbue it with that will.

Reading the opponent, identifying weaknesses, and striking along that path.

Thus, performing a thrust that harms the opponent.

That is the new Thunder Strike.

As I concretized the image, the mana in my body pulsed.

Thump, thump, thump!

Will and mana unite to complete a single movement.

This was the essence of swordsmanship.

From noble mtl dot com

Swordsmanship elevates the coercive power of sword techniques.

I thrust my sword.

A sword imbued with the will befitting the technique.

A technique that is merely a shell.

Isn’t the outcome obvious?


The prince’s Heavenly Thunder technique was deflected.

And then,



I stabbed the prince’s solar plexus with a wooden sword.

Since it was wrapped in mana, the impact wouldn’t be that great.

Besides, what I did wasn’t a technique that enveloped the sword with mana.

But it’s fine.

‘The prince can never reach me until he masters swordsmanship.’

It wasn’t just a matter of swordsmanship.

In fact, there was a greater reason than swordsmanship.

Think about it, is it possible to win against a sword wrapped in mana just by knowing swordsmanship?


Nevertheless, there was only one reason this was possible.

‘What can I do if the new Imperial Swordsmanship is meant to counter the Imperial Swordsmanship?’

The Crown Prince, who only knew the Imperial Swordsmanship, and I, who learned the Imperial Swordsmanship from the Crown Prince, could only test our swordsmanship against the existing Imperial Swordsmanship.

In other words, the Imperial Swordsmanship is compatible with the new Imperial Swordsmanship.

Anyway, this match is my victory.

I did what I had to do.

So, I kept beating the Crown Prince.

The more I did, the more a feeling surged within me.

‘Ah, it feels so refreshing.’

But something was missing.

It was a lack that felt even greater because of the size of the grudge I had accumulated.

‘How did I get beaten?’

I recalled.

First, I was beaten all over my body.

I was beaten when I woke up, and I was beaten when I was about to sleep after finishing the day.

Is that all? I tried to fight back because he kept hitting me, but he said it was blasphemous and beat me again.


This is a grudge of twenty years.

I needed more satisfaction.

‘Ah, a wooden sword won’t do.’

Thud, the wooden sword was dropped.

The prince’s eyes widened as if they would tear apart.

They soon filled with rage.

Did he think I was an opponent not even worth using a sword on?

‘But it’s true.’

I extended my fist.


A blow to the philtrum.


A blow to the solar plexus!


A blow to the cheekbone!!


Finally, a blow to the ribs!!!

I struck him evenly in various places.

The more I beat the prince, the wider the smile on my lips grew.

To the point where I couldn’t control it myself.

It was after such an event.


The crown prince collapsed.

It felt as if a hole had been punched through my chest.


Should I commend him for not losing consciousness despite being beaten to the point where he couldn’t get up?

Even as he groaned, his eyes were fixed on me.

There was something surprising.

In the crown prince’s eyes, there was not only anger.

With a voice mixed with labored breaths, the crown prince asked,

“That sword…”

A chill ran down my spine.

‘Persistent b*stard.’

Even in this state, he seemed to sense the sword’s aura.

Well, it’s not entirely strange since the creator of the sword is his future self.

What should I say…

I can’t tell him that his future self made it.


That would be best.

I brushed off my hands and said,

“It’s a family martial art.”

Saying this should prevent further questions.

Technically, it wasn’t a lie.

Since I had a hand in its creation, it’s somewhat true.

I took a deep breath and asked the knight commander,

“Is this proof enough?”

Relieving stress made me hungry.

More than that, my whole body ached from exerting this rotten body.

I wouldn’t show it though.

‘I should go home and have a meal with my sister.’

While I’m at it, I’ll tell her I’ve become a swordsmanship instructor.

Thinking of her happy face warms my heart.

The knight commander stared at me blankly for a moment, then slowly nodded.

For some reason, the expression on his face was an unpleasant smile.

