I Became The Villain Gao Fushuai

Chapter 482: Swamp Monster Lizard

Su Jingshen was sure that he didn't look blind, he didn't blink at all just now.

But the moon blinked at him? ? ?

Take a closer look, the moon really looks like an eyeball...

But why does it blink?

Su Jingshen stared at the moon for a while, but the moon didn't blink anymore.

Maybe it was really wrong, Su Jingshen thought.

He was a little sleepy and planned to go back to sleep.

Just as he was about to get up, the moon blinked again.

This time he saw clearly, though only for a split second.

But at that moment, all the light of the moon disappeared.

No, not just the moon.

At that moment, all the light around him disappeared, leaving only darkness.

How is this going?

Su Jingshen instantly felt relieved and sat up.

He stayed for another half hour or so, and this time nothing happened again.

Su Jingshen's intuition told him that this matter was not easy.

He took out his mobile phone and prepared to search for relevant information on the Internet.

But when he opened the search engine, he was stunned. What keywords should he search for?

He tried "Moon Blink" first, but all he found were fairy tales.

Then he tried the keyword "moonlight disappears", again without any useful information.

Su Jingshen searched for several keywords one after another, and searched everything he could think of, but still found nothing.

It stands to reason that many people must have discovered such an incident, and there must be people communicating about it on the Internet.

And yet there is nothing, which is so strange.

"System, has the author written anything about the setting of the moon blinking?"

Su Jingshen decided to ask the system.

"Host, the author has never written a similar setting."

"Well, I see, let's back down."

After hearing the system's reply, Su Jingshen was even more confused.

But he didn't have a clue yet, so he went back to the tent to sleep.

At 4:30 in the morning, when Su Jingshen came out of the tent, there were already many people standing outside.

He insinuated and asked his own people if they noticed what happened to the moon last night, and the answer was no.

Forget it, don't care about this matter, first find a way to deal with the matter in front of you.

After a little reorganization, a group of ten people all set off.

The camp does not need to be guarded, and there will be people from the beast hunting department to help guard it.

The hunting ground in the commercial street is very large, and there are hundreds of people in ten hunting groups, and they go in almost different directions.

Due to the loss of manpower yesterday, the members of the Gunslinger Hunting Group had to call in a new member today, and they were delayed a little when they set off.

This is just right for the Justice League. They first came to the place where they hunted the armored bear and the feathered bird.

The corpses of the two alien beasts had been taken away by the Beast Hunting Department, leaving only traces of blood, which proved that there had been a fierce fight here.

"Put it behind here."

Su Jingshen pointed to a clump of vegetation, and signaled his men to put the barbecue trap behind it.

After setting up the barbecue trap, the ten people continued to move forward.

The sun hadn't risen when they set out, and now the sky was beginning to turn white.

When Su Jingshen smelled the stench again, he knew that the poisonous swamp was nearby.


Just as everyone was approaching the swamp, there was a sudden sound of bubbles from that direction.

Su Jingshen waved his hand to signal everyone to stop, and he listened carefully.

"Gulu Gulu..."

The bubbling sound is still there, and it's very close to them.

The swamp is just ahead, could it be the green-scaled python?

Alien beasts also have the law of the weak and the strong, and when a powerful alien beast like the green-scaled python moves into the swamp, other alien beasts will naturally make room for it.

In other words, there is a high probability that those highly poisonous beasts will not stay here, at least not during the beast tide.

"Fatty, go and have a look."

Zhao Rui said to the fat team member who questioned Su Jingshen last night.

If it was in the previous world, Su Jingshen would definitely have gone by himself, because he has the Heavenly Demon Body Protection Art in his body, so he has no fear at all.

However, now, he only has ability cards, which are one-off, so it is impossible to use them casually.

The fat man nodded and slowly moved forward.

He held the hunting crossbow carefully.

Su Jingshen heard from Zhao Rui that this person is one of the most courageous in the Justice League.

About five meters away from Su Jingshen, there is a row of green vegetation blocking it, passing through there, you can see the highly toxic swamp.

Fatty used the hunting crossbow to push aside the vegetation and walked over.


The sound of bubbles continued to come from behind the vegetation, and the figure of the fat man gradually disappeared behind the vegetation.

In the quiet jungle, there is only the sound of the bubbles, not even the sound of the wind

Su Jingshen is ready to use a shield card at any time to protect the front.

Everyone tensed up, waiting for the result of Fatty's pathfinding.

After about twenty seconds, the vegetation in front began to shake.


Something is coming.

Is it fat? Su Jingshen thought to himself.

No, it could be something else too.

He aimed the hunting crossbow in that direction, and at the same time called up the shield card in his mind, ready to defend at any time.

With those previous experiences, Su Jingshen didn't dare to be careless, and had to be prepared for everything.

The bubbling bubbling stopped.

A purple tentacle protrudes from behind the vegetation.

Su Jingshen raised his hand to signal everyone not to rush to fire.

Then, another purple tentacle stretched out.

Two tentacles stretched out from the left and right sides, towards the two eyes that explored the way.

They pushed aside the vegetation, revealing a purple square head in the middle.

Not fat?


Su Jingshen gave a light drink.

"Da da da da da..."

Nine hunting crossbows fired simultaneously.

The special crossbow arrows - should be called bullets - quickly smashed the purple beast into a sieve.

It didn't even have time to scream, and fell into a pool of blood, pressing the piece of vegetation under its body.

Su Jingshen raised his head and glanced, the fat man was lying behind the vegetation, his face was livid, he seemed to have been poisoned.

The purple beast in front of him was about two meters long, with a square head and a mouth full of small, sharp and dense teeth.

Its eyes protrude outward, with dark pupils.

It walks on its hind legs. There should have been two purple tentacles on its arms. Behind it is a long tail, the end of which is rolled up like a mosquito coil.

Two-star alien beast, purple poisonous lizard.

This is also one of Su Jingshen's mission objectives.

Just like its name, the purple poisonous lizard is covered in purple and is highly poisonous.

The grunt just now should be that it was drinking water at the edge of the swamp.

The skin of this strange beast is poisonous, and it can be used to smear it on weapons, which is equivalent to "enchanting".

Weapons made from materials of the Venomous Monster are all highly poisonous.

This kind of strange beast is usually very dangerous, but its defense is very weak, and its size is small, and its speed is not fast, so it is easy to deal with.

Therefore, its rating is only two stars.

But how did the fat man get tricked?

Su Jingshen approached the swamp, he planned to check on the fat man.

At this time, the fat man's chest was slightly heaving, and he was still alive.


Just as Su Jingshen was leaving, there was a sound from the vegetation on the other side.

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