I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 827 Let's Catch Four Fish


It's more than awesome, you're obviously trying to make our Director Jian go bankrupt further!

After finally enduring ten thousand, another ten thousand will come!

Director Jian might go crazy!

In this issue, in order to ensure the personal safety of the guests.

Before recording this episode, the program team spent a lot of money to cover the entire mountain.

Except for the original monks in the temple on the mountain and the merchants selling things on the top of the mountain, all other tourists are not allowed to enter.

As for the loss of those businesses and temples caused by the lack of tourists today, it will all be borne by the program group.

As a result, there is not much left in the budget for this episode.

Although Lu Junhan, an investor, also participated in the show, Lu Junhan is essentially a black-hearted businessman who puts his interests first, not a philanthropist who sees that the show group is about to lose money, so he shows kindness and invests an additional sum of money.

What's more, Jian Chenglang and the others spent money to find a lot of people to conduct a detailed survey of the various terrains on the mountain.

Wherever there is danger, there is protection. Naturally, the protection is very low, and it is the group of lively and active little guys.

So that's another big expense.

As for the hidden "treasures", the cost is not much, but it is also a sum of money.

There are other odds and ends.

In short, adding up the odds and ends, the budget of the program group is really not much left, at most there are dozens of dollars left.

And Xiao Luli's fish fell to his death by accident.

But he fell to his death, and Jian Chenglang could only admit it with tears in his eyes.

Trying to save the 10,000 yuan that was not in the plan and exceeded the budget from the waiting for the meeting.

For example, the tent that Liu Peng and the others didn't want just now, he can have someone return it to the merchant immediately, which can save a thousand dollars.

In fact, 10,000 yuan is really not a lot of money to Jian Chenglang.

The glass of wine he usually drank at home was far more than this amount, and he could easily fill the big hole back with his pocket.

But Jian Chenglang has a very clear distinction between public and private, he is now Director Jian, not the second youngest of the Jian family.

What he has to do and what he can spend is only the money given by the investor.

There is absolutely no reason to use his own money to make up for the loss of the show.

Therefore, the money spent overspending on the show can only be saved from the show.

Just as Jian Chenglang was thinking, should he reduce the number of treasures, dig and search everywhere, and collect the remaining 9,000.

Speaking of which, the remaining 9,000 is really not easy to make up. After all, the main budget is spent on protecting the safety of guests and appeasing businessmen and monks.

These two are absolutely unmovable, so they can only be deducted from the guests' diet.

But the money for food and drink only accounts for a small amount.

After all, eating, drinking and drinking really didn't cost much, and it only cost 20,000 yuan to die.

And 9,000 must be removed from the 20,000 for food...

Hidden Coke, milk, and beer all had to be replaced with free boiled water;

The grill that has not been found has to be quickly found and returned;

As for the chicken, duck, fish, pork, and all kinds of prawns and seafood hidden on the top of the mountain, don't even think about it.

Jian Chenglang: "..."

It's over.

Boss Lu and the others may really starve to death tonight.

Moreover, the big meal planned by their program team tonight is gone, so they can only replace it with instant noodles.

However, with such scattered savings, it is really possible to have 9000.

Just as Jian Chenglang was thinking, the guests had no food to eat at night, so he took them to the temple to beg for food, would the monks give it time.

I heard the little girl ask if the fish is a pitiful thing.

Before he had time to speak, he saw that she was really going to catch another fish.

Ten thousand bear it, and another ten thousand.

There is no way for people to survive.

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "!!!"

Three seconds later—

Jian Chenglang took a step forward.

The producer was scared out of his wits, and quickly reached out to grab Jian Chenglang:

"Director Jian! Calm down, Director Jian! It is against the law to beat children! And we are still broadcasting live!"

Jian Chenglang frowned and waved his hand away: "Don't worry, I didn't intend to hit her, and I'm calm now."

How can the producer believe it, he earnestly persuaded:

"Director Jian, this is really hard to beat. Look, if you hit, the next second, countless people behind the camera will immediately call the police. Believe it or not. It's okay if you get caught, but if the audience thinks what our program group is saying Violent show crews who beat up guests if they don't agree with each other, and ruin the reputation of our show crew, that's not good, you say yes!"

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Jian Chenglang was expressionless: "I'll say it again, I really didn't want to hit her."

Isn't it 10,000 more!

Big deal, no more instant noodles!

They all stand on the top of the mountain at night, look up at the sky, and drink the northwest wind!

And over there, the little girl had no idea what happened to the two uncles who were eavesdropping not far away.

She fluttered her bright black eyes, as if thinking of something, she scratched her head with a solemn expression:

"No! It doesn't seem to work like this!"

Lu Junhan was already used to her bluffing like this, grabbed the mineral water, raised his head and took another sip of water, before asking lightly, "Why can't it work?"

Xiao Luli spread out the fish in her hand in front of Lu Junhan, puffed up her fat face, and said seriously:

"Dad, look, if another fish is with it, the fish will be very pitiful, but the other fish will definitely feel very pitiful, because it is with Yuyu, but there is no other fish." Yuyu is with him. He must be jealous of dead Yuyu!"

Lu Junhan: "..."

If you want to eat more fish at night, just say so.

Two fish, how can there be so many dramas.

Little Lolita didn't know that her petty thoughts had been exposed, she tilted her head and thought for a while, then stretched out four fingers, with a stern face, she said very, very seriously:

"Father, why don't we catch four Yuyu! People know where Yuyu's parents, grandparents are! Wait until we catch them all! They won't be pitiful! They will be very happy! Because my aunt said before, as long as the family is together, no matter what time it is, they will be very happy!"

Song Qingwan in front of the TV: "..."

The audience did not take the grandparents and parents in the little girl's words seriously:

[Hahahaha, that's right, a family needs to be tidy! If you die, you will die! 】

[Fuck, I'm ruthless enough! If you don't make a move, it's all right, once you make a move, it's just a pot! Not even my grandparents are spared! 】

[Lili looked at the fish and sucked her saliva: It's not that they want to kill you, it's that I want your family to have a happy reunion! Hahaha, Lili is really too bad! 】

【Hahaha, this is the first time I've seen someone who said killing a few more fish is so fresh and refined! 】

However, Lu Junhan hadn't spoken yet.

When Jian Chenglang over there heard it, one good fish instantly turned into four, and they exploded immediately.

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