I Became The Villain In A Novel

Chapter 180 It's Not About Generic Drugs 】

"So, there is no problem with generic drugs at all?" Jiang Hao said.

Long Wu nodded, "I also took the generic drug to the relevant department for testing, and they gave me a reply that there is no problem. Now it can be concluded that the patient's death was not caused by the generic drug.

"Long Wu, regarding this inspection report, I suggest that it is best not to disclose it to the outside world." Jiang Hao looked at Long Wu seriously.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Long Wu wanted to know more about the situation.

"Recently, the killing of people due to generic drugs has greatly affected people's willingness to buy generic drugs. You might as well think about who will benefit the most through the consequences of this incident?" Jiang Hao said lightly.

"Of course it's Zhu's family. Zhu's family mainly sells genuine anti-cancer drugs, and the price is very high. The emergence of generic drugs will seriously hit his business. In fact, I suspect that the murderer is Zhu's family, but now we have no evidence, so there is nothing we can do about it." Charge people. But you can rest assured that I will continue to investigate.

"As for your proposal, I think it is good." For the time being, she will not announce the results of the inspection report on the 15th.

Just in case it scares the snake and attracts the murderer's attention.

After negotiating with Long Wu, Long Wu went back.

"It's time for us to go back too." Jiang Hao was about to leave.

"Young Master Jiang, the enemy has gone too far this time. I really can't swallow this breath." Although they had no evidence, Fang Yi saw Lu Weizhi threatened Jiang Hao at the time, "and said that they will be in big trouble soon.

"It's not that we don't report, it's not time yet, just wait. The enemy won't be jumping for long. Jiang Hao's eyes are deep.

He had a hunch that this time the enemy would shoot himself in the foot.

They are not far from bad luck.

A few days later, Jiang Hao took Fang Qia to a nightclub.

Originally, they came here to discuss business with people.

But before entering the box, one person caught their attention.

"Jiang Shao, did you see that person inside? He seems to be the one who took the lead to make trouble at Mu Shuwei's place that day, but why did he come to such a place at this time?"

Fang Yi pointed to the man who was drinking in the distance and said.

Wearing floral shirts, there are a lot of drinks on the table, some of which are not cheap.

"Fang Yi, go and investigate this person."

Jiang Hao thinks this person is very problematic.

Fang Yi nodded and left immediately.

A few days later, Fang Yi informed Jiang Hao of the investigation.

"Jiang Shao, this is Cheng San, the younger brother of the deceased. This is the record of his recent consumption in nightclubs, take a look."

Fang Yi handed over a record sheet.

Jiang Hao took it, and immediately frowned, "Isn't Cheng San's family in a bad situation? How could he spend hundreds of thousands of dollars?"

"I went to investigate Cheng San's local village, and found that Cheng San has a bad reputation among the locals. It is said that he is lazy, idle, and owes a lot of loans."

"But recently he seems to have developed suddenly. He frequently goes to nightclubs, and his consumption is not low. Mr. Jiang, I'm sure he has a problem."

Fang Yi could almost make up her mind.

"Long Wu said that Cheng San's big brother died of poisoning. At this juncture, his younger brother has developed." Jiang Hao's eyes contained a deep meaning.

"You suspect that Cheng San poisoned his big brother?" Fang Yi was shocked.

"It's hard to say. But it must have something to do with Cheng San." Jiang Hao said.

"Jiang Shao, I found out that Cheng San plans to go to that nightclub tonight." Fang Yi provided a more important news.

"That's just right." Jiang Hao was ready to take measures.

But before acting, Jiang Hao went to see Long Wu.

"What you said is true? Then I will go there with you now." Long Wu heard the news, and suddenly became energetic.

Immediately prepared to call people over, but worried that it would startle the snake.

He simply changed into plain clothes and went to the nightclub with Jiang Hao and Fang Yi.

Jiang Hao is the founder of the development zone, and the last time the family members made trouble at Mu Shuwei's place also happened in the development zone, so Jiang Hao is also obliged to assist Long Wu in handling this matter.

Rush to the bustling and lively nightclub.

Jiang Hao took Long Wu and Fang Yi to look for the target immediately.

"There it is!"

Jiang Hao first spotted the people dancing on the dance floor.

"Not long ago, not long after his elder brother passed away, he came to this kind of place to have fun, this person is really hateful.

Seeing this scene, Long Wu was furious. More sure there is something wrong with this person.

"I'll meet him in the past, you wait for me in room 376." Jiang Hao was a man at the scene.

Simply leave this matter to him.

Fang Yi and Long Wu soon came to Room 376.

Not long after, Jiang Hao and Cheng San walked in one after another.

"Sir, you said just now that there is a chance for me to make a lot of money, what kind of chance is it? I have come here with you, should you tell me?"

Cheng San drank a lot of wine and didn't realize what was waiting for him below.

Instead, he smiled silly, thinking that the opportunity to make a lot of money had come.

"Cheng San! Do you know me!" Long Wu shouted angrily.

Jiang Hao slammed the door shut.

Cheng San's wine suddenly sobered up a lot, he looked at Jiang Hao, then at Long Wu, and finally turned around and wanted to run away in fright.


Jiang Hao directly kicked Cheng San to the ground.

"Oh, it hurts me to death, why are you still beating people?"

Cheng San wailed in pain.

"If you want to escape again, you will inevitably suffer some physical pain." Jiang Hao said coldly.

"I don't know how I offended you 677, did you make a mistake?"

Cheng San howled, pretending to be stupid.

"Is Cheng Da your big brother? A few days ago you went to Mu Shuwei's place to make trouble for him, have you forgotten all these things?" Long Wu stared back angrily.

Cheng San's heart skipped a beat. In fact, he felt that Long Wu looked familiar just now, so he felt bad and wanted to run away.

But at this moment, he was even more frightened.

"Officer, I didn't do anything illegal, why did you arrest me?" Cheng San continued to cry.

"Are you sober? That's just an answer to our questions." Jiang Hao walked to the sofa and sat down coldly.

Cheng San wanted to refuse, but seeing Jiang Hao's sharp eyes, how dare he speak?

"As far as I know, your family background is not good. Under such circumstances, how can you spend money on such occasions? Where did you get the money from?" Jiang Hao said coldly.

"This..... I just recently cooperated with someone to do some business, and I made a fortune..." Cheng San racked his brains, but he thought of an excuse.


Long Wu slapped the coffee table and said angrily, "Aren't you telling the truth? We have already learned that you were a person who was in debt everywhere and was ignorant. Where did you get the money to spend in nightclubs under such circumstances? "

"Don't look down on people. If others can get rich, so can I. Cheng San doesn't have much knowledge, but he is smooth-talking...

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