I Became The Villain Gao Fushuai

Chapter 484: The Giant Python Appears

The strange beast was about four meters long, with a black body and smooth skin.

Its head and body are flat, its head is a big "u" shape, its four legs are short and thick, and its long tail ends with a paddle-shaped tail fin.

Its eyes were also pitch-black, growing on the top of its head, and a pitch-black liquid with a strong stench was constantly oozing from its bright red mouth.

This is the liquid it just used to sneak attack.

This is a four-star alien beast, a poisonous salamander.

This kind of highly poisonous creature lives in the swamp, just like the purple poisonous lizard, they are highly poisonous.

Poison salamanders are not only highly poisonous, but also secrete a special black liquid from their mouths.

The liquid was foul-smelling and highly corrosive.

However, there is a film in their mouths that can resist this liquid.

So people often use the material of this strange beast to make gas masks.

The poisonous salamander has several bullet holes and is bleeding black blood.

Although this thing can be said to have no expression, Su Jingshen can clearly detect a trace of anger from it.

Big brother, it's somewhat inappropriate for you to sneak attack first, and then get angry in turn, isn't it?

The poisonous salamander, a strange beast, will suddenly attack from the water after selecting its prey.

They use this strong acid to immobilize their prey before they pounce on them and devour them.

Apparently, the fat man has just been tricked. If Su Jingshen came one step later, the poisonous salamander might swallow him up.

The poisonous salamander is different from the poisonous lizard and the green lizard in that they move much faster.

In addition, they are huge and powerful, so they are four-star alien beasts.

They have a thick layer of fat, and if they are injured, it is usually not a serious injury.

At this time, the poisonous salamander, with blood billowing from its body, did not affect its actions at all, and looked a little scary.

It opened its mouth, and the black liquid stuck in its scarlet mouth, exuding an unbearable stench.

This stench is not quite the same as the stench of the swamp itself, but closer to some kind of rotten smell.

The mouth of the poisonous salamander was opened wide, and a hoarse roar came out of its throat.

Suddenly, a jet of black liquid spewed out of its mouth without warning, and a hunting group member was hit by the liquid before he could dodge.

The hunting suit on his body was quickly corroded, and the liquid was still spreading into his body.

"Take it off!"

Zhao Rui hurriedly shouted.

The member of the hunting group quickly took off his protective clothing and threw it on the ground.


Green smoke was rising from the protective clothing, and the black water flowed down the protective clothing to the ground, corroding a part of the soil before it was absorbed.

Without the protective clothing, the member of the hunting group had to stand behind. Now he has basically no defense ability. If he is attacked by a strange beast, he may be killed by one blow.

The salamander opened its mouth, covered in black liquid, wide open, exposing its scarlet mouth.

Its throat was actually very fragile, but it didn't care. The limbs on its sides crawled quickly, swallowing the surrounding humans in one gulp.

The poisonous salamander is very fast, and anyone who is hit by it will leave a layer of black mud on it.

The mud print is highly poisonous. Once it touches the skin, it will fester all over the body, and damage the brain in severe cases.

Su Jingshen didn't dare to rush up and kill the poisonous salamander with his fists, because that would be a great risk.


Su Jingshen dodged the poisonous salamander's tail, and he slashed at the opponent's tail with a backhand.

The poisonous salamander was in pain, and its body leaned back slightly. It opened its mouth and made a hoarse sound.

It didn't have a vocal organ, so it couldn't roar like other beasts, and black blood flowed out from the place where it was cut.

The blood of the poisonous salamander is also poisonous, which reminds Su Jingshen of the alien creature in a sci-fi thriller movie in his previous life.

"Da da da da da..."

Baptized by hunting crossbow bolts, the poisonous salamander is scarred.

It almost didn't care about the pain at all now, throwing its body around frantically.

The dark and smooth body carried the toxin on the surface and the huge strength, so that everyone had to dodge back and forth, and the attack rhythm was also disrupted a lot.

The black mud that had been thrown all over the swamp, it was hard to tell whether it was the water of the swamp, the black liquid from the poisonous salamander, or its blood.


Zhao Rui stabbed the poisonous salamander's left foreleg with a single shot, and jet-black blood gushed out.

The movement of the poisonous salamander was restricted, and the whole body paused.

This time, it gave others a chance to attack.

"Da da da da da..."

The hunting crossbow was blazing, and it poured the bolts onto the smooth body of the poisonous salamander.

It opened its mouth, and a hoarse sound came out of its mouth, and the black liquid kept oozing out, looking extremely painful.

Su Jingshen seized the opportunity and prepared to step forward to make up for the final blow.


In the swamp, a huge figure appeared!

The strange beast only poked out one head, which was huge, nearly two meters wide, with blue scales covered with green duckweed, reflecting colorful light.

Its red eyes are staring at the red snake fruit on the shore.

There were circles of ripples on the swamp, and the strange beast was floating up, and its huge body was gradually revealed.

His whole body was covered with blue scales, and scarlet letters spit out from his mouth.

The huge strange beast ignored all the creatures around it and approached the pile of red snake fruit.

However, its appearance stunned everyone, including the poisonous salamander.

The seven-star alien beast, the giant green-scaled python!

Moreover, the size of this giant green-scaled python is probably more than thirty meters, and I don't know how this swamp can hold it.

The giant python glanced at Su Jingshen without even turning his head. In its gaze, Su Jingshen could not feel any emotion.

The poisonous salamander took a few steps back subconsciously. It seemed that it had forgotten that it was desperately trying to stay away from the green-scaled basilisk.

Seeing that the poisonous salamander was no longer attacking, Su Jingshen waved his hand and signaled everyone to retreat behind the vegetation.

The giant green-scaled python slowly emerged from the swamp, and part of its body was still submerged in the water.

Its revealed body alone is almost fifteen meters long.

The green-scaled python approached the pile of red snake fruit, and swallowed it mouthful.

Su Jingshen made some mistakes in his plan, he knew that this giant green-scaled python would be huge.

But he didn't expect it to be so big!

Moreover, the sense of oppression of this green-scaled python is stronger than that of the previous green-scaled basilisk!

It didn't take the group of people around it seriously at all.

After eating the red snake fruit, the giant python did not rush into the swamp.

It fully displayed its body, and its length was indeed close to 30 meters. It chose a relatively clean place by the edge of the swamp, curled up in a ball, and rested on its stomach.

The poisonous salamander looked around for a while, not knowing what it was confirming, and then, regardless of the hunters around it, it burrowed into the swamp.

"Don't let it get away!"

Su Jingshen gave a soft drink, and rushed forward first.

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