Justice League.

In the hall.

A dozen or so middle-aged women kowtowed to the ground.

"My lord, what orders do you have?"

Su Jingshen smiled slightly, surrounded by a faint white light.

"This seat feels your sincerity, so this time I call you here to give you blessings."

The middle-aged women below all showed joy, and hurriedly kowtowed and bowed nine times to express their thanks.

"Thank you, Lord Leader!"

A streak of white light flew towards the middle-aged woman's body.

As the white light enters the body, a warm current improves the bodies of middle-aged women.

There were comfortable sounds one after another in the hall.

Su Jingshen couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the voice.

Fortunately, there is no one around, otherwise if other people heard it, they would think that I was doing something to these middle-aged aunts!

It looks like ten minutes have passed since the improvement time.

This blessing greatly improved their physical condition.

Everyone seems to be several years younger.

The changes in the middle-aged women's bodies almost overflowed with joy on their faces.

All knelt down on the ground and shouted in unison.

"Thank you, Lord Leader, thank you, Lord Leader!"

Su Jing had a reserved smile like a magic stick on his face.

"This is what you deserve. As long as you continue to believe in the Justice League, there will be more powerful blessings in the future."

The middle-aged women heard Su Jingshen's words, thinking that there was a more powerful blessing, and quickly expressed their loyalty.

"Lord Leader, don't worry, we will follow Lord Leader for the rest of our lives."

"My lord, all blessings are boundless!"

Su Jingshen nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand.

He signaled everyone to retreat.

Seeing that the faith value of middle-aged women has generally reached more than 80, I am very satisfied.

As the middle-aged women retreated, Su Jingshen's face gradually turned pale.

Huang Xuan also came out from the back of the hall.

Seeing Su Jingshen's appearance, he was puzzled.

"You spend so much spiritual power to help these useless people improve their bodies, why bother?"

Su Jingshen said with a smile: "Old Huang! How can you call someone useless?",

"They believe in me, isn't it normal for me to bless them? My love is boundless!"

Huang Xuan let out a yell, and cursed with a smile: "Bah, you little fox, you still love boundless. Although I don't know what your plan is, after getting along for such a long time, you are definitely the kind of unprofitable People, would not do this kind of loss-making business."

Of course, Su Jingshen is not a kind person. He did this only to find that these middle-aged women have nothing to do every day, but they can brainwash themselves. Give them a little favor, and they will definitely work harder to spread the faith.

"I don't care what you, little fox, do. I'm going to practice first. Just call me if you have anything to do!"

Huang Xuan disappeared into the hall with a flash.

After Huang Xuan left, Su Jingshen sat alone on the leader's seat, opened the system panel, and kept frowning tightly.

[Host: Su Jingshen. 】

[Supernatural power: the eye of faith. 】

[Believers: 18. 】


"It's been a week, and there are only 18 believers. The system requires more than 100! Time is running out."

"Looks like I have to go to Beihai City."

Su Jingshen sighed lightly.


At the same time, outside the main hall, the blessed middle-aged women have not yet dispersed.

A fat woman looked at the hall with reverence, and said: "The leader is really omnipotent! The old cold legs that have been entangled with me for so many years, after a blessing from the leader, are now completely healed."

Another woman answered with a face full of joy: "Who says it's not! My uremia is cured too! Hahaha..."

Others were also chirping about their physical conditions, and their admiration for Su Jingshen was beyond words.

The fat woman said solemnly: "As far as I know, there are still many people in our alliance who don't trust the leader. They think that the Justice League is a lie, and they are here to cheat food and drink!"

"As the most loyal believers of the lord, we must correct the thinking of these people, and we cannot let them continue to harm our Justice League."

After the fat woman finished speaking, one of the women also roared angrily.

"Yes, my daughter also said that the leader is a liar, but how can a liar give them food and drink, and teach them exercises!"

"Yes, yes, my old man is also slandering the leader. The leader is handsome and gentle, and he is willing to help ordinary people like us. He is not a god in the sky, what is it!"

The middle-aged women became more and more angry as they talked, wishing they could swallow all these people alive now.

One of them, a middle-aged woman wearing glasses and black business attire, stood up.

Shouted: "Sisters, we can't be so impulsive. If we do this, the effect will be counterproductive. It won't help the leader, and it will cause a lot of trouble for the leader!"

When the others heard what she said, they asked, "Who are you? What do you say we should do."

The woman with glasses smiled and said confidently, "My real name is Liu Yan, and I am a professor of psychology at Beihai University in Beihai City."

Originally, when Liu Yan came here, she just thought that it could provide food and lodging, and she didn't believe in any gods or immortals.

But as time went by, she began to practice slowly. Since she felt the spiritual energy, although it was very rare, she did have it.

Then with today's blessing, she completely believed that Su Jingshen was a real god.

When the others heard Liu Yan's name, they were immediately in awe.

Quickly said: "So it's Professor Liu! I was really disrespectful just now, I don't know what you can do?"

Liu Yan was full of confidence, but with a trace of madness in her confidence, she said, "Painting cakes!"

"Our first step is to make the husbands at home! Children! Let them believe in the lord. Then we will spread the power of the lord intentionally or unintentionally!"

"Finally, let's draw cakes. There is a saying that says that three points are destined, seven points depend on big cakes, and love cakes will win."

Later Liu Yan told everyone the detailed plan.

After everyone heard the plan, they quickly clapped their hands and applauded, and they all returned home quickly.

What Su Jingshen didn't know was that these thirteen middle-aged women were called the Thirteen Taibao of the Justice League by others in the days to come.

Of course this is just something to say.

And our big villain, Su Jingshen, is staying in the boudoir of a certain celestial beauty at this very moment.


In the attic on the ninth floor.

Su Jingshen sneaked into Mu Ziyue's boudoir!

"Wow, boom!"

Mu Ziyue was taking a shower, and didn't notice anyone coming in at all.

Su Jingshen looked at Mu Ziyue's hazy figure through the glass.

The mist in the bathroom surrounded Mu Ziyue, like a spirit in the water.

Soon after Mu Ziyue came out of the shower, she saw someone in the room and screamed in fright!

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