I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 797 Haven't You Been to Kindergarten?

Mr. Xu gritted his teeth fiercely, and the expression on his cold and old face was gloomy, as if water could drip.

He stared at the old man Lu for a while with anger on his face, and then he laughed in anger, and said condescendingly:

"Lu Fanen, what do you have to be proud of! Your great-granddaughter is so stupid, she's four years old, and she can't even understand a word. You don't need to be ashamed, but you are proud of it. I'm really ashamed of you! Could it be that you have stayed with her for a long time, and even your IQ has also decreased?"

Old Man Lu's expression became ugly.

Even Song Qingwan's fingers tightened slightly.

She looked at the ignorant and cute little girl over there, with worry in her eyes, for fear that she would feel sad when she heard others say she was stupid.

It was her fault. She probably thought of the little girl too much, thinking that Lili could win a fight with all of them at home, and she would definitely win a fight with others outside.

But she forgot that they were the family of the little girl, so naturally they would deliberately let her quarrel, and they would not scold her too much, but outsiders would not be so merciful.

Song Qingwan felt very regretful in her heart. If she had known this, she should not have involved the little girl in this matter.

If the old man is scolded, he will be scolded by others. What's wrong with scolding, he won't lose a piece of meat.

Song Qingwan stepped forward anxiously, and was about to speak to help Little Loli back, but was stopped by a faint look from Lu Junhan next to her.

Lu Junhan was very calm.

His dark and dark eyes stared at the cute little girl in front of him, his thin lips slightly opened, and he said a few words lightly: "Don't worry, you can win."

Song Qingwan looked at the little girl over there.

It was probably because Mr. Xu used idioms in his words, and he spoke so fast that she didn't understand much. She was tilting her head at the moment, and the pretty and fair little fat face was full of ignorance and confusion.

Song Qingwan: "..."

Are you sure this looks like a win?

However, although Little Loli didn't understand other words, she understood that Grandpa Xu was saying that she was stupid, and she was not angry, but her dark and bright eyes curled up, and Little Nanny said happily:

"That's right, Grandpa Huo, people are so stupid!"

She stretched out a little finger and said solemnly with a small face, "I just entered kindergarten, so I'm just a little bit smarter than my father!"

Lu Junhan: "..."

Song Qingwan: "..."

other people:"……"

Old Man Lu: "..."

It's all over now, and you haven't forgotten to step on your father's foot.

When Old Master Xu heard her say that, the corners of his mouth twitched, his eyes narrowed, his arms crossed, and he sneered:

"Lu Fan'en, learn from your girl, she is much more self-aware than you! You know that you are stupid!"

Old Man Lu's face turned even darker.

Who knows, the little girl hasn't finished speaking yet.

She looked at the indifferent old face of Mr. Xu, who was even less stern than her father, tilted her head, thought about it, and said in a small voice:

"But Grandpa Hu, you seem to be more stupid than me and my father, and you don't seem to be very smart. Have you never been to kindergarten?"

As soon as these words fell, for a moment, the audience fell into a dead silence.

The next second, the entire living room burst into laughter.

Song Qingwan had heard the lethal stalk "never went to kindergarten" before, but her expression was calm.

On the contrary, it was the first time that Old Master Qin and the others heard it. They couldn't help it. They laughed and said:

"Lao Xu, I didn't expect you to have today! You were discriminated against by a little girl hahaha."

Xiao Luli's words were very lethal and even more insulting.

In particular, diplomas have always been the deepest pain point for Mr. Xu.

Seeing that he had not even been to kindergarten under questioning, Mr. Xu was immediately trembling with anger, and he said angrily:

"What nonsense are you talking about! I even went to junior high school, how could I have never been to kindergarten!"

In their backward era, being able to go to junior high school was already something worth showing off.

But the next second, the little girl's heartbreaking words came again, and she scratched her head in confusion:

"But why doesn't it look like it? Grandpa Huo, aren't you too smart?"

【Are you also... 】

[It's not obvious how smart it is. 】

Mr. Qin and the others were laughing like crazy, "Old Lu, you great-granddaughter, it's so funny."

Old Master Qin and the others didn't think there was anything wrong, but Old Master Xu, who had always been good-natured, looked extremely ugly.

Mr. Xu had never heard the conversation between the little girl and Lu Qidong before.

I thought her words "smart and not obvious" were mocking him for how stupid he looked.

Don't say it's him, even the old master Qin thinks so.

The main reason is that the little girl's eyes are too clear and sincere. It doesn't look like a fake at all, but she really thinks that Mr. Xu is not smart.

This is undoubtedly more frustrating.

If it is hypocritical and ironic, Mr. Xu can comfort himself. This is the little girl who is deliberately calling him stupid.

But her expression was very serious, obviously she really thought he was stupid, even more stupid than her.

To be called stupid by a three- or four-year-old child, one can imagine how insulting it is.

Mr. Xu's wrinkled, gloomy old face turned blue and white for a while, and his face was extremely ugly.

Mr. Xu and the others are in their sixties or seventies. Generally, at this age, they have power, wealth, and status, and they are all people who are half into the loess, and they don't care about money like young people.

The only thing they value is their own reputation and face, and they hope that when they die, they will die with dignity.

But now, after being told by the little girl, from now on, labels like "stupid", "looks not too smart", "like a fool" are likely to accompany him to the ground.

Even after his death, someone might mention it.

In particular, after going back today, there may be some rumors in the team:

"Look, that old Xu, I heard that he was called stupid by a three-year-old girl."

"What kind of scheming can a three-year-old girl have, she must really think so!"

"I also think that Lao Xu must be too stupid. Otherwise, there are so many Lao Qin and the others. Why didn't she say Lao Qin and the others were stupid, but Lao Xu?"

"Hahaha, but I was called stupid by a three-year-old. How stupid is Lao Xu?"

"Hey, think about it too, Lao Xu, he really doesn't look very smart."

"That is, I heard that his diploma is only junior high school. Which of us here did not go to university, no matter how bad a high school degree is, it is the worst. If he hadn't entered the industry early, he would always curry favor with Lao Lin and Lao Liu. They, otherwise, how could he get his turn in his position!"

【and also! In the code, Mr. Xu was about to be blown up by anger. 】

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