I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 805 You will definitely run away this time!

But when she was on a mission before, she met many rich people who were corrupt and beautiful.

These people are high-ranking, and they love to spend time and money. Even in their twenties, they have grown fat, have a big beer belly, and like to play and abuse women.

Not a good guy anyway.

As a result, Ruan Zhi didn't like this kind of fat man.

So, the first time I saw Lu Junhan, this fat man, I also didn't like it very much.

Moreover, this fat man Lu Junhan is very, very rich, much richer than those rich people, maybe even more perverted than those rich people.

In particular, Ruan Zhi had heard of it from Huo Tingyan.

This Lu Junhan is simply notorious in Haicheng. He is ruthless and does not do evil. Everyone is afraid. If the scum is classified, he is definitely the highest.

And Lu Li's mother doesn't know who it is. She hasn't seen anyone for so long. She was secretly killed by Lu Junhan and thrown into the wilderness to feed the dogs.

Thinking about it this way, the little girl's father is really perverted.

But thinking of Lu Junhan's tall and strong body, but hollowed out by beauty and fat, Ruan Zhi was not afraid at all!

If she can't win, can't she run? She doesn't believe it. She's so thin that she can't outrun a fat man?


Ruan Zhi unconsciously bit his index finger.

Probably not.

It's true that Lu Junhan is fat, but he is rich, so the bodyguard he hired is not!

When the time comes to catch her, wouldn't it be accurate to catch her?

Especially, this little fat girl is still here, and Ruan Zhi can't guarantee that when she slips away, she will run and run back to meet this evil little fat girl.

Ruan Zhi thought for two seconds, looked at the cute little girl in front of him, and cleared his throat:

"Go! Call your father over, I have to teach him how to behave properly today!"

But Little Loli can't be fooled. She pulled her bright red skirt with her little hand and shook her head into a rattle: "No, no! Auntie, you go with others! Otherwise, you will definitely run away later. !"

Ruan Zhi: "..."

Silly boy, what are you talking about?

"Why, silly boy,"

Ruan Zhi bent down slightly, touched the little girl's head lovingly, and said softly as if dripping water: "Am I like this?"


Little Loli bought it at all, her face was serious, and she nodded heavily.

Then, she stretched out her little finger again and counted, the little milky voice muttered:

"Auntie, you have been like this 11 times, so you will definitely run away this time!"

Ruan Zhi: "..."

If it wasn't for your blind chicken... shouting and calling those bodyguards over, would I run away? !

As soon as Ruan Zhi's kind and amiable expression disappeared, her face became expressionless in an instant. She raised her hand, "I said no, but no, no more nonsense, do you want to be beaten?"

Unexpectedly, the little loli was not afraid at all, but she rounded her dark eyes, and said happily in a milky voice:

"Auntie, it's like what you said to my father. He often asks Lili if he wants to be beaten."

The corners of Ruan Zhi's eyes twitched fiercely, and her voice trembled: "Your father... he still beats children?"

Are you so mad?


Little Loli didn't pay attention to her weird expression, she pouted her small mouth, and the little milky voice hummed,

"Dad, he often beats Lili! Several times, he almost killed Lili! In short, he is bad or bad!"

Ruan Zhi: "..."

Ruan Zhi: "!!!!!!"

[The previous chapter was harmonized for a long time, and now I have edited it and reposted it, hey... I hope I can pass it. 】

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