I Become Hokage At The Age Of Eight

Chapter 106 - We can't let the breeze be treated unfairly

Although Feijian didn't have the strength of Zhujian, his personality was very strong.

And since the Warring States Period, it has been active in various battlefields.

Especially his unique skill, Flying Thunder God and Shui Dun.

No one knows, no one knows.

Among them, the Uchiha clan knows best.

Senna, who was hailed as a genius by them, was lost to Fuma.

Now that Fei Jian can take over from Zhu Jian to manage Konoha Hidden Village, it is not this blood relationship.


Incomparably powerful strength.

Strong wrist.

Every family patriarch knows this well, and sincerely admires it.

He inherits the second generation of Hokage, which is undoubtedly the hope of everyone.

Now that he wants to promote Japanese style to be particularly forbearing, he doesn't need to look at anyone's face at all.

This is just a process.

Push the breeze in front of everyone.

Tell the major families that I am now appointing Hefeng as the special upper forbearance.

You agree.

Starting today, He Feng is a special Shinobu of Konoha Hidden Village.

And what if you disagree.


I do not intend to agree with your views!

In addition to his age, he stayed at seven years old.

In other places, the breeze is impeccable.



Which one will lose to Shangnin?

Moreover, he also awakened the same wooden escape as between the pillars!

Mu Dun knows, right?That's the power that can suppress the nine tails!

When asking the patriarchs of the major families, who agrees and who opposes.

The whole scene suddenly fell silent.

"Wood...Wooden escape."

The patriarch of the Uchiha family immediately opened the writing wheel and looked up and down the wind.

Nowadays, there are many geniuses in their clan who have opened the writing wheel, but none have opened the kaleidoscope.

And the Thousand Hands Clan has ushered in a new Mudun user.

In contrast, the patriarch of Uchiha's family was really envious and jealous.

Heaven is jealous of the Uchiha clan!

His writing round eyes, as if foreseen.

He Feng puts on the Hokage robe, stands on the Hokage Building, and speaks to the villagers of Konoha.

Konoha's Hokage is another member of the Senju clan!

Obviously everyone is a famous family in the Warring States Period.

As a result, the Uchiha clan is declining.

This feeling makes him very uncomfortable!

I really don't know what the fate of the Uchiha clan will be in a few decades.

"I agree."

Suddenly, the patriarch of Sarutobi's family slowly raised his hand to break the silence of the scene.

"Although Hefeng is the grandson of the original Hokage-sama, I will not be partial to it."

"I always hate ninjas who get promoted through relationships. Like our family's Hi-Slash, I have never gone through any backdoors."

"Our family will never stand up and say a word for Sun Slash."

"I believe that the upright sir should have the same idea as me."

"Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to fabricate lies to deceive us for the sake of harmony."

The patriarch of Sarutobi's family turned his head to look at Hefeng, and smiled, "I think anyone who has seen the Nakanin selection exam will not question Hefeng's strength."

"Now he has mastered Mu Dun again, and his strength has been further improved."

"Completely have enough ability to serve as a special Shinnin!"

Hearing what the Sarutobi chief said, he nodded in relief.

"I agree too."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Patriarch Hyuga raised his hand for the second time, "I don't think age is important, but ability is important."

"Since Hefeng defeated the Golden Horn and Silver Horn, I think his ability has been proven."

"With his excellent mind and strong strength, he guarded the border of the Fire Country and the village!"

"If it wasn't for Hefeng to perform too few tasks and not contribute enough to the village, I think it would be fine to promote him directly to Shangren."

The long words of the Hyuga family fell off.

The chief Zhicun who was sitting next to him answered immediately.

"Patriarch Hyuga is right. The so-called position should be occupied by capable people. It should not be because Hefeng is the grandson of the original Hokage-sama."

"We just look at him with tinted glasses."

"If Kazuka doesn't have the qualifications to match especially Shinobu, even if he is the grandson of the original Naruto Master, I would not agree."

"On the contrary, if Kazuka has enough ability to serve as a special Shinobu, even if he has no blood relationship with the original Hokage-sama, I will support him."

Chief Shimura paused, "So, my answer is, yes!"

Feijian nodded slightly, feeling that these patriarchs had said very well.

Very knowledgeable and far-sighted.

They are really thinking about this for the future of the village.

Rather than selfish desires.

This kind of fun and harmonious discussion atmosphere makes you feel physically and mentally happy.

Next, is the head of the Nara clan.

"In our family, there is such a saying."

"Hunting rabbits, but fighting back foxes, such a person is worth exaggerating."

"While hunting rabbits, they hit the bear back. Such a person deserves applause."

"During the Warring States Period, I heard about the two brothers, the Golden Horn and Silver Horn. There is no doubt that they are not foxes, but bears."

"In this regard, I can't think of any reason to oppose the Jianjian proposal."

"As Chief Shimura said, because of the background of the Japanese style, we should avoid this and that, so that he will not be treated fairly and justly?"

"He Feng's origin is not something he can decide. If we oppose the promotion of him as a special upper endurance because of this."

"So, how cold should he be about the village? So I agree with the views of several patriarchs."

Wait until the head of Nara's speech is over.

Black question mark with a gentle face.

like……He is not the grandson of Senjujuma.

It's the grandson of Uchiha Madara.


The patriarchs of the Qiudao clan, the mountain clan, the Kurama clan, and several other big families.

They raised their hands one after another, indicating that there is nothing wrong with being promoted and being particularly forbearing.

On the contrary, if he was born in Hefeng, he must be allowed to suffer unfair treatment.

So, this matter is undoubtedly wrong.

Unconsciously, only the patriarch of the Uchiha clan has not responded to Feima's proposal.

But look at the current situation.

He felt that he couldn't say a few words against it.


The Uchiha clan chief swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Envy and hate again.

Why, Kaze is not a member of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha and wind.

What a nice name!

Damn it.

"I have no objection."

In the end, Chief Uchiha had to sigh and express his approval.


There was no problem seeing several patriarchs, and he took a deep breath.

"Since everyone has no objection to this matter, then..."

"Let me announce the final result."

"Gentle style."

There was a slight pause between the pages, and the tone increased, "I hope you can understand that the reason why we promoted you to be a special Shinobu."

"It's because I think you have enough ability and have nothing to do with whose grandson you are."

"I hope you can perform your mission well and contribute to the village, do you understand?"

Zefeng: "???"

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