The Justice League training ground in the parallel world is different from the original one, and there is a separate place indoors.

"The leader hasn't been here for a while, the facility has recently been renovated, should I introduce it to you?"

Zhao Rui walked in front with a slightly smug expression.

Zhao Rui is in charge of managing and building the training ground, while Su Jingshen only pays for it.

Some time ago, Zhao Ruicai applied for a sum of funds from Su Jingshen to improve the training ground.

Su Jingshen was puzzled, since the hunting group was so poor, how could he in the parallel world still have time to repair the training ground?

Zhao Rui introduced the facilities of the training ground to Su Jingshen.

This training ground is divided into three areas.

The first is the fitness area, which is where members of the hunting group usually exercise.

Then there is the fighting area. There is a lot of space here, and there are many moving dummies for practicing fighting skills.

The last area is the simulated hunting area.

This hunting area is more powerful, where you can simulate hunting.

From one star to nine stars, it can be simulated.

It is said that robots were used to simulate alien beasts before, but that was too expensive and easily injured.

So now it's changed to a holographic projection.

Good guy, you can also use robots to simulate alien beasts!

Su Jingshen didn't dare to think about how much money his previous self had invested in this training ground.

And at least two years ago, Su Jingshen was spending a lot of money to develop those weird props.

This hunting group can survive until now, and it is already considered good.

After introducing the basic situation of the training ground, the two went straight to the hunting area.

This is a large space with white electronic screens on all sides.

After putting on the special training clothes, Zhao Rui asked:

"Leader, how many stars should we start practicing?"

"Seven stars."

Su Jingshen said without thinking.

Zhao Rui was also unambiguous, clicking and clicking on the black console beside him.

"Okay, leader, let's choose a weapon."

Next to the console, there was a row of black weapons.

There are all kinds of weapons, including cold weapons and hot weapons.

There are knives and spears, but no swords.

That's right, weapons like swords are rarely used in actual combat.

Su Jingshen took a straight knife casually.

"let's start."

Zhao Rui nodded, took a long gun by himself, and pressed it on the operation panel.

On the surrounding white screens, projections began, and the scene changed into a jungle.

Pieces of vegetation grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Su Jingshen stretched out his hand to touch one of the trees, and the touch was actually the same as a real tree.

This special combat uniform allows the wearer to have as real an experience as possible under the holographic projection.

This thing shouldn't be cheap, right?

Su Jingshen thought to himself.

This set will cost hundreds of thousands to say the least.

However, Su Jingshen still wanted to see what the training robot looked like.

In the jungle, the sounds of birds and insects can be heard from time to time, but otherwise it is very quiet.

The two of them stepped on the soft ground, feeling very real.

What is simulated here is a real jungle scene, and even the texture of the land under your feet is very real.

The air was so humid that Su Jingshen even felt gusts of hot air attached to his skin.

Su Jingshen vaguely felt that there were a pair of eyes staring at him.

Although the aura has disappeared, the keen senses are still there, but there is no way to clearly identify the surrounding things.

"Be careful, it's after us."

Su Jingshen reminded in a low voice that in such a realistic environment, he gradually entered the state.

Zhao Rui nodded, did not speak, and slowly turned his head to observe his surroundings, while walking lightly.

Su Jingshen glanced back, behind him was a small pool of water behind a rotten tree covered with moss.

There were microwaves rippling on the water, but there was nothing there.

Su Jingshen keenly noticed that there was a little light brown hair on the rotten tree.

He waved for Zhao Rui to come and check, and the two picked up the gray hair and observed it carefully.

Su Jingshen did not expect that the simulation could be so realistic.

He originally thought that a strange beast appeared, and then fought with the two of them.

It seems that he still underestimated this holographic projection equipment.

That hair did indeed come from the target of this simulated hunt.

But now, the other party discovered the two of them in advance.

Actual hunting is full of variables, and this set of equipment almost perfectly restores any possibility that may arise during hunting.

It seems that the price is more than a few hundred thousand...

At least the self in this parallel world finally spent his money in the right place.

There were several similar pieces of rotten wood around, and Su Jingshen found the same hair on them.

After all, the simulation is a simulation, and some reminders are still needed. If it is done according to the real situation, some strange beasts may not even leave hair.

Hair was found all around, which meant that the other party had already walked around them, and it was very close.

At this time, on the left side of the two, there is a bush where the vegetation is the most lush.

The strange beast is likely to be hidden there.

The two looked at each other and approached cautiously.

Without the spiritual energy and those exercises, Su Jingshen didn't dare to go up directly.

It's a simulation, but let's be serious.

Su Jingshen held his breath, and slowly approached the bush.


A huge black shadow sprang up from the bushes.

The two reacted quickly, and immediately flashed to the left and right.


The black shadow fell to the ground and let out a roar.

Its body turned in a circle, drawing an arc on the muddy ground.

It is about seven meters long and looks like a wolf and a hyena.

This strange beast has two very obvious fangs, stands on all fours, has light brown hair all over its body, and a row of dark brown mane.

Seven-star alien beast, Cangmu wolf.

Zhao Rui has already introduced before that the seven-star alien beast in the simulation training is the Cangmu wolf.

Cang wood wolves have a powerful bite, and their sharp fangs can easily pierce even steel.

At the same time, there is an organ called "singing bag" in their well-developed chest.

With that organ, they can make literally deafening calls.

It is also possible to use the powerful lung capacity to compress the air in the naruto bag and then burst out like a cannonball.

There are two methods of predation.

Either silently kill it with a single blow from the air cannon, or deter the prey with a deafening roar so that it cannot move.

Apparently, Cang Wood Wolf had previously planned to deal with the two of them quietly, but it failed.

That means now, it will change tactics.

Cang Wood Wolf's chest kept rising and falling, making a slight "roaring" sound.

"Cover your ears!"

Zhao Rui reminded.

Su Jingshen is not stupid, although the damage suffered in the simulated training is much smaller than in reality, but he does not want to be deafened.


The Cang Wood Wolf sucked in the last breath of air, then raised its head to the sky and howled.

There was even a very obvious sound wave around.

Cang Wood Wolf's voice was so loud that even though he covered his ears, Su Jingshen felt that his eardrums were about to burst.

That feeling, like a strong wind, got into the ear, no matter how you dodge it, you can't hide it.

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