“…If I say more proof is needed, I’d be a fool. You’re quite the mischievous one.”

What is he saying?

Anyway, I guess that means I can go home.

“Then I’ll be off. Your Highness, please inform me of future schedules by letter. You must be busy. And don’t neglect your rest.”

I bowed my head and left the place.

* * *

The infirmary of the Dawn Palace was enveloped in silence.

Both the bedridden Callios and his guardian Drenor kept their mouths tightly shut.

After a moment, it was Drenor who spoke first.

“I have managed to keep the outcome of the duel under wraps. It was a good match, and within it, the swordsmanship insight of Pharos’ young lord was at a level to educate Your Highness. That is how it will be summarized.”

Callios frowned at those words.

Despite his disgraceful defeat, he felt a surge of shame because he could not accept it.

But he had to.

The sun of the empire must not bow its head.

“…It’s humiliating.”

“That is what defeat is.”

“It stings. Both body and mind.”

“That is what pain is.”

Drenor, who answered thus, continued.

“It is my fault for not teaching you how to counter provocations.”

“Do not say that.”

Callios replied with a chuckle.

“Even without that provocation, I would not have been able to reach his swordsmanship. You know that too, don’t you?”


The silence of Draenor was soon an affirmation.

Kallios looked out the window, reminiscing about the duel.


And coherence.

His exceptional swordsmanship instinctively felt it.

That Yuren’s sword was advancing on the right path as a sword.

The wonder was enough to suppress the anger that surged to the top of his head.

Pure curiosity as a swordsman brought back his reason at the last moment.

But that was not the end of the story.

The more Kallios thought of Yuren’s sword, the more intensely he felt a certain emotion.

‘It was similar. To the Imperial swordsmanship.’

Yuren’s sword style was similar yet different from the Imperial swordsmanship.

To put it bluntly, it felt as if its roots were in the same place.

Of course, all human swordsmanship is derived from the Imperial swordsmanship.

Even knowing that, to say ‘the roots are the same’ meant that the similarity was particularly strong.

And, the compatibility was also stark.

‘Swordsmanship to counter the Imperial swordsmanship.’

The swordsmanship said so.

The possibility of being wrong converged to zero.

Above all, it was because Kallios, who handled the Imperial swordsmanship, could draw such a conclusion.

‘Why? How come?’

The two swordsmanships were similar, so why must the imperial swordsmanship lose to Yuren’s?

Such questions wandered through his mind.

It made Kallios’s fingertips twitch.

How much time had passed like that?

The prince could suddenly recall.


The origin of that family.

At that moment, Kallios let out a hollow laugh.

“The family of the Grand Master.”


“Yes, that’s right.”

Yuren spoke.

– It is a family martial art.

That swordsmanship was passed down to Pharos.

And the oral tradition said.

When the founder of Pharos saw the founding emperor going astray, he did not hesitate to wield the rod.

Could it have been merely in the realm of nagging?

Could a Grand Master’s superhuman be fully restrained by mere nagging?



There was a more coherent answer.

‘The founder of Pharos…’

He was the Grand Master.

Also, the fact that he was the founding emperor’s teacher means that he would have taught the emperor swordsmanship as well.

Thinking about it that way, everything makes sense.

‘Ah, so that’s how it was.’

Callios reached a conclusion.

And he laughed heartily.

‘It’s not imperial swordsmanship.’

The origin of human swordsmanship is not imperial swordsmanship, but something before that.

That was the swordsmanship of Pharos.

‘The reason it doesn’t appear in history is to preserve the emperor’s dignity!’

Callios felt his mind clearing up.

He also felt joy rather than surprise or disappointment at the newfound secret of his ancestor.

‘I can, I can go further.’

The certainty that he could still improve.

The certainty that there was something greater than himself, a wall to overcome.


If he breaks that wall, he will grow.


‘Indeed, having him as a master was the best choice!’

Misunderstandings were piling up.


ⓒ papapa.


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