I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 801 I suddenly want to eat cake!

Downstairs banquet hall.

Xiao Luli carried a plate of small cakes and hurriedly circled around the hall.

The dark green skirt is about to turn a flower.

It's a pity that she turned around anxiously for several times, and her little head was still looking around, but she still couldn't find the person she was looking for.

She had no choice but to carry the small cake and hurriedly ran to ask the housekeeper who was sent by Lu Junhan to follow her.

"Uncle Steward, have you, have you seen my father? My father seems to be missing..."

She turned around and took a cake.

Why is my dad gone?

It's over, Dad must have been deceived by bad guys!

Stupid dad, it's really not worrying at all.

"Hey, little miss, don't cry, don't cry, Young Master Lu is not missing, really... Well, look, the others are there,"

The housekeeper hurriedly pointed to an inconspicuous corner. Looking at the little loli with reddish eyes, the bottom of his heart was soft and messed up, and he explained in a dumbfounded manner:

"Young Master Lu was busy with something, but he told me to let you eat cake here, and he will be back soon."

Xiao Luli looked up and saw that her father was indeed there, talking to a group of old grandpas, and he was relieved.

The little hand patted his belly.

Fortunately, my father was taken away by the grandfather, not by the bad guys.

At this moment, Mr. Liu and the others finally recovered.

At this moment, the group was walking downstairs, apparently planning to leave the Lu house.

Although it was relieved, the expressions of Mr. Liu and the others were still a little dazed.

They had heard before that this girl from the Lu family was very evil.

They don't know how long it has been since they have experienced fear and fear, but today, under the various methods of death that girl said, they have thoroughly experienced it!

It felt like they had walked through the gates of hell several times, and until now, they still felt that their souls were trembling, their bodies were shaking, and their expressions were completely out of control.

Fortunately, they are finally leaving this hellish place.

They have to leave quickly, otherwise if the girl gets bored and turns around and runs up to tell them ghost stories, then they will not live!

"Grandpa Niu!"

Mr. Liu and the others had just come down from the second floor to the banquet hall, and before they could stand firm, they heard a nightmarish, crisp little milk voice.

Mr. Liu and others: "..."

No no no no!

No, it must be an illusion!

Hahaha, yes, they must be hallucinating, they won't be so unlucky!

Just kidding, how could they encounter that disaster all at once...

"Grandpa Niu!"

The little loli in the dark green princess dress had happiness written all over her face, her face was fair, and the crystal crown on top of her head exuded a dazzling and clear light. She trotted in front of them, her jet-black eyes shining brightly. of.

Seeing it was really her, Mr. Liu and the others seemed to have seen a ghost, and their bodies suddenly stiffened.

In particular, Mr. Liu, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Xu, who didn't stand firm before, almost fell straight to the ground, and their old faces twitched.

It was like a stroke.

How could there be the arrogance when mocking the little girl for being a woman before.

The little girl didn't notice the abnormality of the great grandfathers. She raised her fair and delicate little fat face, as if offering a treasure, and handed over the strawberry cake she had not started eating:

"Grandpa Niu, do you want to eat cake? There are so many cakes there! They are all delicious!"

Hearing that they just asked them if they wanted to eat cake, Mr. Liu and the others were immediately relieved.

In an instant, the pain in the waist stopped, the feet were stable, and even the skin did not twitch.

The arrogant and disdainful attitude of being aloof, despising all beings, and despising women is back.

Mr. Liu stared at the cute little cake on her little hand, only glanced at it, then looked away, and said coldly:

"Take it away, we won't eat it!"

Mr. Qin couldn't stand it. If it wasn't for his high cholesterol level, he couldn't eat high-calorie things like cake, and he would be in trouble as soon as he ate it, otherwise he would have taken the cake long ago.

He whispered in the ear of Mr. Liu: "Take it, it's the intention of the little girl."

However, Mr. Liu turned a deaf ear and remained high above the board, not accepting the cake.

The housekeeper who came with him knew very well how much Mr. Liu discriminated against women, and, because of Mr. Lu, they didn't like seeing little girls very much.

I don't like seeing the little girl so much, how can I expect to see the cake she gave.

Xiao Luli was destined to return in disappointment.

At the same time, the housekeeper also knew that Xiao Luli probably felt that several great grandfathers gave her so much money, especially the three old grandfathers Liu, Wang, and Xu. In order to send the little girl who was talking about it, they had the biggest red envelope. .

In front of the little girl, they stuffed a few hundred more into the red envelope that Mr. Qin gave them before throwing it to Xiao Luli.

But she only called a few great grandfathers a few times, and even told only a few stories, a few great grandfathers are really at a loss.

The little girl didn't want to take advantage of others, but the money belonged to her father, and she couldn't return it, so she had to invite some great grandpas to eat cake.

The housekeeper sighed. He couldn't see Xiao Lu Li's grievance after being rejected, so he bent down slightly and comforted her in a low voice:

"Little lady, it's not that the grandfathers don't want to eat your cake, it's just because they were too full before, and now they can't eat anything."

"That's it,"

When the little loli heard the words, she took the cake back glumly, "Well then..."

Seeing her so sensible and well-behaved, the housekeeper's heart softened and became a mess.

Old Man Liu and Old Man Wang seemed to have won a battle, holding their arms and sneering with contempt.

Just kidding, at their age, as long as it's something they don't want to do, no one can force them to do it!

But in the next second, she saw the little loli regaining her strength again. She opened her black and clear eyes, thought about it, and said to the housekeeper in a milky voice:

"If Grandpa and the others can't eat cake, can I tell them stories? People can tell stories! Besides, Grandpa and the others like to hear Lili tell stories!"

Mr. Liu and the others: "..."

No, this guy likes to listen to your stories, where the fuck did you see it? ! !

The housekeeper smiled and rubbed the little head of Little Loli: "Of course."

Mr. Liu and the others: "!!!!!!"

Mr. Liu's expression changed suddenly: "Don't talk about it! I suddenly want to eat cake!"

At the juncture of life and death, the brotherhood and the order of the elders all cease to exist.

The old man Wang suddenly stretched out his hand and said anxiously, "Me too! Give me this plate of cake when I see it! I'm just hungry!"

Mr. Xu pushed him away and stretched out his hand to grab it: "Forget it, I haven't eaten dinner yet, I'm starving to death!"

[I took the plane yesterday, and today I had a headache for a day, and now I just started to code, one by one! and also! 】

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