I Became The Villain Gao Fushuai

Chapter 358: The Origin Of The Ghost

"Boy is fine.

Since the Nascent Soul Stage can kill Zhou Qi in the Transformation Stage, no wonder the City Lord wants to see you. "

Butler Fu looked Su Jingshen up and down, a little surprised in his eyes.

"Thank you for your praise, my lord. I don't know why the city lord is looking for me."

Su Jingshen was a little puzzled, although the Lord Tiansha was drawn into the Justice League by the system.

"But logically speaking, I don't have much contact with him, even if he knows that I am the so-called leader's apprentice, he shouldn't see me!

Forget it, let's meet first, anyway, there is a system, if he does any harm to me, I will let the system kill him directly. "

"Hehe, I don't know why the city lord is looking for you. The thoughts of the city lord are not something ordinary people can guess."

Steward Fu said with a smile.


The two arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is located in the middle of the entire Tiansha City.

It covers an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters.

Surrounded by walls of more than ten meters.

There is only one golden door, and nothing can be seen from the outside.

Two soldiers stood at the door.

From their aura, Su Jingshen felt that they were no weaker than Zhou Yong, and even stronger.

"My lord, tell me to take him in."

The soldier at the door nodded expressionlessly, and the spears in their hands collided with each other, forming a cross.

Then the golden door opened.

Stepping into the City Lord's Mansion, there is only a black path in sight, and there is nothing near the path.

"Follow me closely, don't walk around, or you will die, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Su Jingshen nodded, and quickly followed Steward Fu's pace.

The two walked for about ten minutes.

Then came to a black hall.

The hall was shrouded in evil spirit.

It looked extremely scary.

Butler Fu knelt down on the ground and shouted loudly, "My lord, I brought him here."

A majestic voice came from the hall: "Well, just let him in."


Then the door of the main hall opened, and Su Jingshen walked in cautiously.

In the upper seat of the main hall, sat a man in his 30s.

I saw him wearing white clothes, with snow-white skin, and long black hair scattered wantonly.

It was strange to say that most men with long hair would look very girly, but he looked very domineering.

His face exuded a rebellious temperament.

"Meet the city lord!"

Su Jingshen saluted with a half-bow.

"Don't be too polite!"

The voice of the city lord came, his voice was a little low, but if you carefully noticed, his mouth did not move from the beginning to the end.

"You must be the leader's apprentice! Sure enough, a hero is a boy."

Su Jingshen replied modestly: "Thank you, the city lord, for your compliment!"

"Huh? Demon cultivator? Why does it still smell like a ghost?"

Sensing the aura of a ghost on Su Jingshen's body, his face changed drastically in an instant.

The hall is full of evil spirits.

The evil spirit was so strong that it almost dripped out.

The strong evil spirit instantly overwhelmed Su Jingshen to the ground.

Su Jingshen felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and was ready to ask the system to obliterate the city lord of Tiansha at any time.

"Say! Why!"

The sound was deafening, and the residents of the city were trembling.

"City... Lord City Master, I only got the breath of some ghosts after killing them."

Hearing these words, the coercion in the hall eased a little.

"Tell me carefully."

Su Jingshen explained in detail how he met the ghost and how to kill it.

After the Lord Tiansha finished listening, his brows were sometimes closed and sometimes stretched.

"It seems that I misunderstood you."

A pill flew into Su Jingshen's hand.

"This is the God Transformation Pill, but when you transform into a god, there is a 50% chance of getting a strange primordial spirit."

Su Jingshen was overjoyed after taking the elixir in his hand.

You must know that ordinary Huashen pills do not provide strange primordial spirits.

Only the legendary god-grade elixir will provide the strange primordial spirit, and the probability is far from fifty percent.

Then this elixir is rated far above the god level.

"My lord, why don't you blame me a few more times." Su Jingshen whispered.


"It's nothing, my lord."

"What are ghosts? Why are you so worried about the city lord?"

The city lord glanced at Su Jingshen, he didn't expect Su Jingshen to ask this question.

"Forget it, since you asked, I'll tell you!"

"Ghosts are not residents of our world. They come from a higher dimension and gain power by devouring other creatures."

Hear here.

Su Jingshen couldn't help asking: "My lord, is there a higher dimension besides Blue Star?"

heard the words.

The city lord nodded: "Yes, there are many dimensions. The fairy world we often talk about is in a higher dimension."

Su Jingshen's face changed slightly.

He thought of one thing, according to the general novel, the ghost will come soon.

"My lord, are the ghosts coming soon?"

The city lord looked at him curiously: "You are very smart, and you will indeed come soon. As for how long, I don't know, maybe ten days or ten years."

Hear here.

Su Jingshen's face changed completely. If the ghosts came after ten days, then he really didn't have so much time.

Seeing his appearance, the city lord smiled: "You don't need to worry, ghosts have descended more than once, and we are fully confident this time."

"Eh...has it come before?"

After asking this question, Su Jingshen regretted it. This question seemed like a particularly idiot to him.

Fortunately, the city lord didn't care about it: "Ghosts came twice in total, the first time was during the Shang Dynasty, when the crowd was weak, no matter they had to face ghosts, they had to face all kinds of natural disasters and wild beasts.

Later, according to the way of heaven, the seniors of the human race learned the method of cultivation, absorbed spiritual energy, and exercised their bodies, so that people could resist.

But people's desires are not concealed after all. They will always have a strong body and strength, and have the power to fight against wild beasts and ghosts.

They began to pursue more powerful power, and finally some people wanted to pursue longevity.

So like this, many seniors of the human race began to trade with ghosts in exchange for more powerful power.

But this kind of greed will only lead to the complete necrosis of the human race. Fortunately, a great human king [King Zhou] appeared.

He relied on his own iron and blood methods to kill all these moths of the human race.

Then came to lead the army to fight the ghosts to the death. Although they defeated all the ghosts, their own country was also devastated.

In the end, Zhou Tianzi took advantage of the vacancy and killed King Zhou.

The last human king of the human race did not die in the hands of ghosts, but in the hands of his own people. "

Speaking of this, a tear flowed from the corner of the city lord's eyes.

"It's sad! It's sad!"

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