XX year XX month XX day am:25

Me: [Are you out?

] Read me: [Question mark face (panda emoji .jpg)

] Read Zhuang Zhou: [Not yet, changing clothes] Read

me: [Eh!!! ] Read

: [What's wrong? Why are you sending so many exclamation points] Read

me: [You said you were changing clothes, so how did you send me a message?] Read

me: [You..... You've just..... It can't be that you're texting me without any clothes, right? 】

Read Zhuang Zhou:【........】Read Zhuang Zhou:【

What are you thinking?】 I did say that I was changing my clothes, but generally people who say this shouldn't always reply to the message after changing their clothes...] Read

me: [That's the case....... I don't have any friends, so I don't know if ordinary people are like this...] I have read

me: [Anyway, Zhuang Zhou, you don't have any friends either, right? ] So how do you know that people in general are like this? Read:


I remember that after I sent this message to him, the two of us seemed to be silent for a while, right?

Because the two sentences I said can be described as killing a thousand enemies and losing eight hundred.

After all, he and I have no friends.

Although it is true that not having friends can be a little lonely, it seems that if you have friends, it will not be much better.

Because what I and he wanted was the kind of true friendship of the heart, not the kind of scene friend.

If the so-called friends are just the kind on the scene, then it is better not to.


Laughing and laughing, I suddenly couldn't laugh a little.

Because, he and I, may never be the same again.

Forget it, since you've seen it all, let's continue to read it.

After all, I probably won't have a chance to watch this again after today.

Let's think it's the last nostalgia.

Zhuang Zhou: [In order to hurt me, you even brought yourself? That's not good...] I have read

me: [Cut! Anyway, I don't care, besides, I'm telling the truth!! ] Read

: [Okay..... Although I don't care much about it, but if both sides blow themselves up like this, I still hope you can say less...] ReadZhuang

Zhou: [Of course, I'm not blaming you, don't misunderstand] Read

me: [Don't worry, I know Zhuang Zhou is worried about me, so I will say that

] Read me: [Zhuang Zhou really likes to think nonsense] Read

: [Uh... I like to think about this part.,I'm really a little undeniable...] Read

me: [This is talking about the topic is off!!! Read

Zhuang Zhou: [Okay, I was wrong..... Is it time to get back to the original topic? Read

me: [It's nature! You're getting dressed now, aren't you? ] Read

: [Yes, I'm getting ready to go out!] Read

me: "You should be wearing the outfit I chose for you, right?" ] Read

me: [Question mark face emoji pack .jpg] Read

Zhuang Zhou: [Is it really necessary to care so much about this? Read

me:: [Of course it is necessary! You brought me the truth, are you wearing the same outfit I chose for you? Read

Zhuang Zhou: [Yes this.......] Read

me: [Since it is, then why do you say so much? It makes me think that you are not wearing it, it is really harmful, I am worried in vain] read

Zhuang Zhou: [I just said it...] read

me: [Even if you just talk about it, I will take it really well! But for the sake of your good attitude of admitting your mistakes, I will forgive you! Read

Zhuang Zhou: [Thank you for Your Majesty's leniency! Read

me: [How many times have I told you, don't call me Her Majesty!!! Sounds weird] Read

: [Okay.......] ReadMe

: [Then go out, don't play with your phone!] Otherwise, if you accidentally hit your head, it won't be good! ] read

Zhuang Zhou: [Yes, Your Majesty!

] Read me: [.......] Read me: [

Are you really dead and don't change!! Read

Zhuang Zhou: [I'm sorry, I just typed it out... I wanted to withdraw it, but as soon as I saw the read sign, I didn't withdraw it] Read

me: [Okay, this is really the last time, if you call me Her Majesty next time, I will really be angry!!! Read

: [Good Empress, I know! Read

me: [........]

Read Zhuang Zhou: [If I say I didn't mean it, will you believe it?

Read me: [...] Read me:

[Do you think I will believe it?] ] Read

: [I was wrong, I was really wrong] Read[


Looking at the chat history between me and You Zhuang Zhou at that time, even if it was just a simple bickering, it would make me feel extremely warm.

All I wanted was a simple routine with him.

But why can't such a simple request be met?

Could it be...

Is it true that I am not related to him?

I'm unwilling, I'm really unwilling!

But no matter how unwilling I am, it seems to be useless.

Because if I'm the only one who thinks like that, and he doesn't think about it, then it doesn't make sense.


Why did he and I get to where we are now?

All of this happened so suddenly.

There was no prelude at all.

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