I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 849 Return safely from Sanya

Xiao Luli was arrested just before being forced to fly to country m for refuge.

To be precise, she threw herself into the trap.

five minutes ago-

Lu's backyard parking lot.

The little girl kept thumping and refused to leave, but was finally thrown into the helicopter by her father.

She turned over in the seat, pouted her mouth, and hadn't expressed her own extreme dissatisfaction to her father.

Turning his head, he saw three or four men in strange robes suddenly appearing in the yard.

She could see clearly that one of the men was walking towards the gate of Lu's house, holding her aunt who was pregnant with the baby.

And Lu Anran's eyes were closed tightly, as if he had passed out.

The little loli widened her eyes instantly.


When no one else could react, the little girl murmured and jumped out of the helicopter like a small cannonball. The little milk said in a hurry:

"Bad guy! Return my aunt!"

If these villains hadn't captured my aunt, my father wouldn't have sold her to Uncle Hussel in Country M!

The people present looked at the little girl without even thinking about it, and went straight to a certain direction, and were immediately stunned.

The expression flashed horror.

Because, in that direction... there is no one!

So... who is the little lady talking to?

On the contrary, Lu Junhan's eyes froze, his expression was restrained and deep, as if he had figured something out instantly.

The subordinates of the gray-robed old man naturally also heard this, but they were indifferent, and still walked on their own in a leisurely manner.

They cast invisibility spells on their bodies. Except for the hero and heroine who played a key role in this world with their own high luck, it is impossible for ordinary people to see through their spells.

It is also impossible to see them.

That's right.

Recently, there has been a lot of uproar in Haicheng, and the strange disappearance case that has caused people's panic is caused by a small invisibility technique.

In the eyes of outsiders, those people disappeared within a second, as if they were transported away in an instant.

But actually, no.

Soul power is precious.

However, to transfer a person requires a huge amount of spell power.

Even the gray-robed old man, who has deep soul power, will not use it easily.

The only person he ever used was probably Pei Xiubai.

In the morning, the front yard of Pei's house.

The gray-robed old man used the invisibility technique, held a dagger, and wanted to sneak up and kill Pei Xiubai who was feeding fish by the pond.

But who knows, Pei Xiubai is actually much more sensitive and cunning than he imagined.

Although he couldn't be seen, Pei Xiubai obviously felt that someone was approaching - it was a strange intuition, and it was this sensitive intuition.

Let him avoid the sharp dagger that the old man in gray robe swung fiercely!

Not only that, Pei Xiubai also fought back immediately.

The old man in gray robe failed to kill him, and was almost thrown into the lake by Pei Xiubai with handfuls of fish food.

The fish food thrown in the past was obstructed, as if it had hit a person.

Pei Xiubai understood it instantly, but he didn't expect to go up to the gods. He thought it was an assassination organization in a certain country, using ultra-micro-nano technology, or some black technology, to develop invisible clothes.

Knowing that the other party is invisible, it is naturally much easier to handle.

Pei Xiubai held the dagger and stabbed it in the direction of the gray-robed old man.

Speaking of it, Pei Xiubai was lucky, he was able to completely hit the old man in gray robe at least nine times out of ten times.

In an instant, blood overflowed from the old man in gray robe, and then fell drop by drop on the grass.

This undoubtedly exposed the specific location of the gray-robed old man.

Therefore, even if the old man in gray robe couldn't be seen, Pei Xiubai only needed to keep stabbing in the direction where the blood was dripping, and the injured old man in gray robe would definitely not be able to escape.

The gray-robed old man, who had lost the opportunity and could only keep dodging, was annoyed, and wanted to use his soul power to kill Pei Xiubai with one blow.

But thinking of the woman in white who was injured by five times the soul power rebounded from Pei Xiubai before, he inevitably hesitated.

And this hesitation nearly cut his neck off by Pei Xiubai!

The gray-robed old man was impatient. He was afraid that if it took too long, if Pei Xiubai was not killed, he would attract other people's attention. At that time, he would not be able to kill Pei Xiubai even more.

