I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 831 Bai Xinlian Assassinates Lu Li (2)

"Sister Lili,"

However, at this moment, Qu Qianqian, who was sitting under the shade of a tree, got up from the ground first, waved to Xiao Luli, and said happily:

"Sister Lili, I'm resting, let me help you catch fish!"

Because I have never played the game of finding treasure.

Qu Qianqian and the three little guys were already novel and excited about this game.

Later, it was discovered that not only was the treasure found free of charge, but it was given to them for nothing, and there were toys they particularly liked, which made the three little guys look hard.

But after all, they are children, and all the treasures in this area have not been found yet, and they are all exhausted, so they can only take a break.

Xiao Luli recovered very quickly. After sitting for almost a minute, she was fully charged and went to catch fish with great interest.

Qu Qianqian was still drinking water, panting, and recovering her strength.

No, I finally rested, and my strength came back, and I immediately wanted to help Sister Lili catch fish!

Xiao Luli was obviously also very happy, and ran towards her directly: "Okay, okay, sister Qianqian, come quickly, I haven't caught a single fish yet!"

Bai Xinlian, who was not far from her over there, rushed towards her with the momentum to kill her.

Xiao Luli made such a flash, Bai Xinlian didn't stop the brakes, and rushed forward fiercely, she fell straight to the ground with no soul power!

With a muffled "bang", her face just hit the dirt-covered grass!

It just happened to be lying at Xiao Luli's feet.

Because of the severe pain, the sharp dagger in his hand missed one of them, and with a "plop", it rowed directly along the shore and into the lake.

Xiao Luli heard a strange voice behind her, turned her head, and saw her beautiful sister lying at her feet, she was stunned.

Qu Qianqian ran over at this time, and was also stunned: "Sister Lili, what's wrong with her?"

Did he fall down?

Little Luli actually didn't know, the beautiful sister was standing well, why she suddenly lay on the ground like a frog, but she still tilted her head and thought about it seriously, and said with a serious face:

"Beautiful sister is learning how to walk like a frog. Let's not disturb her."

Too much force, and now she can't get up in pain, Bai Xinlian, who is waiting for Lu Li and the others to help her: "..."

i fucking...

When Qu Qianqian heard this, she immediately gave up the idea of ​​helping her.

The little face wrinkled directly, obviously not liking such slimy and ugly animals like frogs.

I also can't understand why such a beautiful sister wants to learn how to walk like a frog instead of an elephant or a tiger.

Qu Qianqian looked at the back of Bai Xinlian's beautiful head, couldn't hold back, and said in a low voice: "Sister Lili, beautiful sister, does she have a brain problem?"

Otherwise, why don't you learn how to walk like a man, but why do you want to learn how to walk like a frog?

Bai Xinlian: "..."

With great effort, Bai Xinlian raised her head slightly from the grass, the arc was almost imperceptible.

She spit out the grass and mud that she had eaten in her mouth, and took a deep breath, which allowed herself to breathe without completely suffocating.

But Bai Xinlian's body was obviously beyond her imagination, it was too weak, the woman in white only felt severe pain all over her body after such a fall.

However, her soul power is gone, and she wants to recover herself, stand up, or use her soul power to kick these two stinky girls who are dying and still talking sarcasticly into the lake!

She could only struggle and get up bit by bit.

When she gets up completely, she will definitely push these two stinky girls into the lake and drown them!

Let's see if they dare to break their mouths!

Qu Qianqian's question stumped Xiao Luli.

Fortunately, the teacher said, just ask if you don’t understand.

So, the little girl squatted down, completely oblivious to the slight arc of Bai Xinlian's head raised slightly.

Seeing that Bai Xinlian has been lying on the ground for a long time, learning how to walk like a frog for a long time, she has talked a lot with sister Qianqian, and the beautiful sister is still lying on the ground motionless, probably asleep.

She thought for a while, stretched out her little hand, patted Bai Xinlian's head, and asked softly:

"Beautiful sister, is there something wrong with your mind?"

And with such a pat, she directly patted Bai Xinlian's head that had been raised a little bit with great difficulty, and patted it back into the soil again.

Bai Xinlian: "..."

Bai Xinlian really has the heart to crush Lu Li! ! !

Usually at this time, if a guest falls down, the staff will immediately come up to help him.

But who made Bai Xinlian find a time when everyone was busy and would never notice their situation in order to assassinate Lu Li.

Liu Peng, the only one who was free and in the same camp as Bai Xinlian, had his back to Bai Xinlian.

He kept apologizing to the photographer, and even tried to help the photographer repair the camera that fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, I failed to hold it steady several times, and the camera fell to the ground several times.

Now it is completely unusable, and the photographer who saw it felt distressed.

But Liu Peng is a guest, and he said that after his show, he will compensate the camera, and the cameraman can't help it.

So, Bai Xinlian just lay on the ground, no one cared about her except Xiao Luli and Qu Qianqian.

Oh, no, actually there is another person who knows, and that is Jian Xiyan.

It's a pity that Mrs. Jian Xiyan, who noticed this situation early, is still in a depressed state of being broken in love with his sister Lili, who is already a girl.

She was drooping her delicate little face, with her eyes closed, and she closed herself limply.

Seeing that Bai Xinlian didn't respond, Xiao Luli took several more shots, each time getting heavier.

If it was possible, Bai Xinlian would probably yell at her on the spot.

Seeing that she had patted her several times, but there was no response, Xiao Luli felt distressed.

Qu Qianqian, who was squatting next to her, was also very distressed.

Liu Peng perfunctoryly said a few words to the photographer, saying that he would lose money, and saw that it had been a long time, but there was still no movement behind him. He couldn't help it, so he took a look. Oh no.

Lu Liren is still fine, even so good that she is squatting on the ground with another little girl, talking small things, and the person in front of them who is lying on the ground and struggling is not Bai Xinlian, who else!

Liu Peng: "..."

The corners of Liu Peng's mouth couldn't hold back, and he twitched fiercely. The expression on his face was as if the palette had been overturned, blue and purple.

What's the matter.

Didn't she let her kill Lu Li? Why did Lu Li kill her!

Liu Peng didn't have time to think about it, lying on the ground like this would be suffocating to death.

And I don't know how long Bai Xinlian has been lying on the ground.

Liu Peng hurried over, helped Bai Xinlian up, touched her breath with his fingers, and found that although the breath was extremely weak, it could still be saved.

He decisively injected a large amount of soul power into her body to treat her.

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