I Became The Villain Gao Fushuai

Chapter Eight Hundred And Seventy First Tiger Breeding

"Huh? Someone died?"

Hearing the cry for help, Su Jingshen frowned, feeling very affectionate and dignified.

Seeing this, the guardian spirit couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "This kid, although his cultivation is as if he's been stupefied, his temperament is still good. It seems that he intends to help the people... But what is he going to do with so many dangerous weapons? !"

From the perspective of the guardian spirit.

Su Jingshen immediately went back to the cave, and carried all the long swords, machetes, thermal weapons and firearms stored in the cave with him.

Afterwards, he went down the mountain without hesitation, looking for the girl's voice calling for help.


The densely packed equipment on his body made clanking noises due to collisions while running, which sounded extraordinarily heavy.

The guardian spirit's mouth twitched.

No matter how you look at this virtue, it doesn't look like saving people!

As everyone knows, Su Jingshen has a previous case.

The villain system will release missions to him from time to time. One time, Su Jingshen saw a mission of "scare the wounded".

The content of the mission was to ask Su Jingshen to meet a passer-by who had been bitten by a poisonous snake. After the meeting, he did not intend to save the passer-by... but to use weapons to threaten him and take away what little property he had left.

The task of saving people given by the villain system?

This kind of thing is impossible even if you think about it.

But it is a pity that Su Jingshen didn't prepare too many scary weapons last time, so he had to reluctantly cancel the mission. Later, he sent Xiexiu to inquire, and the person who was poisoned by the snake was treated by a passing doctor.

In two minutes, Su Jingshen arrived at the mountainside, and immediately saw a down-and-out girl.

She was well-dressed and fair-skinned, but she had serious injuries in many places, and her blood and bones were exposed to the air, making her look extremely terrifying.

Those injuries seemed to be caused by the claws and fangs of monsters, and dense animal footprints remained on the ground.

"Help, just me..."

The girl's eyes flickered with a faint light of survival, and she weakly called out to Su Jingshen.

Su Jingshen glanced at her, but didn't make any move.

Seeing this scene, the guardian spirit was almost impatient, and pushed Su Jingshen, beckoning him to save people quickly.

But Su Jingshen still didn't move.

He questioned from the bottom of his heart:

"System, hurry up and get the villain mission. Am I intimidating her, or killing her? How much reward? The villain doesn't have 100,000 points, so I don't want to do it."

After a long time, the villain system finally responded to Su Jingshen:

"Ding—a new temporary task has been released, save the girl!"

"Completely recover her injuries, and reward the host with 110,000 villain points after the incident is completed!"

Su Jingshen was stunned for two seconds when he heard the content of this task, and he asked back uncertainly:

"What? System, what are you talking about? Save people?"

"Yes, host, the reward is very generous for saving this girl," the system said.

This abnormal unfolding actually flashed to Su Jingshen's waist. He took a deep look at the girl whose life signs were becoming weaker and weaker, and then walked over.

First, he took out the hemostatic elixir in the space to protect the injury temporarily, then Su Jingshen took out bandages, alcohol and other medical items, ready to save people.

As a human being in two lifetimes, he more or less mastered some methods of dealing with emergency wounds. Half an hour later, the girl opened her eyes weakly.

The sky was gray.

Her consciousness repeatedly fainted and woke up in severe pain, and she felt a pair of thick and powerful palms supporting her, and she was walking in one direction. The footsteps were so calm...

The girl wanted to see Su Jingshen's face clearly, but when she just caught a glimpse of the cheek, she fell into a coma again due to serious injuries.

The system said that the girl should fully recover from her injuries, and Su Jingshen did so honestly.

The wound has been bandaged.

Next, there is a good rest environment.

Su Jingshen carried the girl back to the cave, took off her shabby clothes, and helped her take a bath...

Judging by the scale, it should be a young girl who has not yet grown up. Su Jingshen didn't even think about it. After taking a bath, she helped her dry her hair and gave her her clothes to wear.

However, the girl is petite and looks baggy in Su Jingshen's clothes.

After finishing these, Su Jingshen went down the mountain to hunt, caught a wild boar, a big pheasant and three fish, and prepared to cook a sumptuous meat feast.

Stepping into the sunset at this time, the red light swayed at the entrance of the cave and fell on Su Jingshen... He set up a fire at the entrance of the cave, put a pot on it, and began to cook the broth for a long time.

The rich fragrance floated into the cave, and the girl on the stone board moved her nose, and she woke up because of hunger.

"I am..."

When she opened her eyes, she saw the unfamiliar cave environment, and the girl couldn't help panicking.

She looked around and found Su Jingshen who was cooking at the entrance of the cave, his eyes shrank instantly... From this perspective, the girl happened to see the other person's face clearly, and countless memories flooded into her mind.

Immediately, the girl cleared her eyes and panicked, looking at Su Jingshen with killing intent.

kill him.

That man will promise me and give me back my freedom.

But as soon as she thought about it, the girl bent over and started to cough, probably because there was no fire in the cave and the air was relatively cold and humid, her dry throat coughed particularly violently.


"Are you awake?"

Su Jingshen heard the commotion, turned his head, and greeted in a neutral manner.

The girl nodded, quickly got off the stone bed, bowed to Su Jingshen and said:

"Thank you benefactor for saving your life, the little girl is Luo Su."


Su Jingshen glanced at Luo Su, then turned back, continued to set the fire on the pot, and said in an upbeat tone, "Why are you lying there injured? I don't bother to ask. Now rest for three days, and when your injury improves, you can go down the mountain." Bar."

Luo Su was taken aback, she thought of a series of excuses, but they were stuck in her throat.

But she didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly responded: "Yes, I will get well soon, and I won't delay you."

"Go and lie down for a while, after another hour, you will be able to eat." Su Jingshen said.


Gulu Gulu.

In the black pot, the soup is gradually heating up and bubbling, constantly emitting fragrance.

Su Jingshen looked at the noodle soup, and excitement flashed across his eyes... It's really exciting to think about saving a girl who wants to kill herself.

"Engong, have you helped me take a bath and change my clothes?" Luo Su's light voice came from behind.

Su Jingshen was noncommittal, without turning his head: "Yes, your suit is too torn, if you keep wearing it, you may catch a cold, and it's also dirty."

"Then...thank you benefactor, I'm still not feeling well, so I'll continue to lie down." Luo Su replied shyly.

There was rustling of the quilt from behind, it is estimated that she continued to lie down and sleep.

Su Jingshen felt a little disappointed.

"System, is there really nothing wrong with the identity detection information just now?" He couldn't help asking from the bottom of his heart.

The system is still a cold synthetic mechanical voice, and it responds firmly: "Yes, the host, she is the slave hired by Ye Chen, and her mission is to kill you."

"Tsk tsk, what a pity, what a lovely girl." Su Jingshen smiled.

He was surprised.

I haven't seen you for a few days, Ye Chen started to use his brain? Would you send someone to take your life?

Could there be a deeper conspiracy in this?

Su Jingshen shook his head lightly, not thinking too much, and continued to boil the bone broth in the black pot.

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