I Became The Villain Gao Fushuai

Chapter 381: Master Immortal

After overcoming obstacles all the way, Su Jingshen came to the building with the glass dome.

This is the main building of the indoor park and the most representative building in the botanical garden.

Along the way, Su Jingshen didn't see any trace of those four people, presumably they also went to the indoor park.

Both sides of the gate of the indoor park are also covered with green vines and brown branches.

But there is still a space in the middle of the gate, so that people can pass through easily.

Why is the outer gate covered with vines, but the inner gate left a passage instead?

Could it be that they grew up like this on purpose?

"Master, there is something very dangerous inside!"

Su Jingshen frowned.

"Dangerous stuff?"

"The snake monster I told you about before, I feel a similar aura in this building!"

"And it's a very powerful individual!"

"How far is it?"

"It's in the deepest part of this building. It should be imprisoned by something, and it has been inactive."

"Also, that divine weapon is in the same position as it!"

"Oh? That's interesting!"

Could it be that the magic weapon is in the hands of the snake demon?

And according to Jue Xianjian, the snake demon should be very strong.

Su Jingshen didn't feel that there was such a thing anyway, he only noticed that there was a lot of spiritual energy in the garden.

This shows that the snake demon's cultivation level is higher than that of Su Jingshen, at least at the stage of transformation!

If he was an immortal cultivator in the stage of transforming gods, Su Jingshen could barely fight.

But it's really hard to say about the monsters in the transformation stage.

The monster race itself has an advantage over the human race in terms of combat.

For example, they often have fangs and claws. These natural advantages are not available to humans.

Fortunately, the snake demon must have been imprisoned by something, unable to move.

Otherwise, it should have discovered Su Jingshen long ago and attacked him.

Do those four people also know about the snake demon?

But what do they go in for?

With their cultivation base, wouldn't it be as easy for the snake demon to kill them as if he crushed an ant to death.

Anyway, the snake monster can't move now, so let's go in and have a look.

Su Jingshen cautiously took a step towards the dark, empty gate of the indoor park.


Beihai Botanical Garden, indoor park.

This place has long been covered by wildly growing plants, and there is almost no place to step down.

However, when Xu Pengfei and his three younger brothers came over, the vegetation would give way one after another.

When they passed by, the vegetation would close up again.

Some of them were huge plants like pitcher plants, with fangs.

They have no eyes, but they keep turning to the four people, as if they are looking at them.

These things are no longer considered plants, they can only be called animals with the appearance of plants.

Sour and foul-smelling saliva dripped from their mouths, as if these four were delicious food.

But after all, they were afraid of something and didn't say anything.

A flytrap five meters high moved towards one of Xu Pengfei's younger brothers, almost touching him face to face.

"Brother Peng, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of a hammer!" Xu Pengfei slapped that little brother on the head, "We have the gold medal for avoiding death from the gods, and they dare not touch us!"

"Brother Peng, you always talk about that fairy master, but we haven't seen him yet."

Xu Pengfei rolled his eyes at the younger brother who was talking.

"Hurry up, I'll see you soon, show me some respect!"

When Xu Pengfei yelled like this, the three younger brothers immediately shut up and followed the older brother obediently.

Two days ago, Xu Pengfei discovered such a botanical garden.

There are many fruits and herbs that have miraculous effects when eaten.

But at the same time, there are also many strange beasts.

Just when Xu Pengfei was wondering whether to go here to do something, a voice came into his mind.

The voice made him pick the Jiuding fruit at the door, bring it into the garden, and find the owner of the voice in the indoor park, and it will give Xu Pengfei strength.

After Xu Pengfei followed suit, he really gained cultivation. He called the owner of the voice "Master Immortal".

The immortal master not only gave him strength, but also gave him the right to eat the spirit grass and spirit fruit here.

At the same time, Master Immortal also gave Xu Pengfei a "Gold Medal to Avoid Death".

It is a small red stone.

As long as Xu Pengfei took it with him, he wouldn't be entangled by the weird things in the botanical garden.

And what Xu Pengfei has to do is to bring Jiuding fruit to this fairy master every day.

After Xu Pengfei tasted the sweetness, he immediately thought of his three younger brothers.

After Master Immortal heard about it, he also prepared a gold medal for avoiding death for the other three, and asked Xu Pengfei to take it with him.

So yesterday's scene happened. Xu Pengfei and his three younger brothers first tasted the Jiuding fruit and then set up camp nearby.

At this time, the four of them had reached the center of the indoor park of the botanical garden.

This was originally a rotunda, where the glass dome was.

Today, the glass dome is long gone, replaced by curving vines.

The wildly growing vegetation wraps the place tightly, and only a faint sunlight can penetrate.

Two thick branches intersect to form an "X" and stand in the center of the hall. The branches are covered with thorns.

Through that ray of sunlight, a huge black shadow could be seen behind the branches.

"Master Immortal, this is the fruit for you today!"

As Xu Pengfei said, he took the lead in placing the two Jiuding fruits in his hands in the center of the x-shaped branches.

He waved his hand to signal the three younger brothers to come over quickly.

The remaining three carefully imitated their elder brother, and placed the fruit in their hands in that position.

Xu Pengfei quickly stepped back.

"Back! Back! Master Immortal is going to eat!"

"Cluck cluck cluck..."

Behind the x-shaped branches came the sound of a giant crushing wood.

The black figure lowered his head and glanced at the Jiuding fruit on the branch.

It suddenly let out a human voice, a voice as low as a trumpet blown from hell.

"Xu Pengfei!"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

"Don't you know how to pack more in a bag?"

Xu Pengfei smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

"It's too hasty, I'm not prepared..."

"That's all!"

The black shadow swallowed the Jiuding fruit on the branch in one gulp.


There was a loud swallowing sound.

"You put the bloodstone here!"

The four of them listened to the words of the immortal master, and put the red stone that they each regarded as the "gold medal for avoiding death" on the branch.

Granular red energy emanates from the black shadow, covering the red stones.

Those stones received this red energy and also emitted a faint red light.

Afterwards, the red light dissipated, and the red stone returned to its original appearance.

"Take it away!"

The three of them took the red stone back, only to feel that something was different about them.

Their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe the changes in their bodies, but they didn't dare to make a sound because of the immortal master.

Xu Pengfei had expected it a long time ago and looked at them with a smile.

"This is the cultivation level bestowed upon us by the Immortal Lord. With this foundation, we can cultivate immortals!"

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