I Became The Villain Of The Novel

Chapter 78 Ye Tian Means

When Ye Tian learned of the marriage contract between Ning Yuan and Xu Ruyan from his senior brother Xu Ming, the two had three months to consider and decide whether to terminate the two at that time.

Ye Tian feels that he can make a fuss from it to promote the termination of the marriage contract between the two as soon as possible.

After all, there were certain variables in the three-month period. He was afraid that the marriage contract between Ning Yuan and Xu Ruyan would change after a while, but the marriage contract between the two would not be terminated.

"It looks like I'm going to Wudaokou to meet Big Brother Huang. I have to discuss with him and discuss a plan."

Ye Tian murmured.

The so-called Big Brother Huang in his mouth is exactly his elder brother Huang Gongzi, the boss of Wudaokou, the boss of the underworld forces in the capital.

A few years ago, Ye Tian finished his studies in Longhushan. At that time, he had not yet become the king of the mercenary group.

He first came to the imperial capital.

One night when Ye Tian was drinking in a bar, he met two groups of underworld gangs fighting each other.

Ye Tian accidentally saved the underworld boss Huang Gongzi in Wudaokou.

Young Master Huang was extremely grateful to Ye Tian, ​​and thanks to his appreciation and gratitude, he just pulled him to kneel in front of the god Guan Gong, burning incense and worshiping the handle.

Twenty minutes later.

Ye Tian drove to a nightclub named Xinghui Tianxia in Wudaokou.

He had called Young Master Huang before he came.

Ye Tian went up to the third floor of the nightclub and came to a luxurious room.

This is where Huang Gongzi rests.

"The righteous brother,"

When Huang Gongzi saw Ye Tian, ​​he greeted him from the room with enthusiasm, took Ye Tian's hand, "Quickly come in and sit!"

He greeted Ye Tian kindly, while instructing his men to pour tea.

Mr. Huang is about forty years old and looks elegant. If you don't know that he is a Wudaokou man, I am afraid that he is just an ordinary middle-aged person.

Only those who are familiar with Young Master Huang know that as the handle of Wudaokou, he used all kinds of thunder and fierce methods and strategies to become the overlord of the underworld forces in the imperial capital.

Huang Gongzi’s Zhongyi Church, as well as branch churches in various places,

It's hard for outsiders to imagine that Ye Tian, ​​a young man in his twenties, actually has a relationship with this underworld force's hero.

"Brother Ye, you are here."

A handsome-looking young man in his early twenties walked out of the room, saw Ye Tian, ​​quickly went up to say hello enthusiastically.

He is Huang Tianrong, a student of Qingbei University, who had a holiday with Ning Yuan at the Furama Hotel because of Yang Shenxiu's affairs.

The three people sat down on the sofa in the room.

"Brother righteous," Young Master Huang looked at Ye Tian and said, "If you ask me, I have sent a capable hand to follow Ning Yuan secretly, and sent someone to the Ning Group to investigate secretly. It was only in a short period of time. , And did not get any important information."

Since Ye Tian informed him of his and Ning Yuan's affairs, he has spared no effort to handle this matter for him.

Although he knew very well that the Ning Family, the five largest giants in the imperial capital, was not easy to deal with, and if one was not careful, it would get burned. It was not a wise choice to be an enemy of the Ning Family.

But Ye Tian is his brother who worshipped the handle, and his own life was saved by Ye Tian.

Whether it is Ning Yuan or the Ning family, like Emperor Laozi, anyone who offends his brother deserves to die!

"It's okay, I have already thought of a way to deal with Ning Yuan,"

The corner of Ye Tian's mouth was slightly tilted, and he said to Young Master Huang, "It's just that you may need Big Brother's help at that time."

"Brother righteous, what are you talking about? Your business is my business, and your enemy is my enemy."

Young Master Huang looked at Ye Tian with a slightly reproachful look and said.

Huang Tianrong on the side heard the two mention Ning Yuan, and immediately interjected with great interest: "Brother Ye, the rich second generation you mentioned had a conflict with me. Have you thought of any way to deal with him, can you tell me? , Let me also go into the details, maybe I can give you some advice."

"Oh, you and Ning Yuan also have conflicts, that could not be better,"

Ye Tian heard the words, looked at Huang Tianrong, smiled, "This rich second generation really offends people everywhere, this kind of person really should be cleaned up!"

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Ye Tian told Huang Tianrong about the marriage contract between Xu Ruyan and Ning Yuan, as well as the plan to prompt the two to dissolve the marriage as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Huang Tianrong heard the words, and a touch of disappointment appeared on his face, and said: "Brother Ye, I think that urging Ning Yuan and Xu Ruyan to dissolve the marriage contract is not enough to hit Ning Yuan. Even if Ning Yuan does not marry the Xu family, he can still join other wealthy families. Marriage."

"You don't know anything,"

Ye Tian shook his head in disapproval, "According to the news of the Ning and Xu family that my seniors have investigated, Ning Xu's two giants are in world relations, and they are also alliances in business. They have always supported each other and jointly advance and retreat to face the other three giants. Commercial competition and suppression."

"The marriage between Ning Yuan and Xu Ruyan will undoubtedly make the two pros and the relationship more unbreakable. The Ning family has the support of the Xu family, who is also an imperial capital, and it is even more difficult to shake."

After a pause, Ye Tian continued to analyze the pros and cons,

"On the other hand, urging the two to dissolve the marriage contract will not end the relationship between the two families and business alliances, but it can make the relationship between the two families weaker, and may further loosen, or even dissolve the marriage contract. It will also lead to rifts and estrangements in the relationship between the two families. In this way, we can use some tricks and add fuel to the fire to completely disintegrate the relationship between the two families!"

Huang Tianrong heard this and suddenly said: "Yes, Brother Ye, after hearing you talk about the relationship between the two families, I realized that the dissolution of the marriage between Ning Yuan and Xu Ruyan is indeed very important. Through their marriage, it can indeed affect the two families. This is really a clever plan!"

Ye Tian smiled and said: "After disintegrating the relationship between the two families, it is equivalent to losing the Ning family a powerful ally. In this way, the Ning family is a towering tree. Without the support of the Xu family, I will think of a way to unite. The other three giants, commercially, gradually cannibalized and suppressed the Ning family's industry, causing the entire Ning family to go bankrupt. If Ning Yuan, the rich second generation, does not have the support of the Ning family, what is he?"

"Haha, Ye Ge is really amazing. From the marriage contract between Ning Yuan and Xu Ruyan, I can think so far-reachingly. I have to admire such a good method."

Huang Tianrong stroked his palms and laughed, as if Ning Yuan and the destruction of the Ning family were just before his eyes.

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