I Became The Villain In A Novel

Chapter 11 The Power Of Money [Please Support The New Book! 】

The helicopter landed on the top floor of the county hospital, and several medical staff jumped out of it, and soon came to the operating room.

Watching her mother being transferred quickly, Yang Qing felt that her head was full of mud and she couldn't think at all.

"This is the helicopter of Xia's Hospital! It's Mr. Jiang, and you are the only one who can make Xia's Hospital move so many people!" Seeing this, Dean Ma was so admiring that his voice trembled again.

"Xia's Hospital? Can my mother be cured there?" Yang Qing asked quickly.

"Xia's Hospital is the best hospital in Liushi. The equipment and experts there are far from what the county hospital can match. Your mother's hope of being cured is almost zero, but I believe that Xia's Hospital can definitely give her the best treatment !"


Yang Qing was overjoyed at first, then nodded bitterly.

She also knew that her mother was terminally ill, and now it was the greatest luxury to keep her life alive.

As for what Jiang Hao said just now, she has mixed feelings at the moment.

I thought that the questioning just now would make Jiang Hao speechless. But who knows, Jiang Hao not only gave an affirmative answer, but also turned all this into reality!

The extremely fast speed of the helicopter can definitely send Yang's mother to Liushi in the shortest time. As long as everything goes well, then Yang's mother's life can indeed be saved.

With the current situation, it can be said that Jiang Hao has really outrun Death! I really fulfilled my promise just now!

But it's all because of... money!

Yang Qing wavered for the first time.

She never thought that the power of money is so great that it can give hope to desperate people and buy time and life in disguise.

Shaking his head to dispel his wild thoughts, there is no time for wild thinking now.

Seeing that Mother Yang had been successfully transferred to the helicopter by the medical staff, Yang Qing glanced at Jiang Hao gratefully, and then moved her feet, wanting to run towards the helicopter as well.

But just as he took a step, Jiang Hao raised his hand to stop him.

"The space on the helicopter is limited, and the medical staff will carry out necessary rescue for your mother. I know you are worried, but you should come with me." Jiang Hao explained very seriously. .

"Follow you? Where? Can you wait?"

Thinking of some images, Yang Qing immediately turned pale, and there was a look of distress in her beautiful eyes.

Although she has always felt that Jiang Hao is very special.

But the moment she called Jiang Hao to ask Jiang Hao for help, she was actually ready to pay the price!

There is no such thing as a wasted lunch in this world, especially for the rich.

It's just that Yang Qing didn't expect Jiang Hao to be so impatient now that her mother was not out of danger.

Can't you just give her a little more time? At least let her see that her mother is safe for the time being, right?

Seeing Yang Qing's expression in his eyes, Jiang Hao quickly guessed what it was.

After shaking his head helplessly, he could only explain: "What I mean is, you can go to Liushi together in my car. If you are worried, I can ask Dean Ma to take you off."

Counter attack value +50!

Jiang Hao's words really aroused Yang Qing's favor.

While breathing out, Yang Qing secretly blamed herself.

After arguing for a long time, it turned out that she was thinking wildly! Jiang Hao is not as dirty as she imagined!

Can I share a car with Jiang Hao? Yang Qing still hesitated.

Due to her mother's teachings and the influence of the men around her all the year round, she can only keep a respectful distance from men.

Come to think of it, she had never been alone with any man before!

Now that the situation is urgent, there is really no time to worry about it, so Yang Qing gritted her teeth and agreed.

She kept comforting herself, even if Jiang Hao did something wrong in the car, she would bear it.

After all, this is her debt!

"Da da da"

As the medical helicopter lifted off, Jiang Hao drove a sports car and took Yang Qing out of the county.

The atmosphere in the car was extremely awkward along the way.

Yang Qing kept her head down and kept silent. His expression was both worried and slightly fearful.

On the other hand, Jiang Hao.

He did not provide verbal comfort, nor did he find topics to ease the embarrassment, and focused all his attention on driving.


After confirming that Jiang Hao really had no such thoughts, Yang Qing blamed herself again.

Misunderstood someone else again...

Time passed in Yang Qing's worry and self-blame.

Because Jiang Hao drove the car extremely fast, the journey that originally took an hour only took 40 minutes to arrive.

The sports car went straight to Xia's Hospital.

The car was just fine, Yang Qing opened the door anxiously.

Looking at the majestic building complex in front of her, and the medical helicopter that had just landed above the main building, her worries eased for the first time.

Do your best and obey the destiny.

If even a hospital of this level can't save my mother's life, it can only be said to be destined.

"Don't be in a daze, let's go!"

Jiang Hao waved to Yang Qing, who quickly followed.

The two entered the main building at the same time and took the elevator to the operating room.

At this time, Yang's mother had already been sent in by the medical staff, and the light board above the operating room had also turned red.

The two sat down a few seats apart, and began a long wait, which lasted overnight.

There was no conversation, both of them were silent.

Maybe it was Jiang Hao's existence, or maybe it was her confidence in Xia's Hospital, Yang Qing actually had a strange feeling.

This feeling is like a life that is about to collapse, and a spiritual pillar suddenly appears.


Unknowingly, the sky has become hazy, and the sound of birds frolicking outside the window.

At this moment, the red light at the door of the operating room went out. Then a doctor with gray temples and a tired face walked out.

"Young Master Jiang!"

The doctor nodded to Jiang Hao first, then took off the mask, and said with a confident smile: "After the efforts of several experts, the patient has passed the critical period! There will be no life-threatening for the time being!"

"Very good!"

Yang Qing laughed through tears, and kept bowing in gratitude.

Originally, she wanted to say "thank you" to Jiang Hao.

But the whole night of worry and mental tension forcibly overdrawn her physical strength.

Just turning around, before she could say anything, Yang Qing suddenly felt that all her strength was drained, and the world was spinning.

Seeing that she was about to fall, a pair of big hands stretched out, allowing Yang Qing to barely maintain her figure.

"I said, your mother will be fine." Jiang Hao said.

The last time I heard this sentence, Yang Qing only understood it as the arrogance of the rich.

But this time, she believed it.


With a sore nose, Yang Qing finally took off the disguise and buried her head in Jiang Hao's arms, crying like a young child.

Counter attack value +150!

Counterattack value +200!

The system's notification tone made Jiang Hao's smile flash away.

Although the beauty was in his arms, he didn't do anything deviant, he just patted Yang Qing's shoulder lightly like a big brother.

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