I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 840 So Ten of Their Babies Died

If after taking the medicine this time, the stomach pain is no longer there, there is no need to take the remaining few packs of medicine.

If it still hurts, take another packet.

After giving instructions one by one, the doctor didn't say anything more, turned around and left with the medicine kit in hand.

The little girl who was engrossed in eating again, this time she noticed it for the first time.

She raised her head, saw the doctor walking away, and became anxious:

"Dad! Why did the doctor uncle leave? They haven't even had a baby yet!"

Lu Junhan: "..."

The little girl stood up, clenched her fists, and said angrily, "No, I'm going to catch him! I can't leave until he gives birth to a baby!"

Lu Junhan: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "..."

What the hell are the quotations from the domineering president.

Don't speak if your language is not good, thank you.

Not far away, the doctor who hadn't gone far suddenly staggered violently, almost losing his grip on the medicine box in his hand.

After finally slowing down, he ran away like a ghost chasing after him.

Lu Junhan pushed back the angry little loli who got up from the chair, glanced at her expressionlessly, and said coldly, "Damn it! Go eat your food!"

"I won't eat!"

Little Lolita patted her bulging stomach: "I'm already full."

She hummed brazenly, "There must be ten babies inside!"

Lu Junhan said coldly, "Well, all ten are dead."

Little Lolita's eyes widened instantly.

Lu Junhan smiled: "Do you know how they died?"

Xiao Luli shook her head with a look of fear.

Lu Junhan said flatly, "I choked to death while eating."

Little Luli: "..."

Lu Junhan patted her little head: "So it's okay to eat less, understand?"

Little Luli: "..."

Soon, twenty minutes passed.

Jian Chenglang took the remaining medicine and waved to the little girl, "Lili, come and take the medicine."

Xiao Luli had already taken a medicine before, and the medicine was very bitter. She took several mouthfuls of rice, but she couldn't cover the bitterness.

Now seeing the medicine, the little face is wrinkled, not to mention how disgusted it is.

Therefore, not only did she not come over, but she also took a few steps back, shaking her head like a rattle, and she couldn't come over:

"I don't want to take it, this is bad medicine! It doesn't taste good at all!"

Moreover, she no longer has stomach pains, and she doesn't want to have a baby anymore.

But she had no babies to give birth to, and all ten of her babies died after eating.

Little Lolita looked sad.

Jian Chenglang looked at Lu Junhan with a troubled expression.

Lu Junhan didn't say much, just brought the medicine over.

Seeing this, Xiao Luli turned around and wanted to run, but before she could take two steps, she was carried back by Lu Junhan.

Xiao Luli cried: "Father, I don't want to take it! I don't want to take that medicine! That medicine doesn't taste good at all! People will definitely die if they take it!"

Lu Junhan laughed angrily.

Although the doctor told me that it is best to take another pill.

But from Lu Junhan's point of view, it doesn't matter whether you take the medicine or not.

The little chubby girl's stomach pain is no longer there, and the medicine is three-point poisonous. If she takes too much, it may not be good for her small body.

But after hearing her words, Lu Junhan glanced at her leisurely, and said unhurriedly, "Did you die just now?"

The little Lolita sniffed fiercely, and she was so clever for a rare moment, she choked up and said, "So, so ten of his babies died."

Lu Junhan: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "..."

To a certain extent, this is indeed true, assuming that the medicine is an abortion pill, and if there are really ten babies in someone's belly.

Xiao Luli was even more sad, and choked up again and said, "So if people eat it, they will die too."

Lu Junhan: "..."

Jian Chenglang just wanted to persuade him again, but Zhou Xiaoxiao over there suddenly exclaimed: "Liu Peng, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?"

Jian Cheng Lang followed the prestige in the past.

I saw Liu Peng sitting on a chair, clutching his stomach tightly with one hand, his handsome face was extremely pale, there was a lot of cold sweat on his forehead, and even his lips were trembling uncontrollably.

Hearing Zhou Xiaoxiao's question, Liu Peng shook his head, expressing that he himself didn't know.

Liu Peng really didn't know why he had a stomachache.

He didn't eat anything along the way, just some snacks, rice, and a few cups of... Coke.

Thinking of this, Liu Peng's heart skipped a beat for some reason, as if some thought had crossed his mind, but he couldn't grasp it.

Instead, the pain in the abdomen became more and more painful, as if a knife was spinning and stirring desperately inside, the pain was unbearable.

But being stared at by Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others, and the camera was on his side, Liu Peng couldn't do it even if he tried to recover with magic.

It didn't take long for his consciousness to blur.

But Liu Peng didn't think much about it. He really thought that he was just like a human being. If he was sick, he would be cured as long as he took medicine.

In fact, if Liu Peng was a human being a few more times, he would find that his stomach pain was no longer within the scope of normal people's illnesses. Only poisoned people would have this symptom.

On the contrary, Liu Jia looked at Liu Peng's hand covering his stomach, and guessed, "Could it be because of an upset stomach?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao heard this, and immediately said: "Didn't the doctor prescribe some medicines for Lili just now? Director Jian should have more medicines. I'll go get them from him now."

After all, Liu Peng belongs to their large group.

Playing games, sleeping at night and so on, we all have to be together. If I can help Zhou Xiaoxiao, I am willing to help.

And over there, when Xiao Luli heard this, her eyes lit up instantly, as if she saw the savior.

Very good!

It turns out that uncle likes to take this bitter medicine?

Say it earlier!

She quickly reached out and grabbed her father's hand, took out the bitter medicine inside, then turned her head and ran towards Liu Peng and Zhou Xiaoxiao's direction:

"No, no, no! Don't bother Uncle Jian! Good sister, look, I haven't taken my medicine yet, so give it to Uncle!"

Lu Junhan: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "..."

All the good sisters were called.

It can be seen that a certain little person really hates this medicine.

After all, it is the medicine of a little girl, Zhou Xiaoxiao hesitated: "This..."

But Xiao Luoli had already stuffed the medicine into Liu Peng's mouth quickly, so Zhou Xiaoxiao had no choice but to thank Xiao Luli.

While Liu Peng was unconscious, he suddenly saw the lively little loli, who still had half a stomachache, and instantly grasped the idea that he hadn't caught just now!

Liu Peng was horrified.

It is impossible for the person who took the poison to take a little medicine to treat the stomach and intestines and get well.

But now Lu Li is fine after taking the medicine, which is enough to show that she just has an ordinary stomachache, not caused by poison at all.

On the contrary, he had a stomachache for no reason, as if being cut by a knife, life would be worse than death.

It wasn't until then that Liu Peng was sure that Lu Li never drank the poisoned Coke at all, and the person who drank the poison was clearly himself!

He was careless!

But it's too late to say anything now.

Fortunately, he still has some soul power on his body. Although it is not much, it is enough to use it all to relieve the poison on his body.

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