I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 890 What the hell is going on

Chen Shuo: "..."

That's right, you don't see her driving a few subordinates crazy.

If this is not the first place, I am really sorry for those senior managers who got angry at the hospital just to help the little girl with her homework.

That night, Song Qingwan found an award frame and framed the little girl's first place report card.

It hung brightly on the TV in the living room.

For this reason, she specially summoned Lu Anran, Yu Zheng, Lu Qidong, and even Lu Junhan to the living room.

That posture is quite grand to cut the ribbon and let everyone come to be a witness.

Mr. Lu, who was sitting on the sofa, was very disdainful:

"Isn't it just a small end-of-term first place? As for mobilizing teachers so much? When her father was her age, she didn't know how many international first place awards! The certificates can't fit in a room! You make a fuss."

"Her father is her father, and she is her. This is the first time that Lili won the first place. Of course, it must be framed,"

Song Qingwan straightened the award frame:

"By the way, Dad, why are you here? We didn't seem to call you, did we?"

"You still have the face to say that!"

The old man was about to be irritable, when suddenly the mobile phone in his hand rang, and his irritable expression turned into showing off:

"Hey, that's right, I'm at Lu's house right now, that's right, the news is right, my great-granddaughter is so smart, she won the first place in the school exam, it's true First, I have come to her father to confirm!"

The old man: "Yes, yes, I didn't expect it. You said how rare it is, especially in a high-end kindergarten like Haicheng Kindergarten. It is even more difficult. After all, the difficulty of the test paper, especially It’s the difficulty of the final exam paper, but the kindergartens outside can’t compare it!”

The old man: "In this regard, she is much better than her father. Her father, he never got the first place in the kindergarten exam! I don't know what to do all day long. There are a lot of broken certificates and trophies. It's useless! So, no, her father didn't even go to kindergarten, so he can only go to elementary school directly, tell me, what's the matter."

Song Qingwan: "..."

Lu Qidong: "..."

Lu Junhan: "..."

Lu Anran: "..."

Yu Zheng: "..."

What is the so-called two-faced three swords, they have seen it.

The little girl was startled, and said to Lu Junhan next to her in a low voice, "Dad, so you really haven't been to kindergarten?"

No wonder he is dumber than her.

Lu Junhan: "..."

Immediately afterwards, the topic seemed to change to the next one. The old man got up and went outside to answer the phone.

Song Qingwan has also straightened the award frame:

"Lili, in order to celebrate your first place, we plan to reward you with something, look, what is this!"

With that said, Song Qingwan took out a huge gift box from under the coffee table, and opened it——

Little Lolita's eyes lit up, and she yelled out, "Barbie doll!"

It was a very beautiful and elegant silver-haired Barbie.

The workmanship is fine, the makeup details are clear, and it is as tall as a little girl.

Song Qingwan smiled and said: "How about Lili, do you like it? This is a gift from aunt, grandpa, aunt, good uncle, and your father. We will give you a gift together!"


The little girl hugged the doll that was as big as her, with a giggling smile on her delicate and pretty face:

"Auntie, Lili loves you so much!"

Song Qingwan rubbed her little head and smiled: "Just like it."


On the second day, the entire Lu family was immersed in beaming joy.

The little girl won the first place, and she was happier than Song Qingwan and the others who won the first place.

Qu Sinian and the others also heard about this, and sent congratulatory messages one after another, sincerely happy for the little girl.

But after all, they were tutoring homework together, and Qu Qianqian and the others' grades were not much different.

Qu Qianqian is ranked fourth in her class, and also fourth in her age group.

Jian Xiyan was slightly better, ranking second in the class and second in the year group.

The total score was two points lower than Xiao Luli's.

Xiao Luli's Chinese composition is too poor. After reading the whole text, the marking teacher can vomit blood, but the victory is that the math test is very good, and the full score is 100 points.

Jian Xiyan's advantage is that he is good at English and Chinese, and he can read a lot of words, but mathematics is lagging behind.

Moreover, he was lagging behind in mathematics, and had to rely on English and Chinese subjects together to pull him back, which shows how bad he is.

Jian Chenglang accepted it well. Jian's family was originally a scholarly family from Congwen, so there was a gene mutation like his brother who is excellent in mathematics and good at doing business.

And Jian Xiyan just mutated the gene that his brother accidentally mutated out, and it's just re-mutated.

As for Zhang Yiming, he is not a student at all, and his grades are naturally not as good as the other three friends.

But after all, he is in the first class of kindergarten, the key class, no matter how bad it is, it is better than other classes.

Moreover, before the exam, Zhang Dazhuang was not less worried, looking for tutors from various famous schools to give Zhang Yiming extra lessons.

In the end, Zhang Yiming ranked sixth in the class and sixth in the year division.

Because of the sudden change in the Song family, Song Wanwan had already dropped out of school, and followed her father Song Chengze to the capital to develop, and did not take the entrance exam this time.

Therefore, out of the original eight people in the class, there were only seven left.

Zhang Yiming was the second last in the class.

But as long as he is not the last one, Zhang Dazhuang is very satisfied.

Generally speaking, the four fathers are very happy with the results of the entrance examination this time.

Unexpectedly, on the second night of school, the head teacher suddenly called Song Qingwan.

There is deep apology and guilt in the words:

"Sorry, Aunt Lili, there is something I have to tell you."

Song Qingwan suddenly had a bad feeling: "What's the matter?"

"It's like this. We found out today that we forgot to correct the test paper of a classmate after we collected it. Only after we finished correcting it just now did we find that the total score of this classmate happened to be two points higher than that of classmate Lu Li. so……"

Song Qingwan interrupted him in a cold voice: "So, you want to say that our Lili is not number one at all, we were all happy yesterday for nothing, right?"

The head teacher was embarrassed and kept apologizing: "This is indeed our mistake..."

Song Qingwan hung up the phone with a cold face.

There are no secrets in the kindergarten, even if the head teacher hasn't reissued the report cards to the parents, the news that Xiao Lu Li is not the number one, but someone else is actually the number one, spread throughout the upper circles of Haicheng.

Especially the old man, his face was swollen from the beating!

How high-profile and ostentatiously let the word go out yesterday, how come back in a state of disgrace today.

"What exactly is going on?"

As soon as the old man entered the Lu family's door, he couldn't help being irritable and said:

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