"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Stop hitting, stop hitting."

"If you hit me again, you will call the police."

Although the young man who stood up was full of vigor and a sense of justice, he was still a student wearing glasses after all.

When several people surrounded him, he was able to resist a few hits with his hands, but he was quickly knocked down by them.

Hold your head in your hands and let yourself suffer as much skin trauma as possible.

The fights here are lively, and Su Jingshen's pursuit of Ye Fan downstairs is equally lively.

There are still many good people in this world, especially when someone stands up.

The young man who was beaten was quickly rescued by the crowd, and many of them took out their mobile phones to call the police.

"Hmph, with this strength, how can you learn from other heroes to save the beauty?"

"From now on, I will beat you every time I see you!"

After saying this, the gangster said to the beaten man in a preaching and warning tone.

At this moment, he felt that he was so handsome, so cool!

He even tidied up his somewhat messy hair with his hands.

"Brother, it seems that someone is coming towards us!"

Just when the gangster felt that this was the highlight moment, a younger brother glanced into the distance and said.

"Fuck! And who the hell is not afraid of death?"

"Master, I'll just wait here. I want to see who dares to ask me about things."

At this moment, Ye Fan was running away crazily with a little girl in his arms.

Under Su Jingshen's exquisite swordsmanship, a girl couldn't stop her huge body at all, so he was burning with anxiety and couldn't wait to find the legendary children's paradise.

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but adults have their own ideas, and if they don't obey orders, they will run away if they are careless.

Besides, how could he guess the real reason behind Su Jingshen's scruples?

Is there any difference between children and adults in his eyes?

According to his own standard, if he let himself kill an adult who has nothing to do with him, his conscience would not be moved.

But when you said you wanted him to kill a child he didn't know, Ye Fan was still a little touched.

So he didn't dare to gamble at all, because he only had one chance!

"Children's Paradise, where is it!"

Ye Fan was impatient, his eyes took time to look around, and he didn't have time to pay attention to other things.

In the past, he was always chasing others like a cat chasing a mouse.

It's good now, but he has become that mouse, and he has no temper after being chased, and there is nowhere to vent his anger.

"Come on, come on, I'm standing here, let me see what Nima wants!"

Just as Ye Fan was running forward, that hooligan bastard yelled at Ye Fan.

He dared to regard Ye Fan as a righteous person who wanted a hero to save the beauty.

"Brother, he runs so fast!"

The younger brothers around him shook their heads, thinking that they had drunk too much and had hallucinations.

"I'm afraid of hanging, hiccup... Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes today, I will beat him up."

After hiccupping, the bum straightened his chest and said arrogantly.

This scene made the surrounding people itchy with anger, wishing they could rush up and beat up this bum.

But when they saw Ye Fan running so fast, they gave way wisely, for fear of being hit by him.

In this way, only this bum was left standing in the middle of the road.


Seeing Ye Fan getting closer and closer to him, the bum yelled at Ye Fan, as if to embolden himself.

"Sabbie stuff!"

Seeing this, Ye Fan touched the ground with one foot, and his whole body immediately flew up.

"Come on, Mommy!"

While this person was still clamoring, Ye Fan stepped on his celestial cap, stomped down fiercely, borrowed his strength again, and flew further away.

This person never imagined that Ye Fan would be so painful just passing by and stepping on his foot.

The pain was so painful that he couldn't even cover the stepped place with his hands.

Because he didn't even know what his Tianling Gai had been trampled into.

But the people around know it!

Everyone only saw a dent in the shape of a shoe print on his Tianling Gai, about three to four centimeters in size.

Although there was no bleeding, the impact was still terrifying.

"Big brother, big brother!"

A few seconds later, the bum's eyes gradually turned blood-colored, and bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, his companions hurried forward to help him, but it was a pity that this person had already softened into a puddle of mud.

"Fuck, kill, kill!"

Good guy, in the public, although this little bastard is not a thing, but dying in front of them like this is indeed a kind of panic for ordinary people.


After Ye Fan ran away, Su Jingshen held the Excalibur, bypassed everyone and chased after him.

The young man who stood up because of justice before was not only not afraid of the death of this little bastard, but saw the handsome figure of Su Jingshen chasing him with a sword.

An indescribable feeling rose from his heart.

Although he didn't know where the two of them were going, he just wanted to catch up and find out!

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yulong and Huang Xuan followed each other chasing each other.

"Beep beep..."

After a while, sirens sounded one after another downstairs.

The entire shopping mall has made such a big commotion, and there are still many people who think that the problem is not serious, and many people even want to get closer to join in the fun.

"Hurry up and contact the staff of the mall and ask them to use loudspeakers to evacuate the crowd!"

Seeing the devastation on the first floor, the captain said quickly.

"It's the captain."

As expected of the captain, the first thing he thought of was to ensure the safety of ordinary people.

Soon, the mall radio was broadcasting the news of emergency evacuation.

However, at this time, Ye Fan had already found the so-called children's playground, and even found a rope to use the children as shields to surround him.

"Ye Fan, are you so interesting?"

Seeing this, Su Jingshen prodded him somewhat mockingly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you bastard would be soft because of a child. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have had so much trouble."

Ye Fan didn't take Su Jingshen's aggressive approach at all, but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mommy mommy……"

"Leave my child alone, I beg you."

The mothers of seven or eight children had never seen such a scene before. When they saw their children being tied up, they rushed over immediately, trying to snatch their children back.

After all, Ye Fan's looks so far have been unarmed and non-threatening.

"Don't go, this person is very dangerous."

Seeing this, Su Jingshen quickly reminded him.

Now Ye Fan has been cornered by himself, and even a child can use it as a shield. It is really unpredictable what crazy things he can do.

"Get out, get out of here!"

"Don't force me to do it!"

The safety of the children cannot be guaranteed, so how could these young mothers give up after a few warnings from him.

Still reckless, he stepped forward, trying to pull his child back.

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