I Became The Villain Gao Fushuai

Chapter 889 Late Night Visit

After Wen Ren and Kang finished eating, they gracefully took out their handkerchiefs and gently wiped the corners of their mouths.

His understatement is as common as drinking water.

You can tell at a glance that they eat people a lot on weekdays.

His sharp sense of contrast made many employees feel terrified, but no one dared to protest.

Because the feet are surrounded by black mist, if there is a slight thought of struggling, the black mist will replace Wenren and Kang to kill him.

Dilemma... All they can do is pray to survive.


Wen Ren and Kang looked around at the silent venue, nodded in satisfaction, grinned and said:

"Very well, please keep quiet. As the newly appointed leader, I will just say a few words."

"First, don't show a laughing expression in front of me in the future, otherwise you will end up being my food."

"Second, in the future, the workload of the Criminal Court will increase by five times...I will allow it to stay up all night for three or four days before completing the task. If anyone can't accept it, they can raise their hands and quit now."

Five times...?

The employees all stared in astonishment. Is this going to be squeezed until there is no residue left?

Although the employees in the dark field maintain their lives with negative emotions, it does not mean that they enjoy "negative emotions" themselves.

The difference between shaking s and shaking m is still obvious.

This requirement of doubling the workload five times is unacceptable to most employees.

The next second, a rough-looking man raised his hand angrily, and he scolded:

"Mr. Wenren, I choose to quit!"

Wen Ren and Kang took a deep look at the big man, nodded happily, spread their hands and said, "No problem, please go over there."


The big man grinned, his back was covered with cold sweat, and he thought he was going to be made things difficult for him.

Afterwards, the big man straightened his back, turned around and walked away full of arrogance.

The other employees all cast envious glances at the big man, but in the next second... the black mist hit.

The big man was immediately wrapped in black mist, and in the blink of an eye, all he had left was a solid skeleton scattered on the cold ground.

Not even a chance to scream.

Everyone took a deep breath for a moment, and they were as honest as a bell, not daring to move.

Wen Ren and Kang glanced at the workers, then smiled and asked softly, "Now...is there anyone else who wants to leave?"

Everyone cherishes their own lives, and no one says leave.

Among the crowd, Yao Ying's pretty face was silent, she looked down at the skeleton at her feet.

The bones of the dead man were scattered around her... The hollow skull was very eye-catching.

Yao Ying looked at the dense bones and thought to herself: "It seems that the warning Su Jingshen gave me is true, it's unbelievable..."

Ordinary employees would end up as dead bones against Shang Wenren and Kang, but Yao Ying has an unpredictable killer move.

She clenched her fists and prayed secretly:

Su Jingshen, I believe you just once!


Four days later.

The reputation of the criminal cabinet has spread far and wide in the dark field, and it has become a famous department.

Wen Ren and Kang increased the efficiency of the Criminal Court by 200% with their own efforts.

The information he obtained through extorting confessions, including various secret realms, treasure places, etc., made a huge contribution to the comprehensive strength of the Dark Realm.

Therefore, there is no reason for the lord to drive him away... Even Wenren and Kang would often eat their subordinates indiscriminately.

He is cruel and brutal to the practitioners he has captured, and he will also use a series of methods to extract confessions from his subordinates who have made mistakes. This can be seen from the two-thirds reduction in the number of people in the Criminal Court.

Wenren and Kang are out-and-out lunatics.

But the Dark Realm needs this kind of driven lunatic...

No matter teammates or enemies, they are all in fear because of this name.

At noon, criminal court.

In the interrogation room, Wen Ren and Kang beat the two shirtless men with two long black and purple whips.



Every time, the skin is torn apart and blood is dripping.

"Bastard! I've already told you everything I know, why, you still hit me! Did you agree to let me live?"

On the shelf, the casual cultivator who was captured alive screamed in pain.

"My lord... I know I was wrong, I won't pour you cold tea next time, please spare my life!"

On another shelf, the subordinates of the Criminal Court begged for mercy.

But these scenes could not arouse Wenren and Kang's sympathy. He looked at the black and purple leather whip in his hand with great interest, and said with great interest:

"Do you know? In fact, I am not interested in life and death. I came here only to realize the value of my props for extorting confessions."

"See the whip in my hand? Pull your flesh away, and poisonous mushrooms will grow from the wounds. At that time, you will be sucked by the poisonous mushrooms... and become a complete 'vegetative', hahaha! Think about it, It feels very fulfilling!"

Wen Ren and Kang's statement instantly caused the pupils of the two on the shelf to shrink sharply, and they cursed involuntarily:

"Crazy! You are a crazy!!"

It's a pity that after scolding for a long time, the toxin on the whip exploded, and the two of them immediately looked like popcorn, and the wounds on their bodies were densely occupied by poisonous mushrooms.

But Wenren and Kang danced in front of the two mushroom stands, as happy as children who got a new toy, and even picked one or two mushrooms and put them in their mouths to eat raw...

at the same time.

The mountain forest cemetery is empty and deserted.

Yao Ying was holding white chrysanthemums alone, and placed them in front of a brand-new tombstone, a bleakness passed in her eyes.

"Aunt Yu, without you working with me, I've lost everything recently. If you're still here, I'm sure you'll be scolded again..."

With a faint sigh, Yao Ying fell into silence.

Looking at Aunt Yu's portrait on the tombstone, she felt mixed feelings, but the most was hatred.

In just four days, Wen Ren and Kang were completely murdered, and they also killed colleagues in the department indiscriminately.

According to this trend, tonight, Wen Ren and Kang will conduct a "work inspection" on Yao Ying.

The staff who have been inspected above have only a pitiful 5% chance of surviving.

The surviving staff members promised to become Wenren and Kang's long-term test subjects, but after that, they were also tested inhumanely.

Yao Ying once saw an employee's head being transplanted into an animal, and that horrifying scene made her unforgettable forever...


Yao Ying took the time to visit Aunt Yu's cemetery, planning to meet Wen Ren and Kang at night.

Su Jingshen's face suddenly came to her mind, and she couldn't help smiling confidently.

"My life is in your hands."

In a blink of an eye, it entered the night.

Wenren and Kang came to the staff dormitory building.

He still has three pets in his hands, but they are all stitch monsters with human heads and animal bodies...

The predecessors of the pets were the former director, deputy director, and chief of the criminal cabinet.

These three protested Wenren and Kang's formal style the most, so they were given priority to enjoy Wenren and Kang's suturing plan.

At this time, the three pets were insane, drooling and barking like dogs.

The person being barked by the dog... is Yao Ying's door 314.

Wenren and Kang pulled off the dog leash, smiled and comforted:

"Okay, please be quiet, don't scare the little girls in the room."

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