I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 833 Is that a collapse?

There was a large puddle of blood beside him, as if left over from an extremely fierce fight.

Fortunately, after identification, there was no wound on Pei Xiubai's body, and the blood did not belong to him.

As for Pei Xiubai, he just fainted after being beaten on the back of the neck.

Not long after, he woke up.

When I woke up, I didn't lose any memory.

On the contrary, he still clearly remembered that the person who took him away was the old man who wanted to kill him at the Lu family's banquet, but his wrist was trampled off instead.

As for how the old man escaped everyone without anyone noticing, and brought him from Pei's house to the door of Pei's house in just three seconds.

Pei Xiubai has not figured this out yet.

But what is clear is that this elusive old man is definitely related to the recent disappearance in Haicheng.

Obviously, such a few clues are far from enough.

But as long as the people behind are still in Haicheng and haven't stopped their movements, they will be able to find them all sooner or later!

Naturally, Lu Junhan didn't care about Pei Xiubai's life and death, so he just asked Chen Shuo to keep watching, and report any clues immediately.

After that, without saying any more, I hung up the phone.

However, he remembered the words that the old man in gray robe brought Pei Xiubai to the door of Pei's house in three seconds.

Unlike Chen Shuo who thought that Pei Xiubai must have lost his mind, or that after being kidnapped, he was too scared to talk nonsense, Lu Junhan did not think that Pei Xiubai was lying.

Who made his family have a little guy who is more evil than the old man in gray robe.

Besides that little chubby girl, Lin Yue is also full of weirdness and disobedience.

The first time after Lin Yue escaped, Lu Junhan watched the surveillance video in the basement.

Lin Yue didn't escape by herself, but suddenly, a dozen bodyguards outside fell asleep for no reason, and the electronic room door was opened strangely, and the ropes tied with several knots on Lin Yue's body instantly became loose. Even the handcuffs on her wrists and ankles, which can only be opened with a key, were broken at that moment.

Once was a coincidence.

But so many times, it is definitely not a coincidence.

Now that things have happened, Lu Junhan has no choice but to believe that there are probably ghosts and gods in this world.

I just don't know whether that little troublemaker in his family is a god or a ghost.

Lu Junhan's dark eyes deepened.


At this moment, the cute little loli with two ponytails and her chubby face could not hide her joy, and ran over from the lake, as if she had found out some amazing secret , her little milk voice said mysteriously:

"Father, let me tell you, it turns out that Sister Frog has no brain problems."

At first, Lu Junhan didn't figure out what this "sister frog" was, whether it was a frog or a human.

Seeing the little girl talking and pointing at her as if she was about to collapse, Liu Peng was always beside her to comfort her Bai Xinlian.

Lu Junhan: "..."

Although it is not known whether it is a god or a ghost, there must be stupidity.

Not far away, Qu Qianqian also shared this "secret" with her father.

The corner of Qu Sinian's mouth twitched fiercely, and he had a bad premonition in his heart, especially when he saw Bai Xinlian over there looking like he was about to cry out of anger, the bad premonition was even stronger.

But looking at her daughter's cute little face like a flower, Qu Sinian's heart suddenly softened, and he was not willing to ask her at all, so he had to ask Xiao Luli:

"Lili, how do you know?"

Xiao Luli said decisively: "We asked!"

Qu Sinian: "..."

She tilted her head and thought for a while, then said in a childish voice, "But it's strange, I asked Sister Qianqian if there was any problem with her brain, and Sister Frog didn't seem to want to say, but her father told us later The answer!"

Lu Junhan: "..."

Qu Sinian: "..."

I am afraid that no one will say it.

Qu Qianqian also said: "Yes, yes, yes, sister Frog is not only unwilling to say, but also seems to be very cold, her body is shaking all the time, her face is red from freezing, and her eyes are always looking at the raincoat on Sister Lili's body." , It looks like I want it."


Qu Sinian looked at Xiao Luli's only white shirt and shorts, and was silent for three seconds: "Then you gave her your raincoat?"

Xiao Luli nodded, and said in a low voice, "That raincoat is not pretty at all, and there is no bunny. If I don't like it, I will give it to Sister Frog."

As she said that, she scratched her head, "However, after being given it, Sister Frog seemed to be getting colder, and kept screaming there."

Qu Sinian: "..."

...that must have collapsed.

To be honest, if Liu Peng hadn't been sane enough to stop Bai Xinlian from rushing towards Lu Li and Qu Qianqian, so as not to expose herself, otherwise, Bai Xinlian would have pinched her. Lu Li or Qu Qianqian's neck.

After Xiao Luli and Qu Qianqian finished telling their father this "secret", they suddenly remembered that they hadn't caught a single fish yet, and hurried back to the lake.

At this time, Bai Xinlian had barely restrained her monstrous anger.

Liu Peng was right. Killing Lu Li was the right thing to do now, and everything else had to be put aside.

Now, she managed to return to the lakeside again, and the opportunity was never to be missed.

Before Liu Peng left, he stuffed a dagger into Bai Xinlian's hands. Bai Xinlian looked at the dagger, but put it away, it was useless.

She has a better solution to Lu Li.

And, without exposing herself.

Bai Xinlian slightly hooked her red lips. She had seen it just now, and the lake was very deep.

Moreover, the surrounding staff were also busy with their own work, and not many people paid attention to this side.

As long as she cut most of the protective fence with a dagger, when Lu Li squatted down and leaned on the protective fence to catch the fish, if she used too much force, the already broken half of the protective fence would be completely broken.

At that time, her whole body will fall into the lake along with the broken protective fence!

Children's lung capacity is not large, and they have not undergone special exercise. Once they fall into the water, they will soon die from lack of oxygen.

Especially when there are so few staff around, when they find that Lu Li has fallen into the lake and rush to save people, Lu Li may have been drowned long ago!

Even if Lu Junhan investigates afterwards and finds out that someone tampered with the fence.

But so many people have touched the fence, and she is not the only one, especially since she is a child now, most people would not suspect her.

She can clear the suspicion naturally.

But soon, Bai Xinlian was dumbfounded.

I saw the little loli over there leaning on the fragile protective fence that she had cut off a large section, catching two or three fish in a row, and her small body slammed into the protective fence several times without hesitation.

But the fence just wasn't completely broken.

How is this going?

Didn't she cut it well?

Bai Xinlian frowned tightly, her expression was extremely ugly.

When Lu Li turned around and ran to the other side to catch fish.

Bai Xinlian couldn't figure it out, she walked over with a sullen face, grabbed the broken railing, and shook it.

There was a "click".

The protective fence in front of him was actually broken!

[Don't compare your luck with Lili, unless you want to die, hahaha. The woman in white is going offline. 】

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