He directly used his soul power to transfer Pei Xiubai.

Originally wanted to transfer Pei Xiubai to their base camp.

There are many subordinates of the old man in gray robe.

At that time, there is no need for him to do it himself.

One of his subordinates was enough to cut Pei Xiubai into pieces!

It's a pity, probably because of the serious injury and the rapid loss of soul power, the gray-robed old man's location is not far away.

It's not far from the gate of Pei's house.

This obviously overturned Pei Xiubai's previous cognition.

After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to appear at the gate out of thin air from the Pei family's yard within a second.

The opponent is obviously more powerful and mysterious than he imagined.

Then let's not let the other party take him away.

Having figured this out, Pei Xiubai naturally wouldn't sit still.

He has trouble walking.

Before the gray-robed old man could react, he stretched out his hand and firmly pulled him to the front. Then, holding the dagger, he struck again and again, hitting harder, trying to kill the gray-robed old man completely.

The gray-robed old man had already become a blood man because of the many blood holes on his body, and the blood kept flowing down.

This time he couldn't hide his figure anymore, and Pei Xiubai succeeded several times.

The gray-robed old man had always used his soul power to do things, his body hadn't been trained much at all, and he was also old, so he was no match for Pei Xiubai.

Seeing that he was completely invincible with his soul power, he was killed by Pei Xiubai several times.

The gray-robed old man gritted his teeth fiercely, and was finally forced to use his soul power to try to knock Pei Xiubai out!

The moment the soul power was released, the heart of the old man in gray robe suddenly thumped, his face turned pale.

I thought, it's over.

It's all over.

He was seriously injured, and his soul power was rapidly drained, and now there was not much soul power left in his body.

If he was injured by the rebounded soul power again, he would definitely die.

It's still the kind of soul-flying.

The gray-robed old man's pupils shrank fiercely, and he couldn't care less, in order not to be hurt by the rebounding soul power.

The old man in gray robe quickly used his remaining soul power to cast a spell, and disappeared in place in an instant.

But afterward, the gray-robed old man found out.

The soul power that time not only failed to bounce back several times, it really made Pei Xiubai dizzy.

The great opportunity to kill "Ye Heng" was just missed by him!

The old man in gray robe was almost green with regret.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, but now Pei Xiubai's soul power doesn't rebound, which is undoubtedly a great thing for them.

So, after several hours of adjustment and recovery, the old man in gray robe found Pei Xiubai again.

Seeing that the soul power was working, the gray-robed old man originally planned to use his soul power to kill Pei Xiubai, but considering the cunning of "Ye Heng", he was afraid that this was Ye Heng's plot again.

After much deliberation, for the sake of caution, he still knocked Pei Xiubai out and took him away.

As for the subordinates of the old man in gray robe, under the order of the old man in gray robe, they followed Lu Anran, a pregnant woman.

They have done this kind of thing too much before, and they are already familiar with it and are handy.

They entered the room.

Looking at Lu Anran on the bed.

The convention is another invisibility technique.

Therefore, the entire Lu family thought that Lu Anran was taken away without anyone noticing.

The Lu family was in chaos.

This made it easier for the subordinates to take Lu Anran away.

But who knows, the subordinates were stopped by a little girl as they walked!

Only then did they react.

What the little girl said just now was aimed at them!

The pupils of the subordinate holding Lu Anran shrank suddenly.

I thought, this is... what's going on?

Can she see them?

This is impossible!

Not only him, but other subordinates were also stunned.

At this moment, a subordinate recognized the little girl and whispered to the others:

"What's going on, why is she still alive?"

These subordinates didn't know that the woman in white and the man in black were dead, but they did know that the woman in white and the man in black went to Sanya to kill Lu Li.

The woman in white and the man in black are the Lord's most powerful right and left hands, and they have never failed in missions.

But why is Lu Li still alive?

Not only did he not die, but he returned safely from Sanya!

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