If Wen Mengdie hadn't completed a hundred questions in such a short period of time and the correct rate was still as high as 100%.

I'm going to have her do the full set of questions and then further assess her current level of theoretical and magical knowledge.

And yet....

After seeing her amazing talent, I couldn't control myself.

If the truth is really as she said, she can do what she is now, only because of the hard work of just over a month.

Her magical talent is the only one I've ever seen in my life.

As we all know, there are three thresholds for students who want to become a university of magic in the national capital.

The first threshold is that the graduation exam results of the magic high school where you originally studied meet the admission standards of the National Capital University of Magic.

For the second threshold, the teachers of the National University of Magic will ask questions to test whether the students who have passed the first threshold are real or indiscriminate.

As for the third threshold, it is no longer about continuing to do test questions, but about actual combat!

This so-called actual combat is naturally not really about fighting people, but successfully chanting an intermediate magic spell or a complete elementary magic spell in front of the magic master.

As long as one of these two can be achieved, you can truly become a student of the National Capital University of Magic.


I'm in a hurry to take Wen Mengdie to actually perform magic now!

As for magic spell textbooks and stuff, I naturally don't have such expensive things.

But is there something wrong with that?

No problem at all.


I have a lot of magic spells in my head that I've memorized.

Whether it's beginner, intermediate, or advanced magic spells, I have them in stock.

"You... What are you going to do with me all of a sudden?

Wen Mengdie looked at the endless grassland in the distance and looked at me with some surprise and asked.

"Huh? Didn't I just say that? Let's not do the remaining 50 questions, let's actually do the magic! "

If she really had this amazing talent for learning, she would just be allowed to sit in her room and do problems.

That's a waste.

"Huh!!! How...... So suddenly?

"Sort of."

Because this is what I decided to do suddenly, it is normal for her to feel that it is also a sudden thing.

"Wait!!! Didn't we just be in my room? How did this suddenly become an endless grassland?

Wen Mengdie seemed to be a little confused about the situation in front of her.

But that's what I'm talking too much about, and as soon as I finished speaking, I just cast my magic and brought her here.


"Of course, it's because I cast a teleportation spell! After all, we're going to actually do the magic later, and it wouldn't be good if we accidentally caused some damage to your room while doing it.

You Zhuang looked at me as he should have looked at me and explained in detail.


Teleportation Magic ????

I heard you right!!

He used teleportation magic to bring me here?

I think it's, but the reality is already in front of me, and I can't still think of it as a dream, right?

I've always known he's good, but even if he did, he wouldn't have cast a teleportation spell in the blink of an eye, would he?

Did he even know how powerful teleportation magic was!!!

As the saying goes, time is the king, space is king, power is supreme, and destiny is supreme!

And teleportation magic happens to be a type of space magic.

There are very few people who can learn ordinary magic, let alone this kind of space magic, which occupies an extremely high position.

Can....... But when You Zhuang Zhou used this teleportation magic, it looked as ordinary as eating and drinking.

That's too hard to accept, isn't it?

"Let me ask, what level does this teleportation magic you cast belong to?"

Although I already have some speculation in my mind, ...

I still want to actually get the exact answer from Youzhuang Zhou's mouth.

"Advanced teleportation magic, what's going on?"

Seeing You Zhuang Zhou, he said the kind of words that shocked people and didn't pay for their lives.

I really want to shoot him to death with a stick!

If I didn't know him, maybe I would have thought he was playing in front of me when I heard him say it.

But it's because I know him.

That's what makes me even more angry!

Because he actually said such enviable things as if nothing happened.

Can he be a little more considerate of ordinary people like me who can't even perform rudimentary magic?

A person who can perform advanced teleportation magic says to a person who can't even perform ordinary primary magic, "Advanced teleportation magic, what's wrong with this?" And

he said it with a puzzled look.

This makes me even more speechless!

That's a teleportation magic that belongs to space magic, and it's also a high-level teleportation magic!!!

Is it really good for you to say such things so calmly?

Even if you want to hit people, you don't hit people like this, right?

I'm going to cry wow!!

I'm really going to cry wow!!!

Woo woo woo ....

Well, I'm done crying in my heart.

"By the way, do you know what the magic levels are?"

Looking at You Zhuang Zhou's appearance, I couldn't help but ask the question he had in the test question this morning.

"Seven levels, what's wrong with this?"

"It's really seven levels, beginner magic, intermediate magic, advanced magic, epic magic, legendary magic, forbidden magic, absolute forbidden magic, and you're just using high-level magic, do you know what that means?"

Although I don't think someone like him who is so proficient in magic should have no magic knowledge at all, I'm still a little worried.

After all....

Just now, he used a high-level teleportation magic with an ordinary face.

And when I asked him afterwards, he thought I was too surprised.

"What does that mean?"

You Zhuangzhou's face was full of doubt, as if he didn't know what I meant by what I had just said.

