I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 877 Is she a villainous aunt?

"I will give you five seconds to grab the knife and run behind your aunt, or you will lose all your chicken legs tomorrow! I will do what I say!"

Little Lolita: "..."

Little Lolita: "!!!!"

drumstick! !

Her dick!

"No! No dad!"

The little girl became anxious all of a sudden, she sniffed, stretched out her hand in extreme fear and pulled Jiang Xue tightly, and even gave Jiang Xue a knife blessed with luck value, easily, a Grab it.

Then, like a little mouse that stole oil, she ran fast, and ran behind Song Qingwan in a blink of an eye.

After doing this, before she realized what she had done, she held the knife in her hand, rubbed her eyes with her small hands, and cried loudly:

"They can't grab it, and they say they can't grab it... Dad, why are you forcing me! Woooooo chicken legs, I don't have any chicken legs..."

Jiang Xue: "!!!"


The bodyguards were dumbfounded.

Lu Junhan: "..."

Song Qingwan: "..."

Lu Qidong: "..."

Oh, woman.

You can't snatch it if you say it well, but for the chicken legs, you can snatch it more fiercely than anyone else.

Seeing that Jiang Xue lost the knife in her hand and let Lu Li run away, her expression sank instantly.

He was just about to grab the little loli who was hiding behind Song Qingwan and hold her hostage again.

But Lu Qidong and Song Qingwan had already made a mistake of not responding in time before, which resulted in the little girl being taken away by Jiang Xue.

They will never let themselves do it a second time!

Song Qingwan hurriedly pushed the sad little girl onto the bodyguard outside the door of the ward, while Lu Qidong raised his leg violently and kicked Jiang Xue to the ground - he had wanted to do this a long time ago!

Jiang Xue lay on the ground, gritted her teeth fiercely, and her face was distorted: "System, draw 3% of luck, let's get out of here first!"

System: [3% luck value is not enough! There are too many people here! 】

If only Song Qingwan and Lu Qidong were here, with 3% luck, it would be more than enough to escape.

But now there are still a large group of bodyguards here.

They are all well-trained, and the difficulty of escaping has undoubtedly increased greatly, and more luck points are required.

Seeing that she was about to be arrested, how could Jiang Xue be caught so easily, and said coldly:

"Don't talk nonsense! As long as I can escape from here, I will give you any amount of luck!"

As long as she escapes, she can naturally find a way to get luck again.

As long as there is luck, it is not easy to erase Lu Qidong, Lu Anran, Song Qingwan and even Lu Li's memory of her!

But if she is caught by Lu Qidong, not to mention whether she will be killed immediately, with Lu Qidong's vigilance, he will definitely not let the bodyguards or other people have too much contact with her.

Jiang Xue couldn't get in touch with people, so of course she couldn't get luck points.

Without the supply of luck value, Jiang Xue will gradually consume her own luck value as time goes by. Once the time is long, her luck value will be exhausted sooner or later and become 0. At that time, when her , only one dies!

So Jiang Xue must escape!

She couldn't fall into Lu Qidong's hands.

System: [Ding——]

System: [Exchange advanced props: escape. Draw luck value 15%]

System: [host's current luck value: 8%]

This was probably Jiang Xue's lowest luck in history.

And just as the system's words fell, a shout suddenly came from outside the hospital corridor: "The instrument room is on fire! Everyone, run!"

As soon as the shout came out, all the people in the various wards rushed out, all crowded in the corridor, and rushed downstairs.

Song Qingwan took a look, seeing that the fire was really big, and there were rumbling explosions from time to time, her expression changed immediately.

Turning to the bodyguard, he said:

"Quick! Take Lili down!"

With that said, Song Qingwan was also ready to go downstairs.

After that, the bodyguard restrained Jiang Xue, walked in the crowd, and was about to go downstairs.

But there were too many people in the corridor, everyone was very anxious and eager to go downstairs.

People were pushing and shoving, and the bodyguard suddenly felt an inexplicable pain in his wrist. After the bodyguard reacted, he turned his head, but suddenly found that Jiang Xue was no longer in the corridor.

It was as if she had disappeared out of thin air.

After going downstairs, the bodyguard immediately reported the matter to Lu Qidong.

Lu Qidong seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and when he heard that Jiang Xue had escaped, he didn't look surprised.

In fact, he had already guessed that Jiang Xue would run away.

The fire just now appeared very strangely, and the time of appearance was also very coincidental, just when they were about to catch Jiang Xue.

Who would believe that it wasn't Jiang Xue's fault.

But they didn't know Jiang Xue's abilities. Even if Lu Qidong knew that it was Jiang Xue's fault, he couldn't do anything to her, so he could only stare at the little girl closely the whole time, for fear that she would disappear suddenly, but fortunately, Jiang Xue ran away, but didn't take Lili away.

It is also a blessing in misfortune.

Lu Qidong asked people to collect the blood on the little girl's knife.

After that, wipe the knife surface with a clean cloth.

After folding it in half, it was put into the little girl's small bag.

Then, he smiled gently, and looked at the cute little loli with bulging cheeks who was holding the dark green water bottle and was desperately sucking up water.

The bodyguards lost Jiang Xue, and they were a little annoyed, so they came directly to plead guilty:

"Director Lu, it was our negligence that caused that woman to run away! But she must not have run far away now, so let's find someone to search around here and make sure to find her for you!"

"It's not necessary."

Lu Qidong shook his head, touched little Lolita's head with his big hand, and said in a deep voice:

"The other party is not an ordinary person. If she escapes, it will not be so easy for you to find her again."


Little Lolita opened her big black and clear eyes, pointed her little finger at the main road over there, and suddenly appeared a person who was directly hit by a speeding car:

"Look, isn't that flying person Auntie the bad guy?"

The bodyguard looked over, and Jiang Xue just "clicked" and fell to the ground.

After seeing the woman's face clearly,

The bodyguard said in surprise: "Yes! Director Lu! It's her, it's her!"

Another bodyguard also said: "Hey, isn't it easy to find, and it's not as difficult as you said, Director Lu."

Lu Qidong: "..."

Little Loli held the water glass and took a quick sip of water, and the little milk voice muttered: "Grandpa, Auntie the villain is so amazing, she can fly, Lili can't even..."

Lu Qidong: "..."

After hearing your words, your bad aunt probably wanted to cry on the spot.

Lu Qidong and Song Qingwan quickly took people over to check.

Xiao Luli wanted to learn how to fly, so she was very interested and followed along.

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