I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 812 Brother Xiu Bai is here

Ruan Zhi wanted to run away on the way to the basement of the annex building.

But unfortunately, these bodyguards are all very shrewd.

It’s a short, ten-minute journey. Instead of walking, I just take a car.

Trapped in a cramped and cramped carriage with so many guards around, Ruan Zhi really wanted to run, but with her weird physique, she could still escape.

But I'm afraid that if you don't run a few steps, you will be caught again.

It is better not to run than to run.

Also, so many of them are still in the car.

If she did run away, under the influence of her constitution, something happened to the driver unexpectedly, a heart attack or she accidentally fell asleep.

Everyone in their car might be scared to death.

Luck is almost, there may be a car crash.

Think too much.

So, Ruan Zhi, who didn't want to get into a car accident, was locked in very smoothly.

But just a minute after Ruan Zhi was locked in the small dark room in the basement——

All the bodyguards guarding outside fell asleep for no reason.

At the same time, the handcuffs on Ruan Zhi's hands and feet suddenly broke.

The rope that was firmly tied to her also fell loose and fell to the ground.

The electronic lock of the door in front of him even clicked, and it malfunctioned.

The door was slammed open immediately.

Ruan Zhi looked at himself when he was completely free, and then looked at a large group of people in black who were sleeping outside.

Her previous physique was very perverted, yes, but she was definitely not perverted to such a degree that it only took less than a minute to get out of the predicament.

What exactly is going on?

Could it be that her abilities have suddenly been upgraded?

Forced by the situation, although Ruan Zhi was puzzled, he didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly slipped out.

Ruan Zhi originally thought that the road must be heavily guarded, but who knows, her luck is really very good, and she hardly encountered anyone along the way.

After leaving the Lu house completely and ensuring complete safety, Ruan Zhi went to the street, found a passerby, and borrowed a phone.

The weird thing is that in the past, she had memorized Huo Tingyan's mobile phone number countless times, but she couldn't remember her life or death, and she couldn't recall Huo Tingyan's mobile phone number. Now, every number appeared clearly in her mind.

Ruan Zhi still didn't have the heart to think too much. He pressed Huo Tingyan's private phone number and hurriedly dialed him.

At the banquet, Huo Tingyan probably also received the news that Ruan Zhi was arrested by Lu Junhan.

But Ruan Zhi's phone number was confiscated by Lu Junhan's people, and he couldn't get through at all.

Suddenly he saw a strange phone call into his most personal phone number.

Huo Tingyan guessed that it was very likely that Ruan Zhi called, so he raised his hand to connect, but he still asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

"It's me! Ruan Zhi!"

Ruan Zhi didn't hesitate and returned directly.

Hearing her tone, Huo Tingyan knew that she must have escaped. While slightly relieved, he couldn't help but frown, and said solemnly:

"Why did you go to Lu Junhan's place?"

Without waiting for Ruan Zhi to reply, Huo Tingyan said in a deep voice that he hated that iron is not steel:

"I didn't remind you just now that Lu Junhan's people are catching you everywhere, so you should get out of here quickly! You're good, not only did you ignore my words, but you actually sent them to your door! Don't tell me you're lost! "

"I don't want to either..."

When Ruan Zhi said this, he was shocked, "No, when did you remind me just now?"

If she heard it and knew that Lu Junhan was catching her, how could she have run up to Lu Junhan and let him catch him for nothing!


Huo Tingyan was silent, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

"Don't you fucking forget it again?! Aunt, how long has it been? It's less than an hour! I think you really need to find someone to change your mind!"

Huo Tingyan several months ago, when Lu Junhan began to send people to arrest Ruan Zhi, he reminded Ruan Zhi many times:

Just let her go to Lu's house and rescue Mina, don't mess with Lu Junhan.

For fear that she would forget, he would remind her several times every once in a while.

Even at the banquet just now, he reminded him aloud.

Facts have proved that this product is really the memory of the fish, saying that she is a fish and defiled the fish.

Yu had at least seven seconds left in her memory, and at most three seconds when he saw her.

The words entered his mind, and he turned his head and forgot.

Ruan Zhi opened her eyes wide and just wanted to refute, but she suddenly recalled and found that Huo Tingyan had reminded her many times before.


She coughed lightly and said:

"I remember everything you reminded me a few months ago, but at the banquet just now, I remember clearly, you really didn't remind me, if you reminded me, I promise not to run blind in front of Lu Junhan Seriously, I don't think my life is too long!"

Having said this, Ruan Zhi felt that he was also wronged:

"Moreover, if you hadn't misled me and made me mistake Lu Junhan for Zhang Dazhuang, I wouldn't have run over like this after discovering the truth!"

Huo Tingyan thought, you are a liar, if you remember what I reminded you a few months ago, should I remind you every once in a while?

But when he heard the latter sentence, he took a deep breath, but in the end he couldn't help it:

"Everyone knows what Lu Junhan looks like!!! You don't need to go online, watch TV, or watch the most popular variety show recently, no matter which one you watch, you can know - what about Lu Junhan? It might be that fat man Zhang Dazhuang!"

