I Become Hokage At The Age Of Eight

Chapter 124 - Destroy the entire Konoha future high-level (8 more, first order!)

After falling down with the wind.

The whole exercise field fell silent.

The atmosphere became a little weird.

Xiaochun, Yan, Danzo, the three of them got up from the ground, but no one made a sound, and no one dared to act.


Xiaochun and the others are not stupid enough to hand over the wind to a person who takes the wind to deal with it.

When the two of them were fighting individually.

They wanted to rush over more than once and take the opportunity to snatch the bell.

It turns out.


Thinking too much!

On the one hand, through the red pepper pill, this external force that must pay a serious price, the power has been increased by a hundred times!

On the other side, it is a genius and wind who is born like a monster!

The fight between the two of them is not a battle that ordinary people like them can get in!

Suddenly, He Feng turned around and looked at the last three people.

He gradually showed a smile.

The two sides looked at each other, no one moved.

It's like a prelude to the coming storm.

It's so quiet!

"It's over..."

"This time it's completely over."

Xiaochun Hua's face paled, completely losing her confidence.

Sarutobi Ri cut.

Uchiha mirror.

Autumn Road takes the wind.

The strong in these teams are now all down.

Only guys like Yan and Danzo were left beside him.

Do you want to fight with the wind?

in particular……

I saw the picture of taking the wind and taking red pepper pills to double the strength.

Let Xiaochun rekindle hope in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, this hope that was finally ignited, in a blink of an eye, fell down with the wind and was directly shattered.Only the powerlessness and despair for the strength of the wind are left!

This kind of emotional change is the part that strikes people's hearts.

"What do we do now?"

I don't know how long it took, seeing that Hefeng had no intention of making a move, Xiaochun tentatively spoke to his companions next to him.

"The mirror was killed in a second, Ri Zhan fainted, and the wind fell down..."

Yan took a breath, "I'm afraid no one of us can get a bell from Hefeng."

Yes it is.

In Yanyan, only three of them.

There is no hope of snatching bells from Hefeng!

As long as Hefeng thinks, you can solve the three of them at any time!

"No, assert so early."

Danzo suppressed the psychological shadow of Hefeng, wanting to act like the captain of this unit.


This kind of self-deception did not play a role.

Danzo only glanced at the gentle breeze.

This pretentious mood was directly defeated.

In the face of absolute power, any bells and whistles are meaningless.

Even though Danzo racked his brains, he couldn't think of a way to snatch the bell from Hefeng.



Xiaochun clenched his fists with both hands, clenched his teeth, and stood up from the ground.

By now.

They have no other way but to face it.

He Feng faced the remaining three people.

After the wheel fight just now, his Chakra has consumed a lot.

A conservative estimate.

The amount of Chakra left by himself now.

It's almost four times that of Kakashi.

"It's time to end the bell war."

Although the time limit given to them is one day and one night, as long as all these people are stunned.

Let them fall asleep, and they can find a place to rest until the time is over.

Not as good as...(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Strike the iron while it's hot.

"Moreover, if you don't take advantage of the current situation to deal with Xiaochun and the others, once my Chakra is restored, then they really won't have much chance."

He Feng thought to himself.

He feels that he is still a person who thinks of others.


When Hefeng takes steps and shortens the distance.

A sense of oppression rushed toward the three of Xiaochun, as if something was pressing on them, making their legs extremely heavy.


The current situation makes Xiaochun and others feel deeply desperate!

"At this time, it's only the last fight."

Xiaochun said to his companion beside him.

However, this sentence is more like saying to herself.

Anyway, it was a failure.

Might as well...

Fight this to the death.

After a desperate battle, there may still be a chance to comeback.

But once you give up, you will definitely lose.

"And... the few battles just now should have consumed a lot of Chakra."

"Maybe, he is actually bluffing."

Xiaochun simply turned her mind and began to fool herself.

Because in any case, the breeze is not like chakra exhaustion, bluffing.

But Danzo Heyan really believed it!


The three moved together, from left, right, and front, running towards the breeze at the same time.

Then, they set up the seal together and displayed their best ninjutsu.

Boom towards the wind together.

"You must win..."

Xiaochun took a breath and used the fire to escape, spouting a sky full of flames, covering it towards the gentle breeze.

Danzo releases wind escape, forming countless wind blades.

Yan also used fire escape ninjutsu and spit out a fire.

They are in a panic.

For them, this is undoubtedly the last hope and opportunity!If they join forces, they will still be unable to defeat He Feng.

Then, they really lost!

Moreover, it was still rubbed on the ground by a seven-year-old child!

Their ninjutsu was crushed by the wind in all aspects!

More than ten years of hard work is not as good as three months of growth.

What is the significance of their efforts?

Is it an exaggeration of the talent used to set off the wind?

Without comparison, there is no harm?

"You did a good job, but the game should be over." He Feng looked at the ninjutsu released by the three at the same time, and his hands quickly sealed.

Water Escape·Water Front Wall!

I saw the Japanese wind spewing waterfall-like water from the mouth this time, forming a wall of water from bottom to top.

Defend all the ninjutsu of Xiaochun, Yan, and Danzo.

Then, from behind the Japanese breeze, wood grows, slowly changing, and the facial features like the Japanese breeze emerge.


These wooden men came to life in an instant, they opened their eyes and rushed out of He Feng's body.

Easily rushed out of the water wall.

At the moment when Xiaochun, Yan and Danzo's ninjutsu dissipated, they fell in front of them.

Three Mu Dun clones shot at the same time.

Confronted with Xiaochun and others.

The results can be imagined.

Even without the Eight Doors Dunjia, Hefeng's physical skills are not weaker than these teenage ninjas.

Plus weird power.

Yan was the first to be unable to resist, and was hit by a Thanglong punch by He Feng, and the first to faint.

Then came Danzo, desperately pulling away from the wind, and continuously spit out the wind blade.

However, the wood dragon technique used by Hefeng clone was blocked one after another.


The Mulong rolled forward, biting Tuan Zang's abdomen, leading him to hit the ground.

In the entire exercise field, only Xiaochun remained alone, still maintaining consciousness.

But lost the courage to continue fighting, and sat on the ground with a plop.


With one's own power!

Destroyed the entire future high-level Konoha!

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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