I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 835 I'm afraid I'll kill Uncle Jian Dao

When the spare camera is brought, we will shoot separately.

Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others naturally wouldn't have any opinions.

Also happy to see it succeed.

After all, Lu Junhan and the others are so popular.

Being able to be in the same live broadcast room with them, their fans might increase a lot when they turn back.

[Holy shit, what happened just now? Can anyone tell me why the screen suddenly went black in Father Lu's live broadcast room? 】

【that is! It's so bad that I can only come to Zhou Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room! But Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others never went up the mountain, so I wanted to see Father Lu and they couldn't see it, ahhhhhhh, but now I finally saw it! 】

[Me too, I almost cried when the screen was black before. I have been waiting for this issue for more than ten days, and it almost turned into a watchdog. Unexpectedly, I just watched it for a while, and it was gone. I was so angry kill me! 】

【Me too! I was so angry that I couldn't hold it back at all, so I beat up the dog who was watching TV next to me. Oh, now the person was bitten and was in the hospital. I have to say that the signal in the hospital ward is really good! 】


[Hahaha, you really deserve to be our Papa Lu's fan, you are physically disabled and strong! 】

[Hey, just now the official blog of the program group said that it was an accident at the scene, and the camera accidentally broke on the ground, and that's why the screen went black, please understand! 】

[As long as I can see Papa Lu, I will understand! 】

[Me too, I don't have any grievances now, Dad Lu, baby Lili, come on me! 】

【Eh? ? ? No, what's going on, I just didn't watch it for a while, why is Baby Lili crying again! 】

[Hahaha guess one blindly, she must have been beaten and cried by her father! 】

[Ditto! 】

[same as above +1]

【Same as above + ID number】

[Isn't this nonsense, it's been so long, don't you know about our fierce girl Lili? She is a scary woman who is not afraid of mice and spiders, and she is very excited when she sees it. If she cries, she will definitely be caught by her Dad was crying! 】

[That is, only our father Lu has the heart to do something to our baby Lili's cute little face that looks like a flower! From this point of view, Papa Lu is really a damn heartless man who makes people love and hate at the same time! ! 】

[Guests are starting to go up the mountain! 】

Lu Junhan returned the beating, and finally stretched out his left hand, and resignedly picked up the fish bucket that contained a large family.

The reason why he used his left hand was because his right hand was holding the little loli who had just been beaten up, full of grievances, unwilling to walk, and crying desperately.

Picked up by her father, the little girl was still crying sadly wiping her eyes.

Lu Junhan frowned.


The little girl sucked her red nose, choked with sobs and said, "Walk slowly, woo~ We still have treasures to find..."

Lu Junhan: "..."

I'm almost crying like a fool, and I'm still thinking about the treasure.

Lu Junhan put her down: "Then you come down and look for it."

"don't want!"

Little Lolita's eyes were red, her big black eyes were wet with tears, and she was watery and clear. She looked very pitiful. She grabbed Lu Junhan's hand with both hands and feet, and refused to get off the ground. She said aggrievedly:

"Father, why don't you carry someone to look for it? If you carry him, he will find it soon."

Lu Junhan looked at her expressionlessly: "Then do you want to sit on my neck and look for it?"

Little Lolita looked at him with bright eyes: "Is it really possible?"

As she spoke, her legs were still shaking eagerly.

If Lu Junhan said yes, she might have crawled onto his neck right away.

Lu Junhan: "..."

Lu Jun smiled coldly: "Fake."

Little Lolita hugged Lu Junhan's arm listlessly, "Then Dad, you'd better hug me and find him."

Lu Junhan: "..."

Sooner or later, he will kill this little annoying spirit.

Under Xiao Luli's urging, Lu Junhan and his group were still desperately searching for the treasure.

Qu Qianqian and Jian Xiyan saw that their sister Lili was so "hardworking", and urged their father to find the treasure.

Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others are not far behind.

They picked up Lu Junhan's mistakes along the way, and they picked up a lot.

Even, several treasures were hidden behind the tree, so obvious that Lu Junhan and the others didn't seem to see it.

However, these leaked treasures are full of large bottles of mineral water, compressed biscuits, potato chips and so on.

Either it's hard to hold, it's very heavy and tiring to hold, or it's some particularly nasty food, or it's some junk food.

It can be seen that it's not that Lu Junhan and the others haven't seen these "treasures", but they just don't want to take them and don't think it's necessary to take them.

Instead, Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others picked it up.

But they didn't have any food ingredients for the night.

Now they must find the treasure and solve the dinner.

But they were pushing a cart, they walked slowly, and there were not as many people as Lu Junhan and the others. They finally found a treasure that hadn't been found according to the map, and they were just about to go there with the heavy cart.

That treasure was discovered by Lu Junhan, Qu Sinian and the others.

In fact, after so many episodes of the show, they also discovered that Lu Junhan and the others are not scary, as long as you don't offend them, they won't bother to talk to you.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer treasures, Zhou Xiaoxiao and Liu Jia had no choice but to bite the bullet and find Lu Junhan and the others.

They wanted to trade some of the ingredients for the grill.

Qu Sinian just got a coupon for five catties of coal.

Hearing this, he changed them and gave them a lot of seasonings.

Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others picked up the leaks before but did not pick up the pot.

At that time, burn a fire outdoors, put the pot on it, pour oil on it, put ingredients and seasonings.

They've got dinner done.

Therefore, the transaction was done, and both parties were very satisfied.

Only Xiao Luli, holding the barbecue replacement coupon, had a very tangled expression.

Lu Junhan glanced at her, "What's wrong?"

"Father," Little Loli raised her eyes and said in a low voice, "If we take this, what will happen if Uncle Jian doesn't change it for us?"

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Is this something you should worry about?

Besides, he's not stingy to that extent, is he?

Lu Junhan wrote lightly: "If he doesn't change it for you, you will beat him."

Little Loli hesitated: "This is not good, Dad."

Jian Chenglang was a little surprised.


Have you changed your temper?

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I thought that Lili was so violent before, it must be my illusion! That's right! It must be an illusion! Obviously a little angel! 】

[Woohoo, I won't call you a fierce girl Lili anymore, I will call you an angel Lili! But Director Jian is such a dog, he should be slapped hard! 】

Lu Junhan raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Luli looked at Lu Junhan, and said in a small voice:

"I'm afraid that if Uncle Jian Dao is beaten to death, he will ask someone to pay him back. He is very poor and has no money..."

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Lu Junhan: "..."

Qu Sinian: "..."

Jian Yi: "..."

The audience in the live broadcast room: "..."

This is indeed a sad story.

【Good night! There should be another update tomorrow! 】

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