Ruan Zhi was a little aggrieved, her voice was thin and weak, and she had no confidence:

"You know... I don't have a good memory, so I never read newspapers or watch TV. After all, I can't remember when I read it. In the end, it's a waste of time. I might as well sleep more if I have this time. Woolen cloth……"

Huo Tingyan was indifferent and indifferent:

"Oh, that's why you treated Lu Junhan as Zhang Dazhuang for 6 months, scolded Lu Junhan for 6 months, and now you've been arrested for throwing yourself into the net."

Huo Tingyan almost didn't say "deserved"!


After being silent for a while, Ruan Zhi compromised and said shyly, "Okay, I'll go back and watch it tonight."

Huo Tingyan pulled his lips and sneered: "what's the use of watching it! Can't you remember?"

Ruan Zhi: "..."

Big brother, I can't do it if I don't watch it, and I can't do it if I don't watch it. What the hell are you going to make a fuss about! ! !

"I should be able to remember."

Ruan Zhi thought for a while and told the truth, "I feel like my brain has improved a little since I came out of the Lu family just now."

Huo Tingyan didn't believe her nonsense.

When did she not say that she felt that her brain seemed to be getting better, but he had never seen her when her brain was normal!

But then again, Ruan Zhi did have a time when his brain got better.

Just a few days before Ruan Ye died.

How good was Ruan Zhi's brain at that time?

Almost unforgettable.

When I have nothing to do, I read a book that they can't understand, and I read it very quickly.

Huo Tingyan glanced at that time inadvertently, but didn't see which country's text it was. He thought it was Ruan Zhi's whim, who was studying some ancient oracle bone inscriptions.

At that time, Ruan Zhi could write the "oracle bone inscription" on paper with just a glance.

Huo Tingyan was stunned at the time.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. After Ruan Ye died, Ruan Zhi's brain seemed to be half taken away by Ruan Ye.

Don't forget it, it's good that she can remember herself.

Later, in the past few months, under the guidance of special people, she slowly trained and recuperated, and then her brain was restored to the current state that was barely enough.

Seeing Huo Tingyan's long silence, Ruan Zhi knew that he must not believe it.

This made Ruan Zhi a little uncertain, but she thought back carefully and found that she can indeed remember the past clearly now.

It feels like someone who has been shortsighted by a thousand degrees suddenly puts on glasses.

Those vague memories that seemed to be covered in a thick layer of fog suddenly became incomparably clear.

"Really, I didn't lie to you, my brain is really good!"

After confirming that he really remembered, Ruan Zhi counted it down: "I remember, the first time you asked me not to mess with Lu Junhan was at 3:27 pm on September 8th. At 11:43 am on September 11th Minutes, at 2:52 pm on September 17th, you reminded me once, and..."

Ruan Zhi did not stop in one breath, and directly stated the memories of the past one by one.

Most of them match Huo Tingyan's memory.

Moreover, for a lot of the time, even Huo Tingyan didn't pay much attention to it or even remembered it.

But Ruan Zhi was able to say it.

Even on that day, she remembered very clearly what they did and when.

What's more, she can remember Huo Tingyan's 6 work calls and 3 personal calls.

Huo Tingyan was surprised: "do you have a good brain?"


Ruan Zhi thought for three seconds, and said very modestly:

"Of course, it may also be a flashback. Now I suddenly remember it so clearly, maybe the next second, my brain will die."

Huo Tingyan: "..."

What is the use of back light and back light? ?

But compared to some absurd, unscientific return to light.

Huo Tingyan prefers that Ruan Zhi ate something that would help her brain develop at the Lu family banquet.

After all, everyone knows that the Lu family is known for researching cutting-edge technology.

Who knows if they will apply any high-end advanced technology to the banquet food.

Or, Ruan Zhi was stimulated by the Lu family just now. The stimulation was impartial, and it just corrected her broken brain and made her brain return to normal in an instant.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Ruan Zhi's own luck has improved, and his brain has suddenly become normal.

It's just that they don't know whether this normality is temporary or permanent.

"I think I should have been stimulated,"

Ruan Zhi thought for a while, and said with a sincere expression:

"After all, I was looking forward to the past, but I was heartbroken by my sweetheart who had been thinking about it for 6 months, and was brutally and ruthlessly caught, trampled, and humiliated! What's more, after he caught me, I didn't even look at the stunned me. If I had my brain, I would have to return to normal immediately, and then find a way to arrest him for three days and three nights... From this point of view, my brain is probably still a problem. Good brain to admit defeat!"

Huo Tingyan: "..."

A goddamn good brain that won't admit defeat.

I see that your brain is not very normal now!

Three seconds later, Huo Tingyan turned a deaf ear and said lightly:

"Okay, now, let's analyze it carefully, what did you eat at the banquet just now."

Ruan Zhi: "..."

After Ruan Zhi's memory became clearer, he could even remember what happened a few months ago, not to mention what happened at the banquet an hour ago.

Without thinking much, she just said:

"I didn't eat much either."

Hearing this, Huo Tingyan was slightly relieved. The less food he eats, the easier it is to investigate.

