I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 864 Makes People Have to Believe

Lu Anran has experienced this kidnapping incident.

Although there is nothing wrong now, I have to say that I almost lost my child and I almost lost my life.

Let her be physically and mentally exhausted, physically and mentally exhausted.

And because people are still pregnant, they are abnormally lethargic.

So, before long, she fell asleep again,

Seeing that her aunt had gone to bed, little Loli dared not go to the hospital bed to talk to the baby in her stomach, so as not to disturb the baby and aunt sleeping.

And her father forbids her to run around, especially not to run out of the ward, as if she is afraid that she will be captured by bad guys again.

Therefore, Xiao Luli had no choice but to stay quietly in the ward.

The adults still have a lot of things to do, and Xiao Luli is probably the most idle person in the whole ward.

Just when the little girl was so bored, she had already started to sit on the sofa and study how to twist her fluffy white feet into beautiful twists.

Pei Mingzhi pushed Pei Xiubai who was sitting in a wheelchair, and came in from the outside.

Seeing this, Yu Zheng beside the hospital bed knew that they must have something to talk about, so he took out the two earplugs he had prepared earlier from his pocket, and put them on for Lu Anran.

When the little girl saw them, to be precise, when she saw the ghostly boy with thin lips on the wheelchair, her dark and clear eyes lit up instantly.

She let go of her feet, which she had been tossing so hard, and quickly climbed off the sofa with her small body, then ran up to Pei Xiubai with bare feet.

He seemed to want to say something, but dared not make a sound.

Then, she looked at Yu Zheng.

Yu Zheng nodded to her, indicating that she could speak now.

Only then did the little loli open her mouth happily, and when she opened her mouth, she said a very pleasant surprise:

"Brother Xiubai, have you been rescued?"

Song Qingwan: "..."

Lu Junhan: "..."

Although Pei Xiubai felt that what she said was a bit strange, he couldn't tell what was wrong, and in the end, he gave a flat "hmm".

"Very good!"

Little Lolita's big black eyes were shining, and she couldn't help but want to share it with her old father.

She turned her head, looked at Lu Junhan, and said excitedly:

"Father, look, brother Xiubai has been rescued, he is not dead!"

Lu Junhan didn't answer, but lowered his eyes, looked at her bare feet, raised his big hand again, and threw her back on the sofa.

Instead, he raised his eyelids and looked at the smiling Pei Mingzhi, with a very cold and impatient tone:

"Is there something wrong?"

Pei Mingzhi bent his beautiful lips and said with a smile, "We have finished the operation and we have nothing to do, so we just came to see Lili."

Probably only Pei Mingzhi can say such anti-human words that he has just finished the operation and has nothing to do.

However, as soon as these words were said, the little girl who was thrown on the sofa got up in an instant, her little hands were pulled on the back of the sofa, and her beautiful eyes became brighter.

Lu Junhan frowned, glanced at her, and said calmly, "She's so ugly, what's so good about her?"

Little girl: "..."

Little girl: "!!!"

Little Loli stood on the sofa angrily, and said angrily, "I'm not ugly!"

As he said that, the little girl was about to get off the sofa again. Lu Junhan pointed at her shoes on the ground, and said softly, "Get off after putting on the shoes."

"Don't wear it!"

The little girl was still angry, turned her head, hugged her small arms, and said angrily: "I won't wear it! Unless Dad, you say she is beautiful, I will wear it!"

Lu Junhan said nonchalantly, "Oh, then just stay on the sofa!"

Little Lolita: "..."

Smelly father, will you die if you praise her for being beautiful?

In the end, the little girl put on her little shoes in a very spineless manner, got off the sofa, and happily ran towards Pei Mingzhi and Pei Xiubai.

Lu Junhan knew that she was very boring staying in the ward, so when he saw this, he didn't care much, let alone chased her away.

In addition to this, there was another reason why Lu Junhan didn't chase him away immediately.

He needed to know from Pei Xiubai what happened in the villa at that time.

Why was there no one in the villa when they arrived.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lu Junhan still wants to find out where the people behind the scenes have gone——

If they just hid, then the matter would not be over, Xiao Luli, Pei Xiubai and even Lu Anran would be in danger at any time.

Then they must have a countermeasure.

After all, it was lucky to be rescued this time.

I may not be so lucky next time.

Moreover, in Lu Anran's situation, the kidnapping was like this once, and if he goes through it again, not to mention that Lu Anran's body can't bear it, their relatives may not be able to withstand the second blow either.

However, Pei Xiubai himself didn't know what was going on.

At that time, he and the little girl were both in the room and knew nothing about the outside world. Afterwards, he fell into a coma, and it was impossible to know what happened outside.

It is also impossible to know where those people went.

Pei Xiubai simply talked about what happened in the room, and how the woman in white robe wanted to kill him, but he killed him instead.

But he didn't mention the fact that his legs were pinched a few times by the little girl.

The main reason is that this matter is too far-fetched, and it is too far-fetched to say it, and Pei Xiubai himself has not sorted out what is going on.

Naturally, I won't talk too much.

As for Elder Xuan, Pei Xiubai paused, looked at the nurses and doctors coming and going, and also simply said that he failed to kill Elder Xuan and was escaped by Elder Xuan.

Originally, Pei Xiubai planned to omit the old man Xuan rather than one more thing.

But there was Elder Xuan's blood on the bed sheet, this matter cannot be ignored.

It's better to tell the truth, which is easy to convince.

Pei Xiubai talked a lot, but he didn't mention anything about Xuanlao being able to use spells, and finally returning to his wits.

But on his mobile phone, he wrote down in detail what happened in the room, where Elder Xuan and the white-robed woman knew spells, and when Elder Xuan attacked Xiao Luli, which finally caused him to be disillusioned.

Then he handed the phone to Lu Junhan and Pei Mingzhi.

Obviously, what he said was for outsiders to hear.

After all, the walls of the hospital have ears, and there are everyone, maybe those gods are among them.

What he said on the phone was what he really wanted to say.

Lu Junhan and Pei Mingzhi were silent for a long time after reading the phone.

Although Lu Junhan was mentally prepared and knew that there might be ghosts and gods in this world, he never thought that there really were, and they also came from a higher world.

However, after asking Pei Xiubai, they still didn't know where Elder Xuan's subordinates went.

The only useful physical evidence is probably the body of the woman in white robe.

However, this corpse is also very strange and weird, creepy.

Because of the forensic identification of the autopsy, the time of death of this corpse was not today at all.

But a month ago, this person had already died!

As soon as the results of this appraisal came out, even the forensic doctor who performed the autopsy was shocked.

It was Lu Junhan who had people block the news, and also sealed the mouth of the forensic doctor, so that this panic-prone news would not spread.

He only said that Pei Xiubai did not actually kill the body of the woman in white robe.

It's just that the mastermind behind the scenes killed the person a month ago, and the corpses were piled up in the room and left untreated.

Although this statement is very far-fetched, but it has to be said, it is the most realistic sentence.

There were many rumors, and in the end, even the forensic doctor who performed the autopsy faintly believed this statement.

In fact, the main reason is that forensic doctors don't believe that Pei Xiubai, a seven-year-old boy with disabled legs, can kill an adult.

And it was fatally killed with a single blow to seal the throat.

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