"Xiaoyou, before you start talking, do you want to order some drinks first?"

The elegant man sitting across from me looked at me and asked in a soft tone.

He wears a full dark black suit and a pair of glasses trimmed with gold wire.

The whole person looks like a nobleman from a certain country, and his whole body reveals a luxurious atmosphere.

Although he is now almost fifty.

But in reality, it looks like a young man in his thirties.

It was the aura of a superior in him that made him clearly different from those young people in their thirties.

His name is Wen Tianhua, and in terms of identity, he is Wen Mengdie's father and the main owner who signed a tutoring contract with me.

As for why we sit in a café face to face like this?

It would have to start with a few hours.

At that time, not long after I left Wen Mengdie's house, I sent a message to Wen Tianhua, claiming to report to him about Wen Mengdie's current magic situation.

Although I know it's a bad thing to bother him like this on weekdays, there's nothing I can do but do it for the sake of the long term.

Wen Tianhua: [Yes, how about the time set at 3 p.m.]

That's what he replied to me, surprisingly fast.

Originally, I thought it would be nice to get a reply before the afternoon, but I didn't expect him to reply to me so quickly.

Me: [Okay, if you want to find the location, it's up to you.] Wen

Tianhua: [Then XXX Cafe, an hour, can you finish it?] Me

: [Yes, I'm in trouble. Seriously

, with Wen Tianhua's status, I really don't know why he is so friendly to me.

After all, in my impression, people with money and status are generally very domineering.

Wen Tianhua: [Don't be so polite, that little tour, we'll see you in

the afternoon] Me: [Okay, see you in the afternoon]

And then that's the beginning.

It's 2:50 a.m., and we're both sitting in the café.

The agreed time was three o'clock in the afternoon, but both me and he came early.

"You can order it, I just need a glass of boiled water."

As far as the specifications of this café are concerned, the contents are certainly not cheap.

I don't dare order anything here.

If it were someone else, they might choose to slap a swollen face and become fat in this situation, but in my case, I wouldn't do that.

Because there is no point.

"It's okay, after all, the content of the conversation is related to my daughter, and this drink should be regarded as a summer subsidy I gave you."

Wen Tianhua looked at me and smiled.

"Well..... Thank you very much, then I'll order a latte. "

Since everyone has said this, if I refuse to continue, it will be a little too ignorant.

There is some kindness, but we still have to follow it.

"Well, I'll have a latte too."

Wen Tianhua pondered for a while, and finally chose the same coffee as me.

And then....

I sat in my seat and watched him first wave his hand to the waiter to come and order, and then watched him complete the whole ordering process with extremely skillful and graceful movements and words.

It's just an ordinary order, but to me, it's like a movie.

Full of special effects.

However, this is reality, not filmmaking.

What seemed like a movie to me was an extremely ordinary everyday act among their hostages.

It also made me feel once again how big the gap is between me and the upper echelons of them.

Wen Mengdie has lived in this elegant environment since she was a child, how can I, who is at the bottom of the society, be worthy of such an elegant her?

After the coffee came up, Wen Tianhua and I first tasted the coffee placed on our tables, and Wen Tianhua took the lead in breaking the silence: "So, Xiaoyou, what are you going to report to me?"

"Please rest assured, your daughter is very good, and what I am going to report to you this time is a good thing and not a bad thing, so you don't have to worry."

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, I decided to give Wen Tianhua a preventive shot in advance.

"I still know a little bit about my daughter, so I didn't worry about it."

In the face of my cleverness, Wen Tianhua did not pierce it, but looked at me and smiled.


It's okay to use these little cleverness to deal with ordinary people, but if you want to use it against Wen Tianhua, an old Jianghu who has been in the mall for a long time, it will be a little ridiculous.

Am I too nervous?

Otherwise, how could such a low-level mistake be made?

"Well..... Then I'll get straight to the point... That's all I want to report to you. "

I reported to Wen Tianhua in as concise a way as possible about Wen Mengdie's performance this morning and... I want to terminate the contract.

"Hmm.... I won't say how Mengdie behaved for the time being, but I can ask, did you really decide to terminate the contract with me because you didn't have anything to teach her?

Wen Tianhua raised his glasses lightly, looked at me, and asked solemnly.


the face of Wen Tianhua's sudden question, I really didn't know what to say.

I really don't have anything to teach Wen Mengdie?

That's not it, of course.

Although Wen Mengdie can successfully perform beginner magic to advanced magic in one day, if I really want to continue teaching.

Of course, I also have something to teach.

After all....

The limit of my magic level is not high.

Wen Tianhua seemed to see through my current thoughts, and after he shook his head slightly, he took out a stack of papers from the briefcase he was carrying.

And the title on the top of the pile of paper reads "Tutor Contract Termination Agreement"

"This is the termination agreement of the contract signed by you and me before, I have signed it, as for whether you want to sign it or not, it is up to you, but I want to tell you here, if you sign, then there is no regret medicine."

"If I were you, I would go back and think about it before making a decision, after all, impulse is the devil, my time is limited, this conversation will end here, I wait for your decision."

After Wen Tianhua finished speaking, he took the briefcase and left.

I was left alone in my seat, watching the thick pile of tutor contracts and dissolving the agreement in a daze.

That's what I expected from the beginning, but now it's up to me to decide.

Why don't I feel happy at all?

"If you sign it, then there will be no regret medicine."

This sentence in Wen Tianhua's words kept replaying in my mind.

It's just an ordinary word, but it gives me a feeling that it has a deep meaning.

Is this my delusion, or is it true?

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