If we can find out this kind of food, we can confirm that the ingredients in this kind of food are really beneficial to Ruan Zhi's brain.

Ruan Zhi can be saved after this broken brain.

In the next second, Ruan Zhi continued to say, "Just eat a little bit at each table."

Huo Tingyan stood in the banquet hall and silently looked at the nearly 100 tables in the hall, and on each table, there were nearly 50 plates...

He fell into a long thought.

His expression was solemn and serious, but it was not difficult to see that he had given up on the treatment.

"Oh, right,"

Ruan Zhi seemed to remember something: "I also ate the same cake with Lu Junhan's daughter Lu Li."

It is still the pig Peppa spoon that the little girl carries with her.

The two of you took a bite and I took a bite, and the cake was divided like this.

Originally, Ruan Zhi was a bit of a clean freak and didn't like to eat other people's saliva.

But at the time, I didn't know what was wrong. When the little girl dug a spoonful of cake and fed it directly to her mouth, Ruan Zhi paused for two seconds, and finally ate it.

Also, there is no objection whatsoever.

Seeing that Huo Tingyan really couldn't find it, he could only let someone write down all the food at the Lu family's banquet today, and then let someone analyze it when he went back.


And over there, the little girl who knew that her aunt and sister had died, lay on the table with her small body, sniffed, and ate two more strawberry cakes in a heartbroken manner.

At this moment, Pei Mingzhi, who was not far away, had a shallow, gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, like a gentleman, and waved to her with a smile:

"Li Li, look, who is here."

Xiao Luli turned around and saw at a glance a pale and ghostly beautiful boy sitting in a wheelchair over there.

The moment she saw the person, her dark and clear eyes suddenly lit up, and she shouted happily, "Brother Xiubai!"

Pei Mingzhi smiled and said to Pei Xiubai who was beside him,

"Son, Dad is right, Lili still likes your brother the most."

Pei Xiubai pursed his thin lips and did not say a word. His long, dark eyelashes drooped slightly, concealing the gloomy light in the bottom of his eyes.

After a while, Xiao Luli got down from the chair.

There are also two trays of strawberry cakes in the small hands.

With her short legs, she ran in front of them:

"Brother Xiubai, Uncle Beauty, do you want to eat cake? This cake is delicious. Lili just ate five by himself!"

Neither Pei Xiubai nor Pei Mingzhi liked sweets, but seeing the little girl handed it over, it was not easy to refuse.

Pei Mingzhi reached out to take it, and the other big pale hand gently rubbed the little girl's little head, and said with a smile:

"Just in time, my uncle is also hungry, so I would like to thank Lili first."

Little Lolita had a bright smile on her fair face.

Pei Xiubai's pale face was indifferent, and he didn't speak, but he also reached out and took the plate of small cakes.

The little girl is happier.

After that, her small body leaned forward slightly, as if she didn't realize it at all, and her small hands directly rested on Pei Xiubai's knees that were unconscious.

Pei Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, took a deep breath, and immediately wanted to step forward, and quickly pulled the little girl away, lest Pei Xiubai stab her at any time and risk her life.

This little brat usually doesn't seem to care about his disability.

But it is a child after all.

If he really didn't care, his temperament would not become so violent and cold, cruel and weird.

His unknowing leg is usually untouchable by his own father.

Several times, Pei Mingzhi accidentally touched his leg, and his hand was almost cut off by Pei Xiubai mercilessly. In the next few days, this stinky boy even watched him kill him once and for all.

Moreover, he only touched one, and now Lili's two legs are touching together...

Pei Mingzhi: "!!!!!!"


If something happened to Lili, Lu Gou would probably have the heart to kill him!

Pei Mingzhi just took a step forward.

Sure enough, I saw a sharp and terrifying sword shadow suddenly appear in front of me!

Pei Mingzhi's pupils shrank, and his expression instantly became cold, and he wanted to cry out coldly and call Pei Xiubai to stop.

But in the next second, I saw that the sword, light and sword shadow was not moving in the direction of the little girl, but suddenly attacked in his direction!

Forcibly, Pei Mingzhi's forward footsteps were forced back a step.

Pei Mingzhi: "????"

The person who touched your leg is Lili, why are you killing your dearest father in turn?

The little girl didn't realize what was happening. Her soft white and tender hands rested on Pei Xiubai's legs, raised her black and clear watery eyes, and asked Pei Xiubai in a soft voice:

"Brother Xiu Bai, do you know the truth of being a human being?"

Pei Xiubai put away Han Guangzhan's small dagger, lowered his eyes slightly, and said in a calm voice, "I don't know."

Little Loli's expression seemed a little lost, and she gave a low "Oh".

Turning his head, he looked at Pei Mingzhi who was still slightly stunned, and said pitifully:

"Uncle beauty, do you know the truth of being a human being?"

Pei Mingzhi looked at Pei Xiubai strangely and suspiciously, wondering what he meant.

Hearing this suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Pei Xiubai, then at Xiao Luli, his glinting eyes moved slightly, and finally he curled his lips and said with a smile:


[This chapter is 4000 words long, write about Lili's ability, mother's brain and brother Xiubai's legs are saved! 】

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