I Became The Villain In A Novel

Chapter 122 Wei Xingyuan Confesses Honestly 】

Originally, she had a good impression of Jiang Hao, she even adored and admired him, and it was even more so now.

"We are all friends, there is no need to be like this, you pack up your emotions, and I will accompany you there in a while."

Jiang Hao smiled lightly.

"Counter attack value +200!"

Wei Shimeng became even more excited.

Jiang Hao was very calm.

In fact, for Wei Xingyuan, Jiang Hao thought he deserved what he deserved.

Even if Wei Xingyuan took the blame for someone else's crime, Jiang Hao still wouldn't sympathize with him.

If it wasn't for Wei Xingyuan's greed and evil intentions, he would not have fallen into the trap of others if he wanted to take a piece of the underground casino.

But in order to make Wei Xingyuan take the initiative to confess the criminal evidence about the Lu family, and take advantage of this to put the Lu family in jail and severely damage the Lu family, Jiang Hao chose to start with Wei Shimeng.

If Wei Shimeng really persuaded Wei Xingyuan to confess everything. Then everything will be easy to handle.

And it is also good for the Wei family, killing two birds with one stone.

Jiang Hao drove Wei Shimeng to the police station in the development zone.

After going through the formalities, Wei Shimeng walked towards the visiting room.

"After entering, tell you big brother, your parents have been secretly protected by someone I sent, and they are safe."

Jiang Hao explained specifically.

Wei Shimeng's eyes twitched, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said gratefully: "Thank you, Young Master Jiang."

"Counter attack value +300"

763 Immediately, Wei Shimeng walked into the visiting room.

Long Wu and Jiang Hao stayed in the monitoring room. Through the monitoring, they could observe any actions inside and hear their speeches.

"I hope that through Wei Shimeng's persuasion, Wei Xingyuan can confess, otherwise the Lu family will escape this time."

This is something that Long Wu really doesn't want to see.

As a policeman, she is determined to bring the bad guys to justice.

"Don't be so pessimistic, maybe it's not as bad as we think.

Jiang Hao comforted him.

Jiang Hao is full of confidence, believing that Wei Shimeng can successfully convince her big brother.

Long Wu smiled knowingly at Jiang Hao, "Even if Wei Shimeng's level doesn't work, I still won't give up, but it seems that this level is feasible."

On the monitor, Wei Xingyuan's expression has changed, it seems that he is very excited.

In the past few days, Longwu interrogated Wei Xingyuan, and Wei Xingyuan basically acted like a broken pot, insisting that he did it.

But when asked about the specifics, Wei Xingyuan couldn't answer, but only answered in general that he pleaded guilty and obeyed the law.

"Brother, why did you engage in such harmful things as underground casinos? Even if you want to strengthen the Wei family, you shouldn't adopt this method (bfa)."

Wei Shimeng was very disappointed with Wei Xingyuan, and didn't want him to be like this for the rest of his life.

"How did you come in? Who told you to come in?" Wei Xingyuan was worried now as if he was frightened.

He didn't want his sister involved.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Have you been threatened by others? But don't worry, you are safe here. What you need to do now is to confess and tell the black hand behind you. Only in this way, your crime can be greatly reduced.”

Wei Shimeng hoped that her big brother would tell the truth.

If the mastermind behind the scenes was revealed, then Wei Xingyuan could at most be regarded as an accomplice, and the crime was completely different from what it is now.

"I have no one behind my back to instigate me, so don't come here again." Wei Xingyuan's attitude was very cold, but the pain in his eyes revealed his true feelings.

He didn't want to stay here, let alone take the blame for the Lu family.

He misses his old life so much. Although he can't compare to the super rich second generation, he still lives in a beautiful and unrestrained way.

Even if his intestines are green with regret now, he knows that he can't go back. Because it involves not only himself, but also his family.

"Brother, are you too selfish? Have you considered the feelings of our parents? They are old, and when they heard the news that you were arrested for opening an underground casino, they almost fainted. Don't you have the heart to continue to make them sad?"

Wei Shimeng was even more disappointed with Wei Xingyuan, but thinking of what Jiang Hao said to her, she still held her temper and decided to persuade Wei Xingyuan.

"He, are they all right?" After a while, Wei Xingyuan asked tremblingly.

He is not a hard-hearted person, and he also wants his parents to live a good life in their later years, but he never thought that he would be mistaken for his cleverness.

"They are doing well now, they have been protected by people sent by Jiang Hao, and the only thing they worry about now is you. My parents also asked me to tell you that they believe that you will not take the initiative to run such a harmful business. I hope You confess as soon as possible, and be positive inside. They are waiting for you to come out, and you will still be their good boy when the time comes.

Wei Shimeng also judged the situation and saw that this incident had greatly touched Wei Xingyuan, so he used it as an excuse.

Wei Xingyuan trembled all over, tears welled up in his eyes, are his parents safe?

"Brother, why do you have to sacrifice your life for others? Don't my parents and I know what kind of temperament you are? You must be instigated or threatened by others, right?"

"As long as you confess as soon as possible and reveal the people behind the scenes, then your criminal nature will change from the main criminal to the accessory criminal, and when the time comes to sentence, it will be very different.

Wei Shimeng actively persuaded, even tirelessly.

Finally, Wei Xingyuan's tense nerve broke. During this period of time, he has been suffering a lot, and he hates Lu Weizhi and Ye Feng to the bone. If they hadn't calculated him deliberately, he wouldn't have embarked on this road of no return.

These days, he couldn't sleep at night, and his heart was suffering.

The only thing to worry about is his parents, and now his parents have been protected. Then Wei Xingyuan has nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, I say.

Wei Xingyuan made up his mind and said everything.

"The underground casino was built by the Lu family, and I'm just a puppet supported by them."

"When I signed a contract with the members of the Lu family to accept the management rights of the game city, the Lu family promised me that they would give me 10% of all profits in the game city, including the underground casino.

"In the end, when I actually became the general manager of the game city, I realized that almost no one in the game city listened to me, especially in the underground casino. in control."

When talking about these things, Wei Xingyuan clenched his fists tightly.

On the surface, the Lu family was not involved, but in fact they sent a confidant with a foreign surname to control the underground casino.

All this seems to be watertight, but from Wei Xingyuan's words, it can be confirmed that the mastermind behind the scenes is the Lu family.

Professionals in the monitoring room quickly recorded Wei Xingyuan's criminal evidence.

Long Wu watched all this excitedly, "Great, Wei Xingyuan finally explained."

After completing the task, Jiang Hao sent Wei Shimeng to Liuda.

When getting off the car, Wei Shimeng thanked Jiang Hao repeatedly, and then reluctantly left.

"I don't know if Long Wu can successfully capture the Lu family."

Jiang Hao stayed in the car, tapping the steering wheel lightly with one hand, his eyes sparkling with a deep and cold color.

The Lu family is very cunning, and they don't know what tricks they will play at critical moments. .

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