I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 860 The luck of the whole room is increasing

"Hey ma'am!"

The man hugged Jiang Xue, who had suddenly fainted, at a loss, sweating profusely, and hurriedly shouted outside:

"Is there anyone outside? A few people came in, a pregnant woman passed out!"

When Lu Junhan and Pei Mingzhi came, they not only brought their subordinates, but also a medical team.

He was just afraid that something would happen to the little girl, Lu Anran and Pei Xiubai.

There are also a lot of doctors with me.

Hearing this, several doctors rushed in immediately.

After that, there was another burst of chaos.

After Lu Anran, Pei Xiubai, and Lu Li were sent to the nearest hospital, Jiang Xue was also sent there.


Jiang Xue herself was not pregnant, let alone fainted.

But when a group of doctors and nurses examined her, she didn't panic at all, but was very calm in her heart.

As long as there is a system, even if these are fake, in the eyes of outsiders, they are the real thing.

As long as she has enough luck points, she can change any props she wants, and she can do whatever she wants.

She is not afraid of being exposed at all.

But in order to be realistic and gain the trust of shrewd businessmen like Lu Qidong and Lu Junhan, Jiang Xue finally entered the operating room.

After entering the operating room, she immediately asked the system to create a phantom for several doctors performing surgery.

And she herself slept peacefully on the operating table.

Four hours later, the lights in the operating room were turned off, and Jiang Xue was pushed out of the operating room with a "pale and weak face" and transferred to the general ward.

At the same time, this scene was also noticed by the people Lu Qidong sent to monitor Jiang Xue, who turned around and sent Jiang Xue's situation here to Lu Qidong's mobile phone in the form of a text message.

Of course Jiang Xue knew that there was a "tail" behind him, and that person was hiding very well, but unfortunately, he couldn't hide from the system's eyes.

Jiang Xue calculated the time and lay on the hospital bed with her eyes closed for more than an hour before waking up.

Soon, the doctor entered the ward and gave her various body measurements.

While Jiang Xue cooperated, she asked in her mind: "How is Lu Anran's situation now?"

Without even thinking about it, the system said: [It must not be very good. 】

Jiang Xue guessed it too.

Lu Anran lost his luck, and now he might be struggling in the operating room.

Jiang Xue said again: "Looking at her situation, if she dies, come and tell me right away."

If it wasn't for Jiang Xue playing the role of a weak pregnant woman who just had an abortion and didn't have the strength to get out of bed, otherwise, Jiang Xue would have gone to watch Lu Anran die by herself.

If Lu Anran is dead, even if Lu Qidong and Lu Junhan feel that she is a hypocrite and her origin is unknown, they will be very suspicious of her.

But Lu Anran spent the last period of her life with her, Jiang Xue, and this is an indelible fact.

The people of the Lu family love Lu Anran so much, naturally they don't want to miss the last words she said in this life, even if Jiang Xue doesn't go to the people of the Lu family, the people of the Lu family will take the initiative to find her and ask her.

As long as she has Lu Anran's "last words" in hand, she will not have to worry about not being able to get in touch with the Lu family.

As for what Lu Anran said to her in the last days, Lu Anran is dead, there is no proof of death, and she is not allowed to make up the last words.

In fact, Lu Anran really didn't say anything to her, he just felt sorry for her inconvenience, and wanted to give up the bed to Jiang Xue, who was pregnant for more than five months, to rest.

Then, in the next second, Lu Anran's luck was taken away by Jiang Xue.

To put it bluntly, Lu Anran died because she was too kind, too easy to trust others, and too easy to sympathize, pity, and help others.

Jiang Xue didn't need to waste much time at all, as long as she pretended to be pitiful, Lu Anran's trust came.

Lu Anran's luck was taken away by her so quickly.

Without luck, with Lu Anran's already weak and dilapidated body, it is impossible to conceive a child at all, let alone one pregnant with two.

So, she soon became speechless in pain.

Not to mention what last words to Jiang Xue.

Now Jiang Xue hopes that Lu Anran will die soon, her current luck has reached 60%.

As soon as Lu Anran dies, the people of the Lu family come to her, and she defeats them one by one, gaining their trust, and then gaining their luck points. By then, the day when she becomes the Dao of Heaven is just around the corner!

Thinking of becoming an omnipotent heaven, immortal, living the same life as heaven and earth, turning her hands into clouds and hands into rain, Jiang Xue became short of breath for a while, and even her eyes turned red a lot.

However, the startled voice of the system shattered her illusion:

【what happened! 】

The system seemed unbelievable, [Lu Anran's HP not only didn't drop, but actually increased! 】

This time, Jiang Xue's expression also changed suddenly, and she lost her voice: "Impossible! She has no luck, and with her physical condition, it is impossible to survive!"

Before Jiang Xue came to this world, she knew the world very carefully.

She is too aware of the level of medicine in this world, even if the most famous expert in the medical field comes, it is impossible to save Lu Anran who has no luck!

The system seemed to have detected something, and broke the sound directly:

【Lu Anran's luck is back, and now her luck value has reached 62%! It is only 8% away from her previous 70% luck value! 】

Jiang Xue's face changed completely: "What's going on! Could it be Lu Junhan... No, that's impossible! Even if he was contaminated with luck, it's impossible for Lu Anran's luck to increase so much in such a short period of time !"

System: [Not only her, but also Lu Junhan, Pei Mingzhi, and Pei Xiubai, their luck in the entire room is increasing! 】

Jiang Xue's expression fluctuated: "Could it be that they obtained the magic weapon to increase luck?"

When Jiang Xue's luck value reached 90%, she knew the existence of the God Realm and the Heaven Realm, and also knew what a magic weapon was.

That's why she wasn't surprised by Elder Xuan and the others at all.

Once upon a time, Jiang Xue coveted those magic weapons that would increase luck.

But it's a pity that those subordinates of Elder Xuan are hiding too well, and she is not from the original heaven, and she can't read the spell to activate the magic weapon, so she can only give up in the end.

The system is very aware of this:

【impossible! The magic weapon to increase luck is rare, and the magic weapon can only be used on one person. In short, it is impossible to have a magic weapon that can increase so many people's luck at the same time! If such a magic weapon really existed, the God Realm would have been in chaos long ago! 】

Jiang Xue gritted her teeth fiercely: "Could it be that Lu Junhan and the others used all the magic weapons that Elder Xuan left to increase luck?"

The magic weapon can only be used by one person, but multiple magic weapons can also increase the luck of multiple people.

[This possibility is not ruled out, I have to look into the details,]

The system can naturally identify the existence of the magic weapon, because it is itself a magic weapon.

But after a while, the system said: [No, there seems to be some very powerful force preventing me from approaching their room. I tried various methods, but I couldn't get in! 】

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