It's the same as my hands and feet.

Just control the arrows as you would your hands and feet.

Is it really that simple?

"If you don't feel it, close your eyes and feel the magic in your body as you did at the beginning, and if you feel it carefully, you should be able to feel a different feeling."

Just when I didn't know what to do, You Zhuangzhou's voice suddenly came from behind me.

Close your eyes and feel like you did before.

What do you feel?

Is it to feel the blood flowing in your body again?

Anyway, let's try it first.

I can successfully perform magic, can't I control these arrows?

Calm your mind, take a deep breath, calm your mind, take a deep breath.

Feel the blood flowing through your body one more time.

That's how it feels.

It's really like controlling your hands and feet.

The moment I opened and closed my eyes, the arrows that had been floating in front of me began to fly in the air according to my thoughts.


I tried to shoot these arrows at the grass that he had previously doused with water-based magic, as I had just done for Zhuang Zhou.

It's a pity....

Now the meadows are bare, and there are no weeds growing like before.


The few arrows of fire I shot were lost as they slammed into the land.

"Well done, that's it, how's that, do you feel like you're suddenly feeling weak?"

Behind me again, I heard the voice of You Zhuang Zhou.

This time, instead of turning my back to him, I turned to look at him directly.

"Nope! It doesn't feel at all, no... I can't say the same thing, because I'm a little more energetic now than I was before! "

I've heard people say that after performing magic, there is a brief feeling of mental fatigue.

Because when you cast magic, you need to chant magic spells, and when you chant magic spells, you have to spend a lot of energy to focus on those spells.

Otherwise, if you chant a magic spell incorrectly, the magic will not be able to be successfully cast.

But I really don't have that sense of weakness.

"Not only did I not feel tired, but I felt more energetic than before? Do you remember spells for water-based magic?

You Zhuang Zhou first repeated what I had just said, and then looked at me and asked his question again.

Is our position reversed?

If the plot goes according to the normal direction, shouldn't I ask him questions?

The reality is that instead of asking him questions, he asked me several questions.


Although I felt that there were some problems with the development of the plot, I didn't say anything more, but answered his questions very honestly.

"Well, since you remember, then cast a water attribute magic by the way, remember, if you feel weak on the way to it, don't force yourself to do it, just interrupt it, if you force it, it's easy to cause unnecessary damage to the brain."

After receiving my answer, You Zhuang Zhou did not say anything directly, but looked at me and said his decision after pondering for a while.

Is he caring about me?

I guess it was, otherwise, how would he have told me so much.

"Okay, I got it."


Her talent in magic is really strong.

I only demonstrated it once in front of her, plus a few words of reminder.

She relied on her own understanding to put it into practice in reality.

This learning ability is really terrifying.

Back in the day, when I first performed my elementary magic on my own, I failed no less than ten times before I succeeded.

On the other hand, Wen Mengdie not only succeeded once, but even mastered how to use magic to attack in such a short period of time.

Although I was less than ten years old when I first performed elementary magic on my own, that wasn't an excuse.

If I were to be the opposite of Wen Mengdie, I still wouldn't be confident that I would be able to successfully perform magic in one go.

Call me useless, call me cowardly.

I don't mind.

Because what they say is the truth.

If it's all true, why care about what others say?

No matter how much you deny it, the facts cannot be changed.

Instead of wasting time arguing with others, it is better to be honest and strengthen yourself.

Come on!

All I can do now is to stand behind Wen Mengdie and silently cheer for her.

Other than that, I can't seem to do much else.

Originally, I thought that after becoming her tutor, I would have to start from the basics.

However, it now seems that she has no shortage of tutors at all, all she lacks is an interest in magic.

As long as she's interested in magic, it's okay to have a novice who can only perform rudimentary magic teach her.


As long as she breaks a gap, she can completely handle the rest herself.

There is no need for superfluous people to guide you at all.


In terms of the experience bonus of just casting the fire attribute primary magic, it should be easier to cast this water attribute primary magic this time, right?

The first thing to do is to calm your eyes, take a deep breath, and exhale.

After calming down, feel the blood flowing through your body.

The magic color of fire magic is red.

The magic color of the water magic should be blue, right?


The blue magic has almost been captured, and the next step is to chant the magic spell.

Believe in yourself!

Since you can easily succeed just now, it is very difficult to fail on the basis of a successful experience, as long as you are not too careless.

After all, I'm Wen Mengdie!

In the future, I have to stand with him, how can I not even perform a rudimentary magic at will?

Chant: Water Elemental Magic, Arrow:

Everyone thinks that water is a weak thing, but is that really the case? Let the world really know you, Xuanshui Arrow!

"It's two different types of magic, but the feeling of casting magic is the same."

After chanting the magic spell, I opened my eyes.

Needless to say, I must have succeeded in casting my magic this time.

People often say that once they are born and twice cooked, that's nothing more than that, right?

Just now, I was unfamiliar with this, but now, I feel very familiar.

It's as if I was born with these things, but it's just that I haven't used them for a long time before, so I'm a little rusty now.

Just a few more times, and the feeling of being handy from before will come back again.

"Go ahead!"

This time, I didn't turn my head to look at You Zhuang Zhou with joy on my face after successfully casting the magic, and then share the joy of success with him.

Instead, I let these water arrows suspended in front of me shoot towards the place I had just attacked again.

It's just another successful rudimentary magic, is it necessary to be so happy?

I was really childish just now.

It's such a big person, but I'm still so excited about some trivial things.


It's a shame to think about it.

No way!

I have to save my image in front of him.

As for elementary magic, it was too easy to cast, and it didn't allow me to show my charm in front of him.

So, I decided!

I'm going to let him teach me how to do intermediate magic!

If I could, I'd like him to teach me advanced magic again.

Although he had said before that the limit of the level of magic he could cast was high-level magic, I wouldn't believe him.

If I hadn't done magic alone, I might have believed him.

After all, I always thought that it was very difficult to perform magic alone, so I somewhat believed that what he said about high-level magic was his limit.

But after actually experiencing it, I can only say that the students at the magic college I attended before were really not joking?

The student who ranked first in the entire grade can only barely perform elementary magic?

That's probably too weak.

However, it is also possible that it is just a façade that they deliberately disguised.

In fact, their strength is not like that, and it is impossible to say.

Even someone like me, who hasn't done magic for more than a decade, can easily succeed when they first perform magic on their own, but what about those who have been learning magic since childhood?

It's not like everybody is a waste, is it?

Even if I don't like to use my brain very much, I don't really think they're all waste.

Now I believe more and more that You Zhuang Zhou said before that the students studying at the National Capital University of Magic are free to perform high-level magic, even epic and legendary-level magic.

In the past, I was really sitting in a well and watching the sky without knowing it.

But that's okay, because

I'm coming to my senses now, and I'm still more than a month away from the start of the National Capital Magic University, which is enough for me to improve my magical skills.

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