"You know, there aren't many people at our age who can successfully perform magic, right? And not only can you cast magic, but you can also cast advanced teleportation magic at will! This kind of magical talent, if it is known by people from the outside world, will definitely cause a great sensation!

"Is that so? I think it's because you're thinking too much, maybe it's true that the place we stayed in before was right, but that's just because the area we are in is too remote, the world is far more vast than we think, how do we know how many powerful people are in it? "


Wen Mengdie said, I naturally know it.

Perhaps it was remarkable that I could perform advanced magic at this age in the previous place.

But that's just in the same place before.

In the future, we will go to the National Capital University of Magic.

That's the number one magical university in the country!

Common sense that applied in the previous place no longer applies after going to the national capital.

It is unknown how many Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons will be in the National Capital University of Magic, which brings together all the top young talents in the country.

Besides, is the real strength of people really as they appear on the surface?

Wen Mengdie is still too young after all.

But she can't be blamed for that, if my mother hadn't told me about what happened to the University of Magic in the national capital when I was a child.


Now, like her, I guess it's amazing to be able to perform advanced teleportation magic at this age.


Those who sit in the well and watch the sky will never know how big the sky of this world is.

Because in their eyes, the sky is only as big as the mouth of a well.

"You're right, but I always feel like something isn't quite right."


It seems that I still have to educate her about the basic knowledge of the National Capital University of Magic.

Otherwise, when she went to report to the National Capital University of Magic, it would be bad to provoke someone who must not be provoked.

After all, once you enter the National Capital University of Magic, all your identities outside the campus will be worthless.

At the National University of Magic, the only thing that is important is the strength of the students themselves.


If you don't have the right enlightenment, going to the National Capital University of Magic is just looking for sin.

"Listen! In the case of the National Capital University of Magic, the ordinary common sense that you applied before is basically not applicable there! Because there are so many students there who are free to perform advanced magic, even epic and legendary magic, at our age! "

Although I don't know why the third threshold for the National University of Magic is set as long as you successfully chant an intermediate magic spell or chant the entire elementary magic spell in front of a magic master.

You can really become a student at the National Capital University of Magic.

But I still believe what my mother said to me before than I had never been to the unknown.

After all....

What my mother said to me had been confirmed countless times before.


The University of Magic has a lot of students who are free to perform advanced magic, even epic and legendary magic, at our age?

You Zhuang Zhou can't be talking nonsense, right?

But looking at his sworn appearance, it doesn't look like he's talking nonsense!

If what he said is true, then isn't the information that those people reported to me before false?

Just in case, I'll ask if what he just said is what he thinks he just said, or if it's the information he went to collect himself.

"How do you know that students at the National Capital University of Magic are free to perform advanced magic, even epic and legendary magic, at our age? Have you seen it with your own eyes? Or is it just your own speculation. "

To be honest, I really can't believe what he just said.

After all, it's just too much to believe.

If that's the case with the students of the National Capital University of Magic, that's outrageous!!

After all, in the high school I attended, even the person who was ranked first in the grade was only able to perform elementary magic with extreme reluctance.

Could it be....

Is the gap between the third year of high school and college really that outrageous?

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but it's not my own guess, because what I just said is what my mother told me before."

Just when I was still struggling to the point that I couldn't do it, You Zhuang Zhou suddenly said something that made me have to believe that what he said before was true.


What he just told me was what his mother told him.

If You Zhuang Zhou answered his own speculation, or he heard it from others.

Naturally, I won't believe it.

But what I never expected was that what he just said was told to him by his mother.

You Zhuang Zhou's mother is an extremely powerful magician, and since she said it, her credibility has suddenly increased.

Oh, yes!

After all, it is the number one magical university in the country.

It's normal to have so many powerful characters.

It seems....

I was oversimplifying.

Sitting in a well and watching the sky, it should be people like me, right?

It's a shame that I just thought that You Zhuang Zhou lacked magic knowledge, but I didn't expect it...

The one who really lacks common sense in magic is me!

Students at the National Capital University of Magic are free to perform advanced magic, even epic and legendary magic.

I, on the other hand, can't even perform even the most basic elementary magic.

This....... This gap is too big.

I don't really care about it, but if I go to study at the National Capital University of Magic, then my current status is something.

But it's useless.

If you only rely on You Zhuang Zhou to protect me, he will definitely be very tired.

Besides, I don't seem to know the highest level of magic he can perform.

"What is the highest level of magic you can perform right now?"

If I hadn't just heard that shocking information from him, I wouldn't have asked this question.

But now, I'm really curious.

"Hmm... Advanced magic is my limit.

You Zhuang Zhou hesitated for a moment after hearing my question, and then looked at me and said his answer.


She suddenly asked what she was trying to do with this?

Do you want to find out my details beforehand?

If she really had such a plan, then she would have miscalculated.

Anyway, I've only ever cast high-level magic in front of her now, and she doesn't know if I can cast magic that is higher than the high-level magic.


"Hmm..... Advanced magic is my limit.

That's how I answered him.

Only fools will really tell others their true strength.

I'm not stupid enough to do something